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LOCATION: 639 Evans Hall
TIME: Monday, 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Papers will be presented each week on various aspects of Economic History.

Current Seminar, Spring 2005

2005-01-31David Khoudour-Casteras, U.C. Berkeley and Sciences-Po: The Impact of Bismarck's Social Legislation on German Emigration Before World War I
2005-02-07John Wallis, University of Maryland; Barry Weingast, Hoover Institution: The Financing of 19th Century Internal Improvements. Joint with Public Finance Seminar.
Wednesday, 4-5:30
John Morgan, U.C. Berkeley: Clock Games: Theory and Experiments. 608-7 Evans. Joint with Departmental Seminar
2005-02-14No Meeting
Wednesday 4-5:30
Sam Bowles, U. Mass-Amherst: The First Property Rights Revolution. Evans 608-7. Joint with Departmental Seminar.
2005-02-28Seminar cancelled...
2005-03-07TBA (Joint with Departmental Seminar)
2005-03-28TBA (Joint with Departmental Seminar)
2005-04-11TBA (Joint with Departmental Seminar)
2005-04-18James Robinson; Jean-Marie Baland: Land and Power: Theory and Evidence.  Presenter:James A. Robinson
2005-04-25Roland Fryer, Harvard: TBA. Joint with Departmental Seminar.
2005-05-02Raj Arunachalam, U.C. Berkeley: Dowries in Comparative Historical Perspective
2005-05-09Joachim Voth, New York University and Pompeu Fabra: Credit Rationing and Crowding Out During the Industrial Revolution
2005-05-16Rui Pedro Esteves, U.C. Berkeley: Settling Sovereign Defaults Before WWI
2005-10-24Peter Lindert, U.C. Davis: Euro-Productivity and Euro-Jobs since the 1960s: Which Institutions Really Matter?
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