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LOCATION: University of California at Berkeley, 639 Evans, except where indicated
TIME: Thursdays, 4:00-5:30PM

Current Seminar, Fall 2009

2009-08-27Organizational Meeting: <>
2009-09-03Hwa Ryung Lee, UC Berkeley: Bankruptcies and low-cost Carrier Expansion in the Airline Industry
2009-09-10Steve Tadelis, UC Berkeley; Florian Zettelmeyer, Northwestern University: The Effect of Information on Auction Outcomes: A Large Scale Field Experiment. C325 Cheit hall. joint with Williamson Seminar
2009-09-16Timothy Bresnahan, Stanford University: The Origins of General Purpose Technologies.  Presenter:Timothy Bresnahan. Evans 608-7. held jointly with econ departmental seminar
2009-09-24Bentley MacLeod, Columbia: Anti-Lemons: School Reputation and Educational Quality. C345 Cheit. joint with Williamson Seminar
2009-10-01Florian Ederer, UCLA; Gustavo Manso, MIT: Is Pay-For-Performance Detrimental to Innovation?. C345 Cheit. joint with Williamson Seminar
2009-10-08Carlos Noton, U.C. Berkeley: Structural Estimation of Price Adjustment Costs in the European Car Market
2009-10-14Hal Varian, U.C. Berkeley: What does an economist do at Google? Personal sampling of projects. Evans 608-7. meets jointly with econ dept. seminar
2009-10-21Liran Einav, Stanford University; Amy Finkelstein; Jonathan Levin, Stanford University: Beyond Testing: Empirical Models of Insurance Markets. Evans 608-7. meets jointly with econ dept. seminar
2009-10-29Armin Schmutzler, University of Zurich: The Relation Between Competition and Investment – Towards a Synthesis
2009-11-05Suzanne Scotchmer, Dept. of Economics & Graduate School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley and NBER; Nisvan Erkal, University of Melbourne, Australia: Scarcity of Ideas and R&D Options: Use it, Lose it or Bank it..  Presenter:Suzanne Scotchmer
2009-11-12Dennis L Gärtner, University of Zürich; Stefan Buehler, University of St. Gallen: Making Sense of Non-Binding Retail-Price Recommendations
2009-11-19John Morgan, University of California Berkeley; Tanjim Hossain, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Dylan Minor, University of California Berkeley: Do All Markets Ultimately Tip? Experimental Evidence
2009-12-02Greg Lewis, Harvard; Matthew Backus, University of Michigan: An Estimable Demand System for a Large Auction Platform Market.  Presenter:Greg Lewis. C320 Cheit
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