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INSTRUCTOR: Andrew Guzman and John Yoo
LOCATION: Dean's Seminar Room
TIME: Thursday, 4:00 - 6:00 pm

We are pleased to announce the International Law Workshop series for Fall 2004. Talks are held on Thursday afternoons from 4:00-6:00pm in the Dean's Seminar Room. At each of the workshops an invited speaker presents a work in progress followed by a discussion with faculty and students. All are invited to attend. Copies of the papers are posted below.

Current Seminar, Fall 2004

2004-09-16Eric A. Posner, University of Chicago Law School; Miguel de Figueiredo: Is the International Court of Justice Politically Biased?.  Presenter:Eric A. Posner
2004-09-23Ryan Goodman, Harvard Law School: Humanitarian Intervention and Pretexts for War
2004-10-07Allison Marston Danner, Vanderbilt University Law School; Jenny S. Martinez, Stanford Law School: Guilty Associations: Joint Criminal Enerprise, Command Responsibility and the Development of International Criminal Law.  Presenter:Jenny S. Martinez. Forthcoming Cal. L. Rev. January 2005.
2004-10-21Carlos Vázquez, Georgetown University Law Center: Human Rights Obligations of Corporations Under International Law
2004-11-04Anupam Chander, University of California Davis, School of Law: Globalization and Distrust
2004-11-18Gene M. Grossman; Alan O. Sykes, University of Chicago Law School: A Preference for Development: The Law and Economics of GSP.  Presenter:Alan O. Sykes
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