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A Space-time of Ubiquity and Embeddedness

This theme addresses the question of how material and affective bodies interface with the informational environments of contemporary mixed realities involving ubiquitous, pervasive, or tangible computing as well as implementations of real-time communicational systems. How do we, as artist-engineers, software developers, interaction designers, and critical theorists articulate, analyze, and evaluate the spatial and temporal 'interlacings,' 'augmentations,' and 'hybridizations' at stake in the mixed realities of specific digital art projects? When ubiquity tends towards 'calmly' intelligent embeddedness in the various folds and events of the lifeworld, does its effect remain irrevocably prior to or beyond embodied human awareness and affect? Or does calm embeddedness rather solicit more intense forms of temporalization, affective and sensate involvement, perceptual recognition, and conceptual explicitation?

Theme leaders:
Ulrik Ekman, Assistant Professor, Department for Cultural Studies and the Arts University of Copenhagen.
Mark Hansen, Professor in the Program in Literature and in Information Science+Information Studies at Duke University.

There are 9 publications in this collection, published in 2009.

Ross, Christine: Augmented Reality Art: A Matter of (non)Destination, 2009

Thomsen, Mette Ramsgard; Karmon, Ayelet: Computational materials: Embedding Computation into the Everyday, 2009

Rowe, Anthony; Morrison, Andrew: Dynamic Visualisation in Three Physical Dimensions, 2009

LeMieux, Patrick; Boluk, Stephanie: Eccentric Spaces and Filmic Traces: Portals in Aperture Laboratories and New York City, 2009

Stenner, Jack; LeMieux, Patrick: Game-Space: Unfolding Experiments in Subjectivity, 2009

Hansen, Lone Koefoed: In the Shadow of the Cell-Phone, 2009

Waisman, Nina: Fusing Bodies: A Consideration of Techno-Spliced Gestures in Interactive Installations, 2009

Bizzocchi, Jim; Ben Youssef, Belgacem; Quan, Brian; Suzuki, Wakiko; Bagheri, Majid; Riecke, Bernhard E.: Re:Cycle - a Generative Ambient Video Engine, 2009

Castellanos, Carlos; Gromala, Diane: Symbiogenic Experiences in the Interactive Arts, 2009

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