There are 219 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 2023. Showing 1 - 50.
Lloyd, Margaret; Geisseler, Daniel; Lazicki, Patricia; Muramoto, Joji; Smith, Richard: Estimating Nitrogen Availability in Organic Annual Production: For Nitrogen Budgeting and Other Purposes , 2023
Fyhrie, Katie; Brodt, Sonja; Engelskirchen, Gwenael; Uhl, Katie; Mitchell, Alyson: Producing Blue Elderberry as a Hedgerow-Based Crop in California, 2021
Light, Sarah; Hanson, Brad: Herbicide Symptoms on Hemp, 2021
Lloyd, Margaret G.; Baldwin, Roger A.: Burrowing Rodents: Developing a Management Plan for Organic Agriculture in California, 2021
Forero, Larry; Satomi, Rick; Bali, Khaled; Zaccaria, Daniele; Fulton, Allan; Davy, Josh: Determining Volume in a Small Pond with a Staff Gauge and Depth-Capacity Curve, 2020
Cahn, Michael: Drought Planning for Vegetable Production, 2019
Cahn, Michael: Drought Tips for Vegetable Production, 2019
Long, Rachael; Leinfelder-Miles, Michelle; Mathesius, Konrad; Bali, Khaled; Light, Sarah; Galla, Mariano et al.: Garbanzo Bean (Chickpea) Production in California, 2019
Long, Rachael; Gulya, Tom; Light, Sarah; Bali, Khaled; Mathesius, Konrad; Meyer, Roland D: Sunflower Hybrid Seed Production in California, 2019
Cahn, Michael; Bali, Khaled: Consejos sobre la sequía: El manejo de las sales por medio de la filtración, 2018
Grattan, Stephen R: Consejos sobre la sequía: Calidad del agua para cultivos de verduras y en línea, 2018
Grattan, Stephen R: Consejos sobre la sequía: La tolerancia del cultivo a la sal, 2018
Hartin, Janet; Oki, Loren; Fujino, Dave; Faber, Ben: Consejos sobre la sequía: Mantener las plantas del exterior vivas con poco agua, 2018
Lundy, Mark: El manejo del cultivo de maíz de riego durante la sequía, 2018
O'Geen, Anthony: Consejos sobre la sequía: Recuperar los suelos salinos, sódicos y salino-sódicos, 2018
Orloff, Steve; Putnam, Dan; Bali, Khaled: Consejos sobre la sequía: Estrategias para cultivar alfalfa con agua limitada, 2018
Crohn, David M: Assessing Compost Quality for Agriculture, 2016
Davy, Josh; Forero, Larry; Stackhouse, Jeffery; Nader, Glenn: Drought Tip: Drought Strategies for Feeding Cattle Grazing Annual Grassland, 2016
Davy, Josh S; Nader, Glenn A; Stackhouse, Jeffery W: Drought Tip: Supplemental Feeds for Cattle Operations during Drought, 2016
Grattan, Stephen R: Drought Tip: Crop Salt Tolerance, 2016
Grattan, Stephen R: Drought Tip: Water Quality Guidelines for Vegetable and Row Crops, 2016
Prichard, Terry; Long, Rachael Freeman; Canevari, Mick; Schwankl, Lawrence J.: Controlling Offsite Movement of Agricultural Chemical Residues: Alfalfa, 2016
Prichard, Terry; Grant, Joseph A.; Schwankl, Lawrence J.: Controlling Offsite Movement of Agricultural Chemical Residues: Walnuts, 2016
Cahn, Michael; Bali, Khaled: Drought Tip: Managing Salts by Leaching, 2015
Davy, Josh S; Forero, Larry C; Nader, Glenn A; Stackhouse, Jeffrey W: Drought Tip: Drought Strategies for Beef Cattle Culling, 2015
Doll, David; Shackel, Kenneth: Drought Tip: Drought Management for California Almonds, 2015
Faber, Ben: Drought Tip: Irrigating Citrus with Limited Water, 2015
Fulton, Allan; Buchner, Richard; Niederholzer, Franz: Drought Tip: Drought Strategies for California Prune Production, 2015
Fulton, Allan; Buchner, Richard: Drought Tip: Drought Strategies for California Walnut Production, 2015
Grismer, Mark E; Bali, Khaled M: Drought Tip: Use of Saline Drain Water for Crop Production, 2015
Grismer, Mark E: Drought Tip: Use of Shallow Groundwater for Crop Production, 2015
Lundy, Mark: Drought Tip: Managing Irrigated Corn during Drought, 2015
O'geen, Anthony: Drought Tip: Reclaiming Saline, Sodic, and Saline-Sodic Soils, 2015
Orloff, Steve; Putnam, Dan; Bali, Khaled: Drought Tip: Drought Strategies for Alfalfa, 2015
Orloff, Steve; Brummer, Charlie; Putnam, Daniel: Drought Tip: Managing Irrigated Pasture during Drought, 2015
Pickel, Carolyn; Bentley, Walter J; Connell, Joseph H; Duncan, Roger; Viveros, Mario: Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Mgmt. Practices in Almonds, 2015
Prichard, Terry; Aergerter, Brenna; Schwankl, Larry: Controlling Offsite Movement of Agricultural Chemical Residues: Tomatoes, 2015
Snyder, Richard L: Drought Tip: Fog Contribution to Crop Water Use, 2015
Fulton, Allan; Grant, Joe; Buchner, Richard; Connell, Joe: Using the Pressure Chamber for Irrigation Management in Walnut, Almond and Prune, 2014
Long, Rachael; Temple, Steve; Meyer, Roland; Schwankl, Larry; Godfrey, Larry; Canevari, Mick et al.: Lima Bean Production in California, 2014
Quinn, Niamh; Baldwin, Roger A: Managing Roof Rats and Deer Mice in Nut and Fruit Orchards, 2014
Aegerter, Brenna; Smith, Richard; Natwick, Eric; Gaskell, Mark; Rilla, Ellie: Pumpkin Production in California, 2013
Al-Khatib, Kassim; Hanson, Brad; Miller, Tim; Peachey, Ed; Boydston, Rick: Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Glyphosate-Resistant Crops, 2013
Forero, Larry; Fulton, Allan: Low-Cost Methods of Measuring Diverted Water, 2013
Hanson, Brad; Fischer, Albert; Shrestha, Anil; Jasieniuk, Marie; Peachey, Ed; Boydston, Rick et al.: Selection Pressure, Shifting Populations, and Herbicide Resistance and Tolerance, 2013
Miller, Tim; Hanson, Brad; Peachey, Ed; Boydston, Rick; Al-Khatib, Kassim: Glyphosate Stewardship: Maintaining the Effectiveness of a Widely Used Herbicide, 2013
Peachey, Ed; Boydston, Rick; Hanson, Brad; Miller, Tim; Al-Khatib, Kassim: Preventing and Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Orchards and Vineyards, 2013
Prichard, Terry L.; Verdegaal, Paul; Schwankl, Larry; Smith, Rhonda: Controlling Offsite Movement of Agricultural Chemical Residues: Winegrapes, 2013
Stoddard, C Scott; Davis, R Michael; Cantwell, Marita: Sweetpotato Production in California, 2013
Voss, Ronald E; Murray, Mike; Bradford, Kent; Mayberry, Keith S; Miller, Ivan; Long, Rachael et al.: Onion Seed Production in California, 2013