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There are 219 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 2023. Showing 101 - 150.

Harper, John M: Pears: An Alternative Feed, 2007

Norton, Maxwell; Duncan, Roger; Hasey, Janine: Growing Processing Cling Peaches in California: An Overview, 2007

Norton, Maxwell V; Krueger, William H: Growing Prunes (Dried Plums) in California: An Overview, 2007

Polek, Marylou; Vidalakis, Georgios; Godfrey, Kris: Citrus Bacterial Canker Disease and Huanglongbing (Citrus Greening), 2007

Schwankl, Lawrence J; Prichard, Terry L; Hanson, Blaine R: Measuring Applied Water in Surface-Irrigated Orchards, 2007

Schwankl, Lawrence J; Hanson, Blaine R; Prichard, Terry L: Reducing Runoff from Irrigated Lands: Causes and Management of Runoff from Surface Irrigation in Orchards, 2007

Schwankl, Lawrence J; Prichard, Terry L; Hanson, Blaine R: Reducing Runoff from Irrigated Lands: Managing Existing Sprinkler Irrigation Systems, 2007

Schwankl, Lawrence J; Prichard, Terry L; Hanson, Blaine R: Reducing Runoff from Irrigated Lands: Soil Intake Rates and Application Rates in Sprinkler-Irrigated Orchards, 2007

Schwankl, Lawrence J; Prichard, Terry L; Hanson, Blaine R: Reducing Runoff from Irrigated Lands: Storing Runoff from Winter Rains, 2007

Schwankl, Lawrence J; Prichard, Terry L; Hanson, Blaine R: Reducing Runoff from Irrigated Lands: Tailwater Return Systems, 2007

Canevari, Mick; Vargas, Ron; Wright, Steve; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 14: Troubleshooting Small Grain Production, 2006

Canevari, Mick; Orloff, Steve; Vargas, Ron; Wright, Steve; Wilson, Rob; Cudney, Dave et al.: Small Grain Production Pt 9: Pest Management — Weeds, 2006

Collar, Carol; Orloff, Steve; Mathews, Marsha; Wright, Steve; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 10: Small Grain Forages, 2006

Fulton, Allan; Bali, Khaled; Mousli, Zak; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 5: Irrigation and Water Relations, 2006

Gerstein, J M; Lewis, D J; Rodrigues, K; Harper, J M; Kabashima, J: State and Federal Approach to Control of Nonpoint Sources of Pollution, 2006

Godfrey, Larry; Natwick, Eric; Wright, Steve; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management — Insects, 2006

Grafton-Cardwell, Elizabeth E; Godfrey, Kris E; Rogers, Michael E; Childers, Carl C; Stansly, Philip A: Asian Citrus Psyllid, 2006

Grismer, Mark E; O'geen, Anthony Toby; Lewis, David: Vegetative Filter Strips for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control in Agriculture, 2006

Haviland, David; Beede, Robert; Godfrey, Kris; Daane, Kent: Ferrisia gilli: A New Mealybug Pest of Pistachios and Other Deciduous Crops, 2006

Jackson, Lee; Fernandez, Bonnie; Meister, Herman; Spiller, Monica; Jackson, Lee; Williams, Jack et al.: Small Grain Production Manual (complete), 2006

Jackson, Lee; Fernandez, Bonnie; Meister, Herman; Spiller, Monica: Small Grain Production Pt 1: Importance of Small Grain Crops in California, 2006

Jackson, Lee; Williams, Jack: Small Grain Production Pt 2: Growth and Development of Small Grains, 2006

Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 6: Pest Management — Diseases, 2006

Kearney, Tom; Garcia, Sergio; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 13: Harvesting and Storage, 2006

Kearney, Tom; Marsh, Brian; Wright, Steve; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 3: Seedbed Preparation, Sowing, and Residue Mgmt., 2006

Marsh, Brian; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 12: Small Grains in Crop Rotations, 2006

Mitchell, Jeff; van Horn, Mark; Munier, Doug; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 11: Small Grain Cover Crops, 2006

Munier, Doug; Kearney, Tom; Pettygrove, G S; Brittan, Kent; Mathews, Marsha; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 4: Fertilization, 2006

O'geen, Anthony Toby; Elkins, Rachel; Lewis, David: Reducing Runoff from Irrigated Lands: Erodibility of Agricultural Soils, with Examples in Lake and Mendocino Counties, 2006

O'Geen, Anthony Toby; Prichard, Terry L; Elkins, Rachel; Pettygrove, G Stuart: Reducing Runoff from Irrigated Lands: Orchard Floor Management Practices to Reduce Erosion and Protect Water Quality, 2006

O'geen, Anthony Toby; Schwankl, Lawrence J: Understanding Soil Erosion in Irrigated Agriculture, 2006

Shrestha, Anil; Lanini, Tom; Wright, Steve; Vargas, Ron; Mitchell, Jeff: Conservation Tillage and Weed Management, 2006

Tourte, Laura; Gaskell, Mark; Smith, Richard; Fouche, Calvin; Koike, Steven T; Mitchell, Jeff: Organic Certification, Farm Production Planning, and Marketing, 2006

Whisson, Desley; Salmon, Terrell; Jackson, Lee: Small Grain Production Pt 8: Pest Management — Vertebrates, 2006

Godfrey, Kris; Haviland, David; Erwin, Jeffrey; Daane, Kent; Bentley, Walt: Vine Mealybug: What You Should Know, 2005

Haver, Darren; Kabashima, John: Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Nursery and Floriculture, 2005

Lawler, Sharon P; Lanzaro, Gregory C: Managing Mosquitoes on the Farm, 2005

Long, Rachael; Gan, Jay; Nett, Mary: Pesticide Choice: Best Management Practice (BMP) for Protecting Surface Water Quality in Agriculture, 2005

McCrea, Brigid; Jeffrey, Joan S; Ernst, Ralph A; Gerry, Alec C: Common Lice and Mites of Poultry: Identification and Treatment, 2005

Pettygrove, Stuart; Hartz, Tim; Smith, Richard; Lockhart, Tom; Hanson, Blaine; Jackson, Louise et al.: Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Cool-Season Vegetables, 2005

Tjosvold, S A; Buermeyer, K R; Blomquist, C; Frankel, S: Nursery Guide for Diseases Caused by Phytophthora ramorum on Ornamentals: Diagnosis and Management., 2005

Ferruzzi, Giulio: Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Strawberries, 2004

Ferruzzi, Giulio; Gan, Jay: Pesticide Selection to Reduce Impacts on Water Quality, 2004

Grafton-Cardwell, Elizabeth E; Godfrey, Kris E; Peña, Jorge E; McCoy, Clayton W; Luck, Robert F; Duncan, R et al.: Diaprepes Root Weevil, 2004

Hall, Terry: Evaluating Water Quality, 2004

Haver, Darren: Sediment Management Goals and Management Practices for Nursery and Floriculture, 2004

Krueger, William H; Heath, Zachary; Deleonardis, Dominic: Patch Budding: A Convenient Method for Top-Working Olives, 2004

Lampinen, Bruce; Connell, Joseph: Producing Quality Almonds: Food Safety Starts on the Farm, 2004

Mitchell, Jeffrey; Jackson, Louise; Miyao, Gene: Minimum Tillage Vegetable Crop Production in California, 2004

Mitchell, Jeffrey; Summers, Charles; McGiffen, Milt; Aguiar, Jose; Aslan, Sam; Stapleton, Jim: Mulches in California Vegetable Crop Production, 2004

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