Yard and Garden
There are 78 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 2023. Showing 51 - 78.
Suslow, Trevor V; Harris, Linda: Key Points of Control and Management for Microbial Food Safety: Edible Landscape Plants and Home Garden Produce., 2003
Carson, Jim; Shimizu, Gary; Ingels, Chuck; Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L: Fruit Trees: Planting and Care of Young Trees, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Vossen, Paul: Almonds: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Vossen, Paul: Apples and Pears: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Vossen, Paul: Apricots: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Vossen, Paul: Cherries: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Vossen, Paul: Peaches and Nectarines: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Vossen, Paul: Plums: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L: Vegetable Garden Basics, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Vossen, Paul: Walnuts: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners, 2002
Grafton-Cardwell, Beth: Stages of the Cottony Cushion Scale (Icerya purchasi) and its Natural Enemy, the Vedalia Beetle (Rodolia cardinalis), 2002
Harivandi, M Ali: Turfgrass Traffic and Compaction: Problems and Solutions, 2002
Henry, J Michael; Gibeault, Victor A; Lazaneo, Vincent F: Practical Lawn Fertilization, 2002
Hickman, Gary W; Svihra, Pavel: Planting Landscape Trees, 2002
Ingels, Chuck; Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L: Fruit Trees: Pruning Overgrown Deciduous Trees, 2002
Ingels, Chuck; Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L: Fruit Trees: Training and Pruning Deciduous Trees, 2002
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Lawson, Patricia M: Navel Orange Split, 2001
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Lawson, Patricia M: Sago Palms in the Landscape, 2001
Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L: Water Conservation Tips for the Home Lawn and Garden, 2001
Harivandi, M Ali; Gibeault, Victor A; Henry, Michael J; Wu, Lin; Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L: Turfgrass Selection for the Home Landscape, 2001
Hartin, Janet; Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L: Lawn Watering Guide for California, 2001
Ingels, Chuck; Geisel, Pamela M; Unruh, Carolyn L; Lawson, Patricia M: Fruit Trees: Thinning Young Fruit, 2001
Perry, Ed; Hickman, Gary W: Fertilizing Landscape Trees, 2001
Harivandi, M Ali: Interpreting Turfgrass Irrigation Water Test Results, 1999
Harivandi, Ali; Gibeault, Victor A: Mowing Your Lawn and Grasscycling, 1999
Elam, Pam: Budding & Grafting Citrus & Avocados in the Home Garden, 1997
Harivandi, M Ali; Gibeault, Victor A: Managing Lawns on Heavy Soils, 1997
Harivandi, Ali; Gibeault, Victor A: Managing Lawns in Shade, 1996