Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 718 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 251 - 300.
Zilberman, David D.; Hochman, Gal; rajagopal, deepak; Carman, Hoy; Li, Lan; Wimberger, Emily et al.: ARE Update Volume 13, Number 4, 2010
Zilberman, David D.; Hochman, Gal; Rajagopal, Deepak: Indirect Land Use Change: A second best solution to a first class problem, 2010
An, Henry; Howard, Peter; Goodhue, Rachael E; Howitt, Richard E; Butler, Leslie; Pray, Carl E. et al.: ARE Update Volume 12, Number 5, 2009
Berck, Peter; Leibtag, Ephraim S.; Villas-Boas, Sofia B.; Solis, Alex: Patterns of Pass-through of Commodity Price Shocks to Retail Prices, 2009
Celine, Bonnet; Dubois, Pierre; Villas-Boas, Sofia B.: Empirical Evidence on the Role of Non Linear Wholesale Pricing and Vertical Restraints on Cost Pass-Through, 2009
de Janvry, Alain: AERC Conference on Agriculture for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Introduction., 2009
de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Eliisabeth: The Impact of Rising Food Prices on Household Welfare in India, 2009
Fisher, Anthony: Climate Change and Agriculture Reconsidered, 2009
Fowlie, Meredith; Holland, Stephen P.; Mansur, Erin T: What Do Emissions Markets Deliver and to Whom? Evidence from Southern California’s NOx Trading Program, 2009
Grendar, Marian; Judge, George G: Maximum Empirical Likelihood: Empty Set Problem, 2009
He, Guojun; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Does Customer Auditing Help Chinese Workers?, 2009
Karp, Larry: Sacrifice, discounting and climate policy: five questions, 2009
Karp, Larry; Zhao, Jinhua: Suggestions for the Road to Copenhagen, 2009
Kiesel, Kristin; Villas-Boas, Sofia B.: Can Information Costs Confuse Consumer Choice?---Nutritional Labels in a Supermarket Experiment, 2009
Lee, Joanne; Cho, Wendy K. Tam; Judge, George G: Stigler's approach to recovering the distribution of first significant digits in natural data sets, 2009
Martin, Philip; Saitone, Tina L; Sexton, Richard J.; Karp, Larry: ARE Update Volume 13, Number 1, 2009
Pfeiffer, Lisa; Lin, C.-Y. Cynthia; Sunding, David L.; Ajami, Newsha; Carman, Hoy: ARE Update Volume 12, Number 6, 2009
Rajagapol, Deepak; Sexton, Steven; Hochman, Gal; Roland-Holst, David; Zilberman, David D: Model estimates food-versus-biofuel trade-off, 2009
Rausser, Gordon; Smith, Kerry; Zilberman, David: Annual Review of Resource Economics Volume 1, 2009 Preface, 2009
Rausser, Gordon C.; Balson, William; Stevens, Reid: Centralized Clearing for Over-the-Counter Derivatives, 2009
Rausser, Gordon C.: The Giannini Foundation and the Welfare of California Agriculturists in a Changing State, Nation and World, 2009
Sauer, Johannes; Zilberman, David D.: Innovation behaviour at micro level - selection and identification, 2009
Sexton, Steven E; Rajagapol, Deepak; Hochman, Gal; Zilberman, David D; Roland-Holst, David: Biofuel policy must evaluate environmental, food security and energy goals to maximize net benefits, 2009
Sunding, David L.; Ajami, Newsha K; Hatchett, Steve; Mitchell, David; Zilberman, David: Economic Impacts of Reduced Delta Exports Resulting from the Wanger Interim Order for Delta Smelt, 2009
Sunding, David L.; Hamilton, Stephen F; Ajami, Newsha K: Groundwater Management and the Cost of Reduced Surface Water Deliveries to Urban Areas: The Case of the Central and West Coast Basins of Southern California, 2009
Vassilos, Renee; McCalla, Alex F.; Volpe, Richard J. III; Ifft, Jennifer; Roland-Holst, David; Zilberman, David D.: ARE Update Volume 12, Number 4, 2009
Villas-Boas, Sofia B; Schlenker, Wolfram: Consumer and Market Responses to Mad-Cow Disease, 2009
Villas-Boas, Sofia B: An Empirical Investigation of the Welfare Effects of Banning Wholesale Price Discrimination, 2009
Villas-Boas, Sofia B; Berck, Peter; Leibtag, Ephraim; Solis, Alex: Patterns of Pass-through of Commodity Price Shocks to Retail Prices, 2009
Aisbett, Emma; Karp, Larry; McAusland, Carol: Police-powers, regulatory takings and the efficient compensation of domestic and foreign investors, 2008
Anderson, Michael L: Multiple Inference and Gender Differences in the Effects of Early Intervention: A Reevaluation of the Abecedarian, Perry Preschool, and Early Training Projects, 2008
Anderson, Michael: Safety for whom? The effects of light trucks on traffic fatalities, 2008
Brandt, Sylvia J; Vasquez Lavin, Felipe; Hanemann, W. Michael: Designing contingent valuation scenarios for environmental health: The case of childhood asthma, 2008
Carter, Colin A.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Smith, Aaron; Sumner, Dan; Wright, Brian; Alston, Julian M. et al.: ARE Update Volume 12, Number 2, 2008
Casamatta, Georges; Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: Optimal taxation with joint production of agriculture and rural amenities, 2008
Chambolle, Claire; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Buyer Power through Producer's Differentiation, 2008
de Wit, Joeri; Smith, Aaron; Kovacs, Kent; Simon, Leo K.; Stratton, Susan: ARE Update Volume 11, Number 5, 2008
de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Short on Shots: Are Calls on Cooperative Restraint Effective in Managing the Scarcity of Flu Vaccines?, 2008
Draganska, Michaela; Klapper, Daniel; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: A Larger Slice or a Larger Pie? An Empirical Investigation of Bargaining Power in the Distribution Channel, 2008
Fowlie, Meredith; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Distributing Pollution Rights in Cap-and-Trade Programs: Are Outcomes Independent of Allocation?, 2008
Fowlie, Meredith; Knittel, Christopher R; Wolfram, Catherine D: Sacred Cars? Optimal Regulation of Stationary and Non-stationary Pollution Sources, 2008
Fried, Jeremy S.: Predicting the effect of climate change on wildfire behavior and initial attack success, 2008
Gicheva, Dora; Hastings, Justine; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Revisiting the Income Effect: Gasoline Prices and Grocery Purchases, 2008
Grendar, Marian; Judge, George G.: Consistency of Empirical Likelihood and Maximum A-Posteriori Probability Under Misspecification, 2008
Hanemann, W. Michael: What is the Economic Cost of Climate Change?, 2008
Hilger, James; Hanemann, W. Michael: The Impact of Water Quality on Southern California Beach Recreation: A Finite Mixture Model Approach, 2008
Hochman, Oded; Rausser, Gordon C.; Arnott, Richard J: POLLUTION AND LAND USE: OPTIMUM AND DECENTRALIZATION, 2008
Kahrl, Fredrich; Roland-Holst, David; Rajagopal, Deepak; Zilberman, David D; Hardesty, Shermain: ARE Update Volume11, No.3, 2008
Karp, Larry; Hilger, James; Rafert, James G; Villas-Boas, Sofia B; Farzin, Y. Hossein; Grogan, Kelly: ARE Update Volume 11, Number 6, 2008
Karp, Larry: Correct (and misleading) arguments for using market based pollution control policies, 2008