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There are 718 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 401 - 450.

Karp, Larry: Global Warming and Hyperbolic Discounting, 2004

Karp, Larry: Non-Constant Discounting in Continuous Time, 2004

Karp, Larry: Property Rights, Mobile Capital, and Comparative Advantage, 2004

Keeling, Jennifer; Moretti, Enrico; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Auffhammer, Maximilian: ARE Update Volume 7, Number 3, 2004

Ligon, Ethan: Targeting and  Informal Insurance, 2004

Macours, Karen; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Insecurity of Property Rights and Matching in the Tenancy Market, 2004

Martin, Philip; Villas-Boas, Sofia B; Heiman, Amir; JUST, DAVID; McWilliams, Bruce; Zilberman, David D: ARE Update Volume 8, Number 2, 2004

Narain, Urvashi; Hanemann, W. Michael; Fisher, Anthony C.: The Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty and the Irreversibility Effect, 2004

Schlenker, Wolfram; Hanemann, W. Michael; Fisher, Anthony C.: The Impact of Global Warming on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis of Optimal Growing Conditions, 2004

Schlenker, Wolfram; Hanemann, W. Michael; Fisher, Anthony C.: Will U.S. Agriculture Really Benefit from Global Warming? Accounting for Irrigation in the Hedonic Approach, 2004

Sethi, Gautam; Costello, Christopher; Fisher, Anthony C.; Hanemann, W. Michael; Karp, Larry: Fishery Management Under Multiple Uncertainty, 2004

Smith, Aaron; Carter, Colin A.; Huie, Jacqueline; Perloff, Jeffrey M; Paganini, Ricardo Vernazza: ARE Update Volume 8, Number 1, 2004

Vakis, Renos; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain; Cafiero, Carlo: Testing for Separability in Household Models with Heterogeneous Behavior: A Mixture Model Approach, 2004

Villas-Boas, Sofia; Hellerstein, Rebecca: Identification of Supply Models of Retailer and Manufacturer Oligopoly Pricing, 2004

Wu, Ximing; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: China's Income Distribution over Time: Reasons for Rising Inequality, 2004

Wu, Ximing; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: China's Income Distribution Over Time: Reasons for Rising Inequality, 2004

Wu, Xuming; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Golan, Amos: Government Policy Effects on Urban and Rural Income Inequality, 2004

Wu, Ximing; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Golan, Amos: Government Policy Effects on Urban and Rural Income Inequality, 2004

Alix-Garcia, Jennifer; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: A Tale of Two Communities: Explaining Deforestation in Mexico, 2003

Antinori, Camille M.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Does Community Involvement Matter? How Collective Choice Affects Forests in Mexico., 2003

Baylis, Kathy; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Perverse General Equilibrium Effects of Price Controls, 2003

Cho, Wendy K. T.; Judge, George G.: Some Empirical Evidence on the Impact of Measurement Errors in Making Ecological Inferences, 2003

Chouinard, Hayley; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Incidence of Federal and State Gasoline Taxes, 2003

de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Beyond Bono: Making Foreign Aid More Efficient in Putting into Place the Development Fundamentals, 2003

Dubois, Pierre; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Effects on School Enrollment and Performance of a Conditional Transfers Program in Mexico, 2003

Dutilly-Diane, Celine; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain: Household Behavior Under Market Failures: How Natural Resource Management in Agriculture Promotes Livestock Production in the Sahel, 2003

Farzin, Y. Hossein; Graff, Gregory; Heiman, Amir; Yarkin, Cherisa; Zilberman, David; Jiang, Jessica Z. et al.: ARE Update Volume 6, Number 3, 2003

Godtland, Erin; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain; Murgai, Rinku; Ortiz, Oscar: The Impact of Farmer-Field-Schools on Knowledge and Productivity: A Study of Potato Farmers in the Peruvian Andes, 2003

Goldstein, Markus; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Is a Friend in Need a Friend Indeed? Inclusion and Exclusion in Mutual Insurance Networks in Southern Ghana, 2003

Judge, George G.; Miller, Douglas J.; Cho, Wendy K. T.: An Information Theoretic Approach to Ecological Estimation and Inference, 2003

Judge, George G.; Mittelhammer, Ron C: A Semi-Parametric Basis for Combining Estimation Problems Under Quadratic Loss, 2003

Karp, Larry; Lee, In Ho; Mason, Robin: A global game with strategic substitutes and complements, 2003

Karp, Larry: Property rights, mobile capital, and comparative advantage, 2003

Karp, Larry; Zhang, Jiangfeng: Regulation of Stock Externalities with Correlated Costs, 2003

Karp, Larry: Time-Consistent Policies, 2003

Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: When Promoters Like Scalpers, 2003

Kuriyama, Koichi; Hanemann, W. Michael; Pendleton, Linwood: Approximation Approaches to Probabilistic Choice Set Models for Large Choice Set Data, 2003

Martin, Philip; Mason, Bert; Carman, Hoy F.; Sunding, David: ARE Update Volume 7, Number 2, 2003

McIntosh, Craig; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: How Rising Competition Among Microfinance Lenders Affects Incumbent Village Banks, 2003

Mittelhammer, Ron C; Judge, George G.; Schoenberg, Ron: Empirical Evidence Concerning the Finite Sample Performance of EL-Type Structural Equation Estimation and Inference Methods, 2003

Mohn, Craig; Hanemann, W. Michael; Pendleton, Linwood; Layton, David: Shifting Sands: A Preliminary Exploration of Seasonal Variation in Preferences for Beaches, 2003

Munoz-Pina, Carlos; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Re-Crafting Rights over Common Property Resources in Mexico, 2003

Qaim, Matin; Zilberman, David; Lewis, Hope; Sunding, David: ARE Update Volume 6, Number 6, 2003

Raymond, Melanie; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Educational Grants Closing the Gap in Schooling Attainment between Poor and Non-Poor, 2003

Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain: Targeting and Calibrating Educational Grants for Greater Efficiency, 2003

Vakis, Renos; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain: Measuring Transactions Costs from Observed Behavior: Market Choices in Peru, 2003

Chouinard, Hayley; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Gasoline Price Differences: Taxes, Pollution Regulations, Mergers, Market Power, and Market Conditions, 2002

Finan, Frederico; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain: Measuring the Poverty Reduction Potential of Land in Rural Mexico, 2002

Fisher, Anthony C.; Narain, Urvashi: Global Warming, endogenous risk and irreversibility, 2002

Golan, Amos; Karp, Larry S.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Estimating a Mixed Strategy: United and American Airlines, 2002

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