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There are 718 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 501 - 550.

Rausser, Gordon C.; Small, Arthur A.: Bioprospecting with prior ecological information, 1999

Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.; Zhao, Jinhua: Cleanup delays at hazardous waste sites: an incomplete information game, 1999

Rausser, Gordon C.; Scotchmer, Suzanne; Simon, Leo K.: Intellectual Property and Market Structure in Agriculture, 1999

Fisher, Anthony C.; Hanemann, W. Michael: The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture: Rethinking the Ricardian Approach, 1998

Golan, Amos; Karp, Larry S.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Estimating a Mixed Strategy: United and American Airlines, 1998

Golan, Amos; Karp, Larry S.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Estimating Coke and Pepsi's Price and Advertising Strategies, 1998

Golan, Amos; Morttie, Enrico; Perloff, Jeffrey M: An information based sample-selection estimation model of agricultural workers' choice between piece-rate and hourly work, 1998

Janda, Karel; Rausser, Gordon C.; McCluskey, Jill: Food import demand in the Czech Republic, 1998

Karp, Larry: Nonpoint Source Pollution Taxes and Excessive Tax Burden, 1998

Karp, Larry; Paul, Thierry: Unemployment and the "Labour-Management Conspiracy", 1998

Lyons, Robert F.; Goodhue, Rachael E.; Rausser, Gordon C.: A dynamic model of the food processing sector in the new market economies of Central Europe, 1998

de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; Davis, Benjamin; Seidel, Kevin; Winters, Paul: Determinants of Mexico-U.S. migration: the role of household assets and environmental factors, 1997

Karp, Larry; Sacheti, Sandeep: Dynamics and Limited Cooperation In International Environmental Agreements, 1997

Karp, Larry: A Neoclassical View of Trade Liberalization, 1997

Ligon, Ethan: Panel data and Euler equations, 1997

Rausser, Gordon C.; Small, Arthur A.: Alternative trade and support strategies for CAP integration, 1997

Gabbard, Susan M.; Perloff, Jeffrey M: All it takes is confidence: job search confidence and farm workers' wages, benefits, and working conditions, 1996

Golan, Amos; Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Estimating a mixed strategy employing maximum entropy, 1996

Goodhue, Rachael E.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: Privatization, market liberalization and learning in transition economies, 1996

Hanemann, W. Michael; Keeler, Andrew G.: Economic Analysis in Policy Evaluation, Damage Assessment and Compensation: A Comparison of Approaches, 1996

Hanemann, W. Michael; Kristrom, Bengt; Li, Chuan-Zhong: Nonmarket Valuation under Preference Uncertainty: Econometric Models and Estimation, 1996

Hashida, Emiko; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Duration of agricultural employment, 1996

Hashida, Emiko; Perloff, Jeffrey M: The effects of work histories on agricultural wages, 1996

Jackson, Tyrone W.; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Personal computer brand loyalty, 1996

Karp, Larry; Sacheti, Sandeep: Limited Cooperation in International Environmental Agreements, 1996

Ligon, Ethan: Risk-Sharing and Information: Theory and Measurement in Village Economies, 1996

Lyons, Robert F.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: Putty-clay politics in transition economies, 1996

Moretti, Enrico; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Use of public assistance and private aid by legal and unauthorized immigrants who work in agriculture, 1996

Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Suslow, Valerie Y.; Seguin, Paul J.: Higher Prices from Entry: Pricing of Brand-Name Drugs, 1996

Rausser, Gordon C.; Small, Arthur A.: The Economic Value of Patents, Licenses, and Plant Variety Protection, 1996

Rausser, G: GATT agricultural policy reform: A United States perspective, 1996

Fernandez, Linda M; Karp, Larry: Wetlands Mitigation Banks: A Developer's Investment Problem, 1995

Golan, Amos; Judge, George G.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Estimating the size distribution of firms using government summary statistics, 1995

Karp, Larry: Depreciation Erodes the Coase Conjecture, 1995

Karp, Larry: The Direction and Timing of Agricultural Trade Refonn in Central and East Europe, 1995

Karp, Larry; Dumas, Christopher F.; Koo, Bonwoo; Sacheti, Sandeep: International Trade and the Internalization of Environmental Damages, 1995

Karp, Larry; Tahvonen, Olli: International Trade in Exhaustible Resources: A Cartel-Competitive Fringe Model, 1995

Karp, Larry: Monopoly Power can be Disadvantageous in the Extraction of a Durable Nonrenewable Resource, 1995

Karp, Larry; STEFANOU, SPIRO: Prospects and Policy for Central and East European Agriculture, 1995

Karp, Larry; Sioli, Lucy: Vertically Related Markets and Trade Policy in a Bargaining Framework, 1995

Ligon, Ethan: Computing Private Information Equilibria: Moral Hazard in an Indian Village, 1995

Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Suslow, Valerie Y.; Seguin, Paul J.: Higher Prices from Entry: Pricing of Brand-Name Drugs, 1995

Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Suslow, Valerie Y.; Seguin, Paul J.: Higher Prices from Entry: Pricing of Brand-Name Drugs, 1995

Karp, Larry; Paul, Thierry: Labor Adjustment and Gradual Reform:Is Commitment Important?, 1994

Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: The optimal suppression of a low-cost technology by a durable-good monopoly, 1994

Lynch, Lori; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Do women and minorities earn less due to occupational segregation, lower wages, or fewer hours?, 1994

Lyons, Robert F.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: Disruption and continuity in Bulgaria's agrarian reform, 1994

Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.; van 't Veld, Klaas T.: Political-economic processes and collective decision making, 1994

Rosenberg, Howard R.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Pradhan, Vijaykumar S.: Hiring and managing labor for farms in California, 1994

Ball, Richard; Rausser, Gordon C.: Governance structures and the durability of economic reforms; evidence from inflation stabilizations, 1993

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