Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 718 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 601 - 650.
Just, Richard E.; Rausser, Gordon C.: An assessment of the agricultural economics profession, 1989
Berck, Peter; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Dynamic Dumping, 1988
Fisher, Anthony C.: Water Supply Options for the East Bay Municipal Utility District: A Critical Analysis, 1988
Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Dynamic Oligopoly: Estimation and Tests of Market Structure, 1988
Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Open-loop and feedback models of dynamic oligopoly, 1988
Kitchen, John; Rausser, Gordon C.: Arbitrage conditions, interest rates, and intertemporal commodity price relationships, 1988
Love, H. Alan; Rausser, Gordon C.: Oregon State University: the case of the United States wheat sector, 1988
Persons, Jacqueline B.; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Generality of the relationship between attributions and depression across attributional dimensions and across samples, 1988
Rausser, Gordon C.; Walraven, Nicholas: Dynamic welfare analysis and commodity futures markets overshooting, 1988
Rausser, Gordon C.; de Gorter, Harry: Endogenizing policy in models of agricultural markets, 1988
Rausser, Gordon C.: The macroeconomic dimension of agriculture and food policy reform, 1988
Rausser, Gordon C.: Stability issues in policy analysis, 1988
Berck, Peter; Perloff, Jeffrey M: The Dynamic Annihilation of a Rational Competitive Fringe by a Low-cost Dominant Firm, 1987
Fargeix, Andre; Perloff, Jeffrey M: The effect of tariffs in markets with vertical restraints, 1987
Frisvold, George; Mines, Richard; Perloff, Jeffrey M: The effects of job site sanitation and living conditions on the health and welfare of agricultural workers, 1987
Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Estimating market structure and tax incidence: the Japanese television market, 1987
Rausser, Gordon C.; Wright, Brian D: Alternative strategies for trade policy reform, 1987
Stamoulis, Kostas G.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Overshooting of agricultural prices, 1987
Chalfant, James A.; Love, H. Alan; Rausser, Gordon C.; Stamoulis, Kostas G.: The effects of monetary policy on U.S. agriculture, 1986
Karp, Larry; Cosimano, Thomas F.: A Comment on Market Structure and the Durability of Goods, 1986
Karp, Larry: Methods for Selecting the Optimal Dynamic Hedge When Production is Stochastic, 1986
Karp, Larry: Risk Aversion in a Dynamic Trading Game, 1986
Perloff, Jeffrey M: Union and demographic wage, hours and earnings differentials in the agricultural labor market, 1986
Rausser, Gordon C.; James, Chalfant A.; Love, H. Alan; Stamoulis, Kostas G.: Macroeconomic linkages, taxes, and subsidies in the U.S. agricultural sector, 1986
Stamoulis, Kostas G.; Chalfant, James A.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Monetary policy and relative farm prices, 1986
Allen, Roy E.; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Alternate bearing in Californian pears and avocados, 1985
Fisher, Anthony C.; Hanemann, W. Michael: The Hysteresis Phenomenon and Benefit Evaluation for Pollution Control in Aquatic Ecosystems, 1985
Just, Richard E.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Determination of the predominance of various expectations patterns in commodity futures and spot markets, 1985
Just, Richard E.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Expectations and intertemporal pricing in commodity futures and spot markets, 1985
Karp, Larry: Dynamic Hedging with Uncertain Production, 1985
Karp, Larry; Fawson, Christopher; Shumway, C. Richard: Impact of Expectation Formation on Dynamic Investment Decisions: an application to U.S. agriculture, 1985
Karp, Larry: Tariffs with Dynamic Supply Response, 1985
Perloff, Jeffrey M; Salop, Steven: Firm-specific information, product differentiation, and industry equilibrium, 1985
Rausser, Gordon C.: agricultural policies •economic policy •taxation, 1985
Rausser, Gordon C.: Agriculture, trade, and macroeconomics, 1985
Rausser, Gordon C.; Perloff, Jeffrey M; Zusman, Pinhas: The food marketing system: the relevance of economic efficiency measures, 1985
Rausser, Gordon C.; Chalfant, James A.; Stamoulis, Kostas G.: Instability in agricultural markets: the U.S. experience, 1985
Rausser, Gordon C.: Macroeconomic environment for U.S. agricultural policy, 1985
Rausser, Gordon C.: Macroeconomics and U.S. agricultural policy, 1985
Stamoulis, Kostas G.; Chalfant, James A.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Monetary policies and the overshooting of flexible price: implications for agricultural policy, 1985
Berck, Peter; Perloff, Jeffrey M: A Dynamic Analysis of Marketing Orders, Voting , and Welfare, 1984
Berck, Peter; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Fish Farming in Competition with an Open-access Fishery, 1984
Gordon, Kathryn M.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Country hedging for real income stabilization: a case study of South Korea and Egypt, 1984
Hanemann, W. Michael: A Critique of "Identifying Structural Equations Through the Nonlinearity of a Single Price Gradient" and "Identifying Structural Equations with Single Market Data" by Rob Mendelsohn, 1984
Hanemann, W. Michael: Introducing Site Quality into Recreation Demand Functions, 1984
Hanemann, W. Michael: Multiple Site Demand Models. Part 1: Some Preliminary Considerations, 1984
Hanemann, W. Michael: Multiple Site Demand Models. Part II: Review of Existing Models and Development of New Models, 1984
Hanemann, W. Michael: On Reconciling Different Concepts of Option Value, 1984
Hanemann, W. Michael; Tsur, Yacov; Zilberman, David D.: Pesticide Usage and the Choice of Pest Control Strategy: A Switching Regression Analysis, 1984
Hanemann, W. Michael: Specification of the Individual's Demand Function: The Treatment of Time, 1984