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CUDARE Working Papers

The University of California, Berkeley offers the premier graduate program in Agricultural and Resource Economics.* Graduate studies in this department emphasize a firm foundation in economic analysis and quantitative methods and their application to agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics, international agricultural trade and development, intellectual property rights and biotechnology, agribusiness/marketing/finance, and applied econometrics. The faculty have a distinguished research and public service record, having received numerous research awards, and played a major advisory role in shaping agricultural, resource and environmental policies. Fourteen faculty members of ARE have been elected Fellows of the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) and three are currently Fellows of the Econometric Society.

The papers below are part of the CUDARE (California, University. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics) working paper series, which began in 1976. The series has over 1000 papers, many of which have been digitized by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Library Staff.

*Perry, Gregory M. 1994. "Ranking M.S. and Ph.D. Graduate Programs in Agricultural Economics." Review of Agricultural Economics 16:333-40.

Photo of Giannini Hall by Grace Dote

Papers are uploaded to this site by the Giannini Foundation Library staff.

There are 569 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 151 - 200.

Kahrl, Fredrich; Roland-Holst, David: Climate change risk and response, 2008

Karp, Larry: Correct (and misleading) arguments for using market based pollution control policies, 2008

Karp, Larry; Zhao, Jinhua: A Proposal for the Design of the Successor to the Kyoto Protocol, 2008

Karp, Larry; Zhang, Jiangfeng: Taxes Versus Quantities for a Stock Pollutant with Endogenous Abatement Costs and Asymmetric Information, 2008

Karp, Larry; Tsur, Yacov: Time perspective and climate change policy, 2008

Lee, Joanne; Judge, George G: Identifying falsified clinical data, 2008

Mittelhammer, Ron C Dr.; Judge, George G.: A Minimum Power Divergence Class of CDFs and Estimators for Binary Choice Models, 2008

Nataraj, Shanthi; Hanemann, W. Michael: Does Marginal Price Matter? A Regression Discontinuity Approach to Estimating Water Demand, 2008

Rausser, Gordon C.; Papineau, Maya: Managing R&D Risk in Renewable Energy, 2008

Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.; Stevens, Reid: Public Vs. Private Good Research at Land-Grant Universities, 2008

Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.; Zhao, Jinhua: Rational Exaggeration in Information Aggregation Games, 2008

Rausser, Gordon C.; Roland, Gerard: Special Interests Versus the Public Interest: The Determination of Policy Instruments, 2008

Rausser, Gordon C.; Hamilton, Stephen F; Kovach, Marty; Stifter, Ryan: Unintended Consequences: The Spillover Effects of Common Property Regulations, 2008

Roland-Holst, David: Energy efficiency, innovation, and job creation in California, 2008

Schlenker, Wolfram; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Consumer and Market Responses to Mad-Cow Disease, 2008

Traeger, Christian P.: Sustainability, Limited Substitutability and Non-Constant Social Discount Rates, 2008

Vasquez Lavin, Felipe; Hanemann, W. Michael: Functional Forms in Discrete/Continuous Choice Models With General Corner Solution, 2008

Vasquez Lavin, Felipe; Hanemann, W. Michael: Taste Indicators and Heterogeneous Revealed Preferences for Congestion in Recreation Demand, 2008

Villas-Boas, Sofia B: An Empirical Investigation of the Welfare Effects of Banning Wholesale Price Discrimination, 2008

Wolff, Hendrik; Chong, Howard; Auffhammer, Maximilian: Consequences of Data Error in Aggregate Indicators: Evidence from the Human Development Index, 2008

Aisbett, Emma: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Foreign Direct Investment: Correlation versus Causation, 2007

Auffhammer, Maximilian; Carson, Richard T.: Forecasting the Path of China's CO2 Emissions Using Province Level Information, 2007

Auffhammer, Maximilian; Bento, Antonio M.; Lowe, Scott E.: Measuring the Effects of Environmental Regulations: The Critical Importance of a Spatially Disaggregated Analysis, 2007

Berck, Peter; Brown, Jennifer; Perloff, Jeffrey M; Villas-Boas, Sofia B.: Sales: Tests of Theories on Causality and Timing, 2007

Brown, Jennifer; Hastings, Justine; Mansur, Erin T.; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Reformulating Competition? Gasoline Content Regulation and Wholesale Gasoline Prices, 2007

Grendar, Marian; Judge, George G.: A Bayesian Large Deviations Probabilistic Interpretation and Justification of Empirical Likelihood, 2007

Grendar, Marian; Judge, George G: A Bayesian large deviations probabilistic interpretation and justification of empirical likelihood, 2007

Grendar, Marian; Judge, George G.; Niven, R. K.: Large Deviations Approach to Bayesian Nonparametric Consistency: the Case of Polya Urn Sampling, 2007

Hanemann, W. Michael: How California Came to Pass AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, 2007

Just, Richard E.; Rausser, Gordon C.: General equilibrium in vertical market structures: monopoly, monopsony, predatory behavior and the law, 2007

Just, Richard E.; Rausser, Gordon C.: General Equilibrium in Vertical Market Structures: Overselling versus Overbuying, 2007

Just, Richard E.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Predatory Behavior in Vertical Market Structures: A General Equilibrium Approach, 2007

Karp, Larry; Tsur, Yacov: Climate Policy When the Distant Future Matters: Catastrophic Events with Hyperbolic Discounting, 2007

Karp, Larry; Tsur, Yacov: Discounting and Climate Change Policy, 2007

Karp, Larry; Zhao, Jinhua: A Proposal to Reform the Kyoto Protocol: the Role of Escape Clauses and Foresight, 2007

Kiesel, Kristin; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Got Organic Milk? Consumer Valuations of Milk Labels after the Implementation of the USDA Organic Seal, 2007

LaFrance, Jeffrey T; Pope, Rulon D.: Homogeneity and Supply, 2007

Marco, Alan C.; Rausser, Gordon C.: The Role of Patent Rights in Mergers: Consolidation in Plant Biotechnology, 2007

Pope, Rulon D.; LaFrance, Jeffrey T; Just, Richard E.: Agricultural Arbitrage and Risk Preferences, 2007

Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Using Retail Data for Upstream Merger Analysis, 2007

Aisbett, Emma; Karp, Larry; McAusland, Carol: Regulatory Takings and Environmental Regulation in NAFTA's Chapter 11, 2006

Auffhammer, Maximilian; Steinhauser, Ralf: The Future Trajectory of US CO2 Emissions: The Role of State vs. Aggregate Information, 2006

Beattie, Bruce R.; LaFrance, Jeffrey T.: The Law of Demand Versus Diminishing Marginal Utility, 2006

Fujii, Tomoki; Karp, Larry: Numerical Analysis of Non-Constant Discounting with an Application to Renewable Resource Management, 2006

Grendar, Marian; Judge, George G.: Large Deviations Theory and Empirical Estimator Choice, 2006

Hanemann, W Michael; Dale, Larry: Economic Damages from Climate Change: An Assessment of Market Impacts, 2006

Huang, Rui; Perloff, Jeffrey M; Villas-Boas, Sofia B: Effect of Sales on Brand Loyalty, 2006

Karp, Larry: Multiplicity of investment equilibria when pollution permits are not tradable, 2006

LaFrance, Jeffrey T; Pope, Rulon D.: Full Rank Rational Demand Systems, 2006

Newburn, David A.; Berck, Peter: Modeling Suburban and Rural-Residential Development Beyond the Urban Fringe, 2006

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