CUDARE Working Papers
The University of California, Berkeley offers the premier graduate program in Agricultural and Resource Economics.* Graduate studies in this department emphasize a firm foundation in economic analysis and quantitative methods and their application to agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics, international agricultural trade and development, intellectual property rights and biotechnology, agribusiness/marketing/finance, and applied econometrics. The faculty have a distinguished research and public service record, having received numerous research awards, and played a major advisory role in shaping agricultural, resource and environmental policies. Fourteen faculty members of ARE have been elected Fellows of the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) and three are currently Fellows of the Econometric Society.
The papers below are part of the CUDARE (California, University. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics) working paper series, which began in 1976. The series has over 1000 papers, many of which have been digitized by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Library Staff.
*Perry, Gregory M. 1994. "Ranking M.S. and Ph.D. Graduate Programs in Agricultural Economics." Review of Agricultural Economics 16:333-40.
Photo of Giannini Hall by Grace Dote
Papers are uploaded to this site by the Giannini Foundation Library staff.
There are 569 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 251 - 300.
Karp, Larry: Property rights, mobile capital, and comparative advantage, 2003
Karp, Larry; Zhang, Jiangfeng: Regulation of Stock Externalities with Correlated Costs, 2003
Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: When Promoters Like Scalpers, 2003
Kuriyama, Koichi; Hanemann, W. Michael; Pendleton, Linwood: Approximation Approaches to Probabilistic Choice Set Models for Large Choice Set Data, 2003
McIntosh, Craig; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: How Rising Competition Among Microfinance Lenders Affects Incumbent Village Banks, 2003
Mittelhammer, Ron C; Judge, George G.; Schoenberg, Ron: Empirical Evidence Concerning the Finite Sample Performance of EL-Type Structural Equation Estimation and Inference Methods, 2003
Mohn, Craig; Hanemann, W. Michael; Pendleton, Linwood; Layton, David: Shifting Sands: A Preliminary Exploration of Seasonal Variation in Preferences for Beaches, 2003
Munoz-Pina, Carlos; de Janvry, Alain; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Re-Crafting Rights over Common Property Resources in Mexico, 2003
Raymond, Melanie; Sadoulet, Elisabeth: Educational Grants Closing the Gap in Schooling Attainment between Poor and Non-Poor, 2003
Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain: Targeting and Calibrating Educational Grants for Greater Efficiency, 2003
Vakis, Renos; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain: Measuring Transactions Costs from Observed Behavior: Market Choices in Peru, 2003
Chouinard, Hayley; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Gasoline Price Differences: Taxes, Pollution Regulations, Mergers, Market Power, and Market Conditions, 2002
Finan, Frederico; Sadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain: Measuring the Poverty Reduction Potential of Land in Rural Mexico, 2002
Fisher, Anthony C.; Narain, Urvashi: Global Warming, endogenous risk and irreversibility, 2002
Golan, Amos; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Superior Forecasts of the U.S. Unemployment Rate Using a Nonparametric Method, 2002
Goodhue, Rachael E; Rausser, Gordon C.; Scotchmer, Suzanne; Simon, Leo K.: Biotechnology, Intellectual Property and Value Differentiation in Agriculture, 2002
Goodhue, Rachael E.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Scotchmer, Suzanne; Simon, Leo K.: Biotechnology, intellectual property and value differentiation in agriculture, 2002
Hanemann, W. Michael: The Central Arizona Project, 2002
Karp, Larry; Zhang, Jiangfeng: Controlling a Stock Pollutant with Endogenous Abatement Capital and Asymmetric Information, 2002
Karp, Larry; Paul, Thierry: Intersectoral Adjustment and Policy Intervention: the Importance of General Equilibrium Effects, 2002
LaFrance, Jeffrey T.: Generalized Rational Random Errors, 2002
Ligon, Ethan: Dynamic bargaining in households (with application to Bangladesh), 2002
Marco, Alan C.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Complementarities and spill-overs in mergers: an empirical investigation using patent data, 2002
Rausser, Gordon C.; Adams, Gregory D.; Montgomery, W. David; Smith, Anne E.: The social costs of an MTBE ban in California (Condensed version), 2002
Rausser, Gordon C.; Adams, Gregory D.; Montgomery, W. David; Smith, Anne E.: The social costs of an MTBE ban in California (Long version), 2002
Wu, Ximing; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Golan, Amos: Effects of Government Policies on Income Distribution and Welfare, 2002
Busch, Christopher B.; Hanemann, W. Michael: Analyzing the Impact of Beach Closures, Intersite Substitution and Intertemporal Substitution Via a Model of Attendance at Five Orange County Beaches, 2001
Chen, Ming; Karp, Larry: Environmental Indices for the Chinese Grain Sector, 2001
Cooper, Joseph C.; Hanemann, W. Michael; Signorello, Giovanni: One-and-One-Half Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation, 2001
Golan, Amos; Moretti, Enrico; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: A Small-Sample Estimator for the Sample-Selection Model, 2001
Golan, Amos; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Wu, Ximing: Welfare Effects of Minimum Wage and Other Government Policies, 2001
Hoel, Michael; Karp, Larry: Taxes versus Quotas for a Stock Pollutant, 2001
Karp, Larry; Zhang, Jiangfeng: Bayesian Learning and the Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2001
LaFrance, Jeffrey T.; Shimshack, J. P.; Wu, S. Y.: The Environmental Impacts of Subsidized Crop Insurance, 2001
Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Shen, Edward Z.: Collinearity in Linear Structural Models of Market Power, 2001
Antinori, Camille M.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Vertical integration in Mexican community forestry, 2000
Berck, Peter; Hess, Peter: Developing a methodology for assessing the economic impacts of large scale environmental regulations, 2000
Berck, Peter; Costello, Christopher: Overharvesting the traditional fishery with a captured regulator, 2000
Chapman, David J.; Hanemann, W. Michael: Environmental Damages in Court: The American Trader Case, 2000
Fisher, Anthony C.: Reflections on Irreversibility: Environmental Science and Environmental Economics, 2000
Goodhue, Rachael E.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: Processor placements and producer incentives: analyzing broiler chicken production contracts, 2000
Hoel, Michael; Karp, Larry: Taxes and Quotas for a Stock Pollutant with Multiplicative Uncertainty, 2000
Karp, Larry; Liu, Xuemei: The Clean Development Mechanism and its Controversies, 2000
Karp, Larry; Costello, Christopher J: Dynamic Quotas with Learning, 2000
Karp, Larry: Fundamentals versus Beliefs under Almost Common Knowledge, 2000
Karp, Larry; Lee, In Ho: Learning-by-Doing and the Choice of Technology: the Role of Patience, 2000
Karp, Larry; Zhao, Jinhua; Sacheti, Sandeep: The Long-Run Effects of Environmental Reform in Open Economies, 2000
Karp, Larry; Lee, In Ho: Time-Consistent Policies, 2000
McCluskey, Jill; Rausser, Gordon C.: Estimation of perceived risk and its effect on property values, 2000
McCluskey, Jill; Rausser, Gordon C.: Hazardous waste sites and housing appreciation rates, 2000