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CUDARE Working Papers

The University of California, Berkeley offers the premier graduate program in Agricultural and Resource Economics.* Graduate studies in this department emphasize a firm foundation in economic analysis and quantitative methods and their application to agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics, international agricultural trade and development, intellectual property rights and biotechnology, agribusiness/marketing/finance, and applied econometrics. The faculty have a distinguished research and public service record, having received numerous research awards, and played a major advisory role in shaping agricultural, resource and environmental policies. Fourteen faculty members of ARE have been elected Fellows of the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) and three are currently Fellows of the Econometric Society.

The papers below are part of the CUDARE (California, University. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics) working paper series, which began in 1976. The series has over 1000 papers, many of which have been digitized by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Library Staff.

*Perry, Gregory M. 1994. "Ranking M.S. and Ph.D. Graduate Programs in Agricultural Economics." Review of Agricultural Economics 16:333-40.

Photo of Giannini Hall by Grace Dote

Papers are uploaded to this site by the Giannini Foundation Library staff.

There are 569 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 351 - 400.

Karp, Larry: Depreciation Erodes the Coase Conjecture, 1995

Karp, Larry: The Direction and Timing of Agricultural Trade Refonn in Central and East Europe, 1995

Karp, Larry; Dumas, Christopher F.; Koo, Bonwoo; Sacheti, Sandeep: International Trade and the Internalization of Environmental Damages, 1995

Karp, Larry; Tahvonen, Olli: International Trade in Exhaustible Resources: A Cartel-Competitive Fringe Model, 1995

Karp, Larry: Monopoly Power can be Disadvantageous in the Extraction of a Durable Nonrenewable Resource, 1995

Karp, Larry; STEFANOU, SPIRO: Prospects and Policy for Central and East European Agriculture, 1995

Karp, Larry; Sioli, Lucy: Vertically Related Markets and Trade Policy in a Bargaining Framework, 1995

Kostov, Philip; Moulton, Kirby S; Buckwell, Allan; Davidova, Sofia: Agricultural and rural employment in Bulgaria, 1989 and 1994, 1995

Ligon, Ethan: Computing Private Information Equilibria: Moral Hazard in an Indian Village, 1995

Lynch, Loretta; Moulton, Kirby S: Processing Costs for Canned Peaches, 1995

Berck, Peter; Lipow, Jonathan: Estimation in a long-run short-run model, 1994

Karp, Larry; Paul, Thierry: Labor Adjustment and Gradual Reform:Is Commitment Important?, 1994

Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: The optimal suppression of a low-cost technology by a durable-good monopoly, 1994

Lynch, Lori; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Do women and minorities earn less due to occupational segregation, lower wages, or fewer hours?, 1994

Lyons, Robert F.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: Disruption and continuity in Bulgaria's agrarian reform, 1994

Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.; van 't Veld, Klaas T.: Political-economic processes and collective decision making, 1994

Rosenberg, Howard R.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Pradhan, Vijaykumar S.: Hiring and managing labor for farms in California, 1994

Ball, Richard; Rausser, Gordon C.: Governance structures and the durability of economic reforms; evidence from inflation stabilizations, 1993

Berck, Peter; Lipow, Jonathan: Real and ideal water rights:the prospects for water-rights reform in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank, 1993

Carson, Richard T.; Flores, Nicholas E.; Hanemann, W. Michael: On the Creation and Destruction of Public Goods: The Matter of Sequencing, 1993

Chesnutt, Thomas W.; Bamezai, Anil; Hanemann, W. Michael: Revenue Instability Induced by Conservation Rate Structures: An Empirical Investigation of Coping Strategies, 1993

Hanemann, W. Michael: Marginal Cost Pricing and the New LADWP Water Rates, 1993

Hanemann, W. Michael: Projected M&I Demand in the LADWP Service Area 1990-2010, 1993

Hanemann, W. Michael: Three Approaches to Defining "Existence" or "Non-Use" Value under Certainty, 1993

Hyde, Charles; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Can market power be estimated?, 1993

Ise, Sabrina; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Legal status and earnings of agricultural workers, 1993

Just, Richard E.; Rausser, Gordon C.; Zilberman, David D.: A framework for analyzing specific agricultural policy reform, 1993

Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: The Failure of Strategic Industrial Policies Due to the Manipulation by Firms, 1993

Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Why Industrial Policies Fail: Limited Commitment, 1993

Perloff, Jeffrey M: Tariffs and quotas that lower prices and raise welfare, 1993

Ardeni, Pier-Giorgio; Rausser, Gordon C.: Interactions among money, exchange rates, and commodity prices, 1992

Berck, Peter: Resource management under uncertainty: some informational issues, 1992

Fisher, Anthony C.; Fullerton, David; Hatch, Nile; Reinelt, Peter: Optimal Response to Periodic Shortage: Engineering/Economic Analysis for a Large Urban Water District, 1992

Karp, Larry; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Legal Requirements that Artists Receive Resale Royalties, 1992

Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: A Noncooperative Model of Collective Decision Making: A Multilateral Bargaining Approach, 1992

Rausser, Gordon C.; Simon, Leo K.: A noncooperative model of collective decision making: a multilateral bargaining approach, 1992

Rubin, D. Kate; Perloff, Jeffrey M: Who works for piece rates and why, 1992

Zusman, Pinhas; Rausser, Gordon C.: Intraorganizational influence relations and the optimality of collective action, 1992

Adelman, Irma; Berck, Peter; Vujovic, Dusan: Designing gradual transition to market economies, 1991

Adelman, Irma; Berck, Peter: Financial considerations of public inventory holdings in developing countries, 1991

Adelman, Irma; Berck, Peter; Vujovic, Dusan: Using SAM's to account for distortions in non-market economies, 1991

Fisher, Anthony C.; Karp, Larry: Nonconvexity, Efficiency and Equilibrium in Exhaustible Resource Depletion, 1991

Foster, William; Gray, Richard; Rausser, Gordon C.: Resource mobility, diversification, and the compensation requirements of trade reform, 1991

Gray, Richard; Foster, William E; Rausser, Gordon C.: Resource mobility, diversification of ownership, and political rent- seeking incentives, 1991

Karp, Larry; STEFANOU, SPIRO: Polish Agriculture in Transition: Does it Hurt to be Slapped by an Invisible Hand?, 1991

Perloff, Jeffrey M: Econometric analysis of imperfect competition and implications for trade research, 1991

Rausser, Gordon C.: Predatory versus productive government: the case of U.S. agricultural policies, 1991

Simon, Leo K.; Rausser, Gordon C.: Burden sharing and public good provision: a numerical sensitivity analysis, 1991

Adelman, Irma; Berck, Peter; Labus, Miroljub; Vujovic, Dusan: Adjustment under different trade strategies: a mean-variance analysis with a CGE model of the Yugoslav economy, 1990

Ardeni, Pier-Giorgio; Rausser, Gordon C.: Alternative subsidy reduction paths: the role of fiscal and monetary policy linkages, 1990

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