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The Atkinson Presidency

Richard C. Atkinson served as the University of California's seventeenth president from 1995 to 2003. The Atkinson years were a time of dramatic expansion and landmark issues for UC. Enrollments, research programs, and funding all grew rapidly to new highs. The University faced the imperative of pursuing diversity in the post-affirmative action age, created new paradigms for industry-university cooperative research, and challenged the validity of the SAT I, the nation's most widely used college entrance examination.

The speeches, lectures, and other papers gathered here document these and a variety of other issues. The principal theme of this collection is the University of California itself, and the role it plays as a public research university in a diverse, dynamic, and knowledge-based society. We hope you will enjoy this introduction to the events and challenges of the Atkinson presidency.

Academic Quality
Achievement versus Aptitude
Race and Diversity
The Atkinson Presidency
The Research University
The University and the Economy
University Admissions
University of California

There are 45 publications in this collection, published between 1995 and 2021.

Atkinson, Richard C.: 20/20: Reflections on the Last 20 Years of the 20th Century, 2021

Pelfrey, Patricia A.: Entrepreneurial President: Richard Atkinson and the University of California, 1995-2003, 2012

Atkinson, Richard C: Atkinson Presidency Timeline, 2007

Atkinson, Richard: The Pursuit of Knowledge: Speeches and Papers of Richard C. Atkinson, 2007

Pelfrey, Patricia A.: A Brief History of the Atkinson Presidency: 1995–2003, 2007

Atkinson, Richard: Academic Freedom and the Research University, 2004

Atkinson, Richard: Farewell Remarks to the Board of Regents, 2003

Atkinson, Richard: Groundbreaking for Stanley Biosciences and Bioengineering Facility, 2003

Atkinson, Richard: A New World of Scholarly Communication, 2003

Atkinson, Richard: On Academic Freedom, 2003

Atkinson, Richard: On Enrollment, 2003

Atkinson, Richard: University of Chicago Alumni Medal, 2003

Regents' Resolution in Honor of Richard C. Atkinson, 2003

Atkinson, Richard: California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: Commentary: Valley Will Reap Infinite Rewards from UC Merced, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: Food Safety First, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 50th Anniversary Celebration, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: Message at the Beginning of the Academic Year, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: On English R1A Course Section, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: On Quality of the University, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: On September 11th: Letter to UC Community, 2002

Atkinson, Richard: Educational Leadership for California, 2001

Atkinson, Richard: A Five-Year Report to the Regents, 2001

Atkinson, Richard: Update on Federal Research & Development Expenditures, 2001

Atkinson, Richard: Commencement Address, 2000

Atkinson, Richard: Dual Admission Proposal, 2000

Atkinson, Richard: Summer Institutes, 2000

Atkinson, Richard: The Future Arrives First in California, 1999

Atkinson, Richard: On "America's Best Colleges": Letter to the Board of Regents, 1999

Atkinson, Richard: Prepare Now for the Next Wave, 1999

Atkinson, Richard: Robert Gordon Sproul, 1999

Atkinson, Richard; Reed, Charles B.: Teach Children to Read? Higher Education Is Lending a Hand, 1999

Atkinson, Richard: UC Wants More Transfers from Community Colleges, 1999

Atkinson, Richard: The Future of the University of California: A Personal View, 1998

Atkinson, Richard: Investing in California's Children, 1998

Atkinson, Richard: A Three-Year Report to Alumni, 1998

Atkinson, Richard: Tradition at the University of California, 1998

Atkinson, Richard: California's Library Without Limits, 1997

Atkinson, Richard: Partnership for Learning, 1997

Atkinson, Richard: The Role of the President of the University, 1997

Atkinson, Richard: UC and California's Futures, 1996

Penhoet, Edward E.; Atkinson, Richard: Town and Gown Join Forces to Boost State, 1996

Webster, David S.; Skinner, Tad: UC and the National Research Council Ratings of Graduate Programs, 1996

Atkinson, Richard: Remarks on Appointment as President of the University of California, 1995

Atkinson, Richard: Report to Regents on National Research Council Study, 1995

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General Information

Richard Atkinson

Richard Atkinson, President Emeritus

University of California, Office of the President


  • Memory
  • Cognition
  • Learning
  • Computer-aided Education

Honors & Awards

  • Election to Membership in the National Academy of Sciences
  • Election to the Institute of Medicine
  • National Science Board Vannevar Bush Award, 2003
  • APA Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award, 2002


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