2017 Publications
There are 104 publications in this collection, published between 2017 and 2018. Showing 101 - 104.
Zheng, Dongfang; Chen, Gang; Farrell, Jay A: Joint Measurement and Trajectory Recovery in Visible Light Communication, 2017
Zheng, B.; Sayin, M.; Lin, C.; Shiraishi, S.; Zhu, Q.: Timing and security analysis of VANET-based intelligent transportation systems, 2017
Zhu, Q.; Liang, H.; Zhang, L.; Roy, D.; Li, W.: Extensibility-driven automotive in-vehicle architecture design, 2017
Zhu, Q.; Huang, Z.; Sun, Y.; Liu, D.; Dai, B.: Reinforcement learning based throttle and brake control for autonomous vehicle following, 2017