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Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

There are 51 publications in this collection, published between 2012 and 2024. Showing 1 - 50.

Marcus, Felicia; Green Nylen, Nell; Owen, Dave; Kiparsky, Michael: Five Guiding Principles for Effective Voluntary Agreements: A Case Study on VAs for Water and Habitat in California’s Bay-Delta Watershed, 2024

Green Nylen, Nell; Owen, Dave; Harder, Jennifer; Kiparsky, Michael; Hanemann, Michael: Managing Water Scarcity: A Framework for Fair and Effective Water Right Curtailment in California, 2023

Cantor, Alida; Kiparsky, Michael; Kennedy, Ronan; Hubbard, Susan; Bales, Roger; Pecharroman, Lidia Cano et al.: Data for Water Decision Making: Informing the Implementation of California's Open and Transparent Water Data Act through Research and Engagement, 2018

Cantor, Alida; Owen, Dave; Harter, Thomas; Green Nylen, Nell; Kiparsky, Michael: Navigating Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, 2018

Farber, Daniel A: Beyond the Beltway: A Report on State Energy and Climate Policies, 2018

Green Nylen, Nell; Kiparsky, Michael; Owen, Dave; Doremus, Holly; Hanemann, Michael: Addressing Institutional Vulnerabilities in California’s Drought Water Allocation, Part 1: Water Rights Administration and Oversight During Major Statewide Droughts, 1976–2016, 2018

Green Nylen, Nell; Kiparsky, Michael; Owen, Dave; Doremus, Holly; Hanemann, Michael: Addressing Institutional Vulnerabilities in California’s Drought Water Allocation, Part 2: Improving Water Rights Administration and Oversight for Future Droughts, 2018

Green Nylen, Nell; Pannu, Camille; Kiparsky, Michael: Learning from California’s Experience with Small Water System Consolidations: A Workshop Synthesis, 2018

Kiparsky, Michael; Fisher, Andrew T; Hanemann, W Michael; Bowie, John; Kantor, Rose; Coburn, Chris et al.: Recharge Net Metering To Enhance Groundwater Sustainability, 2018

Lamm, Ted; Elkind, Ethan N.: Delivering the Goods: How California Can Create the Sustainable Freight System of the Future, 2018

Miller, Kathleen; Green Nylen, Nell; Doremus, Holly; Fisher, Andrew; Fogg, Graham; Owen, Dave et al.: California's Stream Flow Monitoring System is Essential For Water Decision Making, 2018

Miller, Kathleen; Green Nylen, Nell; Doremus, Holly; Owen, Dave; Fisher, Andrew: When Is Groundwater Recharge a Beneficial Use of Surface Water in California?, 2018

O'Neill, Moira; Gualco-Nelson, Giulia; Biber, Eric: Getting it Right: Examining the Local Land Use Entitlement Process in California to Inform Policy and Process, 2018

Diamond, Jordan; Doremus, Holly; Manupipatpong, Mae; Frank, Richard; Oh, Shauna; Hecht, Sean et al.: The Past, Present, and Future of California’s Coastal Act: Overcoming Division to Comprehensively Manage the Coast, 2017

Elkind, Ethan: Plugging Away: How to Boost Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure, 2017

Elkind, Ethan N.; Galante, Carol; Decker, Nathaniel; Chapple, Karen; Martin, Amy; Hanson, Marilee: Right Type, Right Place: Assessing the Environmental and Economic Impacts of Infill Residential Development through 2030, 2017

Farber, Daniel A.; Biber, Eric: 200 Days & Counting: Environmental Law & the Trump Administration, 2017

Green Nylen, Nell; Kiparsky, Michael; Archer, Kelly; Schneir, Kurt; Doremus, Holly: Trading Sustainably: Critical Considerations for Local Groundwater Markets Under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, 2017

Jones, Betony; Elkind, Ethan; Duncan, Kevin; Hanson, Marilee: The Economic Impacts of California’s Major Climate Programs on the San Joaquin Valley, 2017

Jones, Betony; Elkind, Ethan; Duncan, Kevin; Hanson, Marilee: The Net Economic Impacts of California’s Major Climate Programs in the Inland Empire, 2017

Elkind, Ethan: Powering the Savings: How California Can Tap the Energy Efficiency Potential in Existing Commercial Buildings, 2016

Elkind, Ethan; Szabo, Daniel Gergely: Wasting Opportunities: How to Secure Environmental & Clean Energy Benefits from Municipal Solid Waste Energy Recovery, 2016

Green Nylen, Nell; Sherman, Luke; Kiparsky, Michael; Doremus, Holly: Citizen Enforcement and Sanitary Sewer Overflows in California, 2016

Kiparsky, Michael; Owen, Dave; Green Nylen, Nell; Doremus, Holly; Christian-Smith, Juliet; Cosens, Barbara et al.: Designing Effective Groundwater Sustainability Agencies: Criteria for Evaluation of Local Governance Options, 2016

Pearce, Dustin; Strittholt, James; Watt, Terry; Elkind, Ethan: A Path Forward: Identifying Least-Conflict Solar PV Development in California’s San Joaquin Valley, 2016

Elkind, Ethan: Climate Actions for California: Recommendations for Governor Brown’s Final Term, 2015

Elkind, Ethan; Chan, Michelle; Faber, Tuong-Vi: Grading California’s Rail Transit Station Areas, 2015

Elkind, Ethan: Knowledge Is Power: How Improved Energy Data Access Can Bolster Clean Energy Technologies & Save Money, 2015

Elkind, Ethan: Moving Dollars: Aligning Transportation Spending With California’s Environmental Goals, 2015

Elkind, Ethan: Planting Fuels: How California Can Boost Local, Low-Carbon Biofuel Production, 2015

Green Nylen, Nell; Kiparsky, Michael: Accelerating Cost-Effective Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Learning From Local Implementation, 2015

Harris-Lovett, Sasha; Binz, Christian; Sedlak, David L; Kiparsky, Michael; Truffer, Bernhard: Beyond User Acceptance: A Legitimacy Framework for Potable Water Reuse in California, 2015

Weissman, Steven; Behles, Deborah: Ex Parte Requirements at the California Public Utilities Commission: A Comparative Analysis and Recommended Changes, 2015

Wellinghoff, Jon; Weissman, Steven: The Right to Self-Generate as a Grid-Connected Customer, 2015

Elkind, Ethan: Reuse and Repower: How to Save Money and Clean the Grid with Second-Life Electric Vehicle Batteries, 2014

Webb, Romany; Weissman, Steven: Addressing Climate Change Without Legislation: Volume 1: DOI, 2014

Webb, Romany; Weissman, Steven: Addressing Climate Change Without Legislation: Volume 3: USDA, 2014

Weissman, Steven; Webb, Romany: Addressing Climate Change Without Legislation: Volume 2: FERC, 2014

Williams, Christopher; Elkind, Ethan: Integrating Infill Planning in California’s General Plans: A Policy Roadmap Based on Best-Practice Communities, 2014

Williams, Christopher; Goodman, Mark; Elkind, Ethan: Integrating Solar PV and Distributed Renewable Energy Policies and Programs into California City and County General Plans, 2014

Elkind, Ethan; Ku, Anne: Electric Vehicle Paradise: How Hawaii can Lead the World in Deployment, 2013

Elkind, Ethan: A High Speed Foundation: How to Build a Better California Around High Speed Rail, 2013

Elkind, Ethan: Renewable Energy Beyond 2020: Next Steps for California, 2013

Kiparsky, Michael; Hein, Jayni Foley: Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in California: A Wastewater and Water Quality Perspective, 2013

Weissman, Steven; Varghese, Subin; Wood, Zachary: Effective Governance for Multi-Jurisdictional, Multi-Sector Climate Adaptation, 2013

Elkind, Ethan: Electric Drive by ‘25: How California Can Catalyze Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles by 2025, 2012

Hanemann, Michael; Lambe, Deborah; Farber, Daniel: Legal Analysis of Barriers to Adaption for California’s Water Sector, 2012

Lambe, Deborah; Farber, Daniel: California’s Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds: Taxes, Fees, or Something Else?, 2012

Most, William Brock; Weissman, Steven: Trees and Power Lines: Minimizing Conflicts between Electric Power Infrastructure and the Urban Forest, 2012

Russell, Jeffrey; Weissman, Steven: California’s Transition to Local Renewable Energy: 12,000 Megawatts by 2020, 2012

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