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Boalt Working Papers in Public Law

There are 138 publications in this collection, published between 1999 and 2012. Showing 101 - 138.

Lemley, Mark A.: Foreseeability in Patent Law, 2001

Lemley, Mark: The Growing Complexity of the United States Patent System, 2001

Lemley, Mark A.: Rational Ignorance at the Patent Office, 2001

Post, Robert: Federalism in the Taft Court Era: Can It Be Revived"?, 2001

Post, Robert: Reconciling Theory and Doctrine in First Amendment Jurisprudence, 2001

Post, Robert: The Supreme Court Opinion as Institutional Practice: Dissent, Legal Scholarship, and Decisionmaking in the Taft Court, 2001

Rubinfeld, Daniel L.; Singer, Hal J.: Open Access to Broadband Networks: A Case Study of the AOL/Time Warner Merger, 2001

Weisselberg, Charles D.: In the Station House After Dickerson, 2001

Yoo, John C.: Foreign Affairs Federalism and the Separation of Powers, 2001

Yoo, John C.: The Puzzling Persistence of Process-Based Federalism Theories, 2001

Zimring, Franklin: Continuity and Change in the American Gun Debate, 2001

Choper, Jesse H.; Yoo, John C.: The Scope of the Commerce Clause after Morrison, 2000

Cooter, Robert D.: Should Courts Deduct Non-Legal Sanctions from Damages, 2000

Fried, Jesse M.: Insider Signaling and Insider Trading with Repurchase Tender Offers, 2000

Guzman, Andrew T: Choice of Law: New Foundations, 2000

Jorde, Thomas M.: Innovation, Investment, and Unbundling, 2000

Kadish, Sanford H.: Moral Excess in the Criminal Law, 2000

Krieger, Linda Hamilton: Backlash Against the Americans with Disabilities Act: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Implications for Social Justice Strategies, 2000

Lemley, Mark A.: The End of End-to-End: Preserving the Architecture of the Internet in the Broadband Era, 2000

Lemley, Mark A.: How Federal Circuit Judges Vote in Patent Validity Cases, 2000

Lemley, Mark A.: Who's Patenting What? An Empirical Exploration of Patent Prosecution, 2000

Lieberman, David: Mapping Criminal Law: Blackstone and the Categories of English Jurisprudence, 2000

Lieberman, David: The Mixed Constitution and the Common Law, 2000

Menell, Peter S.: Economic Implications of State Sovereign Immunity from Infringement of Federal Intellectual Property Rights, 2000

Post, Robert: The Constitutional Status of Commercial Speech, 2000

Post, Robert: Democratic Constitutionalism and Cultural Heterogeneity, 2000

Rakowski, Eric: Can WealthTaxes Be Justified, 2000

Sugarman, Stephen D.: A Century of Change in Personal Injury Law, 2000

Sugarman, Stephen D.: Judges as Tort Law Un-makers: Recent California Experience with "New" Torts, 2000

Williamson, Oliver: Why Law, Economics and Organization?, 2000

Yoo, John C.: Choosing Justices: Once More Into the Breach, 2000

Yoo, John C.: Law as Treaties?: The Constitutionality of Congressional-Executive Agreements, 2000

Baker, Jonathan B.; Rubinfeld, Daniel L.: Empirical Methods in Antitrust Litigation: Review and Critique, 1999

Dan-Cohen, Meir: Harmful Thoughts, 1999

Lieberman, David: Adam Smith on Justice, Rights and Law, 1999

Merges, Robert P: Who Owns the Charles River Bridge? Intellectual Property and Competition in the Software Industry, 1999

Zimring, Franklin: The Common Thread: Diversion in the Jurisprudence of a Century of Juvenile Justice, 1999

The Political and Legal Causes of Regulatory Delay in the United States: Four Case Studies of Air Pollution Permitting in the US and Germany, 1999

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