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Boalt Working Papers in Public Law

There are 138 publications in this collection, published between 1999 and 2012. Showing 51 - 100.

Guzman, Andrew: Trade, Labor, Legitimacy, 2003

Harris, Ron: The Uses of History in Law and Economics, 2003

Hovenkamp, Herbert; Janis, Mark; Lemley, Mark A.: Anticompetitive Settlement of Intellectual Property Disputes, 2003

Lemley, Mark; Chien, Colleen V.: Are the U.S. Patent Priority Rules Really Necessary?, 2003

Lemley, Mark A.; Moore, Kimberly A.: Ending Abuse of Patent Continuations, 2003

Lemley, Mark A.; Tangri, Ragesh K.: Ending Patent Law's Willfullness Game, 2003

Merges, Robert P: The Uninvited Guest: Patents on Wall Street, 2003

Post, Robert: Law and Cultural Conflict, 2003

Prakash, Saikrishna B.; Yoo, John C.: The Origins of Judicial Review, 2003

Robbennolt, Jennifer K.; Darley, John M.; MacCoun, Robert J.: Symbolism and Incommensurability in Civil Sanctioning: Decision Makers as Goal Managers, 2003

Yoo, John C.: International Law and the War in Iraq, 2003

Yoo, John C.; Prakash, Saikrishna B.: The Origins of Judicial Review, 2003

Yoo, John C.; Ho, James C.: The Status of Terrorists, 2003

Abrams, Kathryn: "Fighting Fire with Fire": Rethinking the Role of Disgust in Hate Crimes, 2002

Abrams, Kathryn: "Groups" and the Advent of Critical Race Scholarship, 2002

Abrams, Kathryn: The Progress of Passion, 2002

Chaver, Alon; Fried, Jesse M.: Managers' Fiduciary Duty Upon the Firm's Insolvency: Accounting for Performance Creditors, 2002

Choi, Stephen: Law, Finance and Path Dependence: Developing Strong Securities Markets, 2002

Choi, Stephen: Playing Favorites with Shareholders, 2002

Dan-Cohen, Meir: Defending Dignity, 2002

Delahunty, Robert J.; Yoo, John C.: The President's Constitutional Authority to Conduct Military Operations Against Terrorist Organizations and the Nations that Harbor or Support Them, 2002

Eisenberg, Melvin A.: The Concept of National Law and the Rule of Recognition, 2002

Eisenberg, Melvin A.: Expectation Damages and the Theory of Overreliance, 2002

Fried, Jesse M.: Using Inside Information to Abstain from Trading, 2002

Kutz, Christopher: The Judicial Community, 2002

Lemley, Mark A.: Intellectual Property Rights and Standard-Setting Organizations, 2002

Lieberman, David: Economy and Polity in Bentham's Science of Legislation, 2002

Menell, Peter S.: Envisioning Copyright Law's Digital Future, 2002

Menell, Peter S.: Pre-existing Confusion in Copyright’s Work-for-Hire Doctrine, 2002

Menell, Peter S.: Reunifying Property, 2002

Polinsky, A. Mitchell; Rubinfeld, Daniel L.: A Note on Settlements under the Contingent Fee Method of Compensating Lawyers, 2002

Post, Robert; Siegel, Reva B.: Protecting the Constitution from the People: Juricentric Restriction on Section Five Power, 2002

Spaulding, Norman W.: The Myth of Civic Republicanism: Interrogating the Ideology of Antebellum Legal Ethics, 2002

Yoo, John C.: War and the Constitutional Text, 2002

Bebchuk, Lucian Arye; Fried, Jesse M.: A New Approach to Valuing Secured Claims in Bankruptcy, 2001

Choi, Stephen: Assessing the Cost of Regulatory Protection: Evidence on the Decision to Sell Securities Outside the United States, 2001

Choi, Stephen: A Defense of Shareholder Favoritism, 2001

Choi, Stephen: Internalizing Outsider Trading, 2001

Choi, Stephen: Proxy Issue Proposals: Impact of the 1992 SEC Proxy Reforms, 2001

Choi, Stephen: Selective Disclosures in the Public Capital Markets, 2001

Choper, Jesse H.: Why the Supreme Court Should Not Have Decided the Presidential Election of 2000, 2001

Dan-Cohen, Meir: The Value of Ownership, 2001

Edlin, Aaron S.: Stopping Above-Cost Predatory Pricing, 2001

Fisher, Franklin M.; Rubinfeld, Daniel L.: U.S. v. Microsoft - an economic analysis, 2001

Frickey, Philip P.: Judicial Review and the Legislative Process: Some Empirical and Normative Aspects of Due Process of Lawmaking, 2001

Fried, Jesse M.: Open Market Repurchases: Signaling or Managerial Opportunism, 2001

Guzman, Andrew T: The Cost of Credibility: Explaining Resistance to Inter-State Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, 2001

Guzman, Andrew T: Global Governance and the WTO, 2001

Krieger, Linda Hamilton: Socio-Legal Backlash, 2001

Krieger, Linda Hamilton: Whose Motive Matters?: Discrimination in Multi-Actor Employment Decision Making, 2001

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