Undergraduate Publication Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research
The Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research attracts the very best lower- and upper-division undergraduate papers from courses taught in departments across the UC Berkeley campus. It recognizes excellence in undergraduate research projects that show evidence of:
- Significant inquiry using the library, its resources, and collections and
- Learning about the research and information-gathering process itself.
For more information about the Library Prize, including submission guidelines, please visit
There are 119 publications in this collection, published between 2010 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.
Burke, Julia: Over Mary’s Dead Body: Frankenstein, Sexism & Socialism, 2018
Eskow, Nicholas: Sympathy for the Loss of a Comrade: Black Citizenship and the 1873 Fort Stockton "Mutiny", 2018
Jagannatha, Shubha: The Girls Who Were Never Born: A Study of Sex-Selection and Healthcare Professionals in India, 2018
Marnie, Lowe: Resonance, Radicalism, and the Death Penalty: A Framing Analysis of the Anti-Death Penalty Movement, 1965-2014, 2018
Plummer, Emily: The Social and Political Organizing of Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico and their Campaign for Return: 1980 to 1992, 2018
Sloan, Benjamin: On the Road to Damascus: Searching for New Socialisms in East Germany's 1983 Lutherjahr, 2018
Smelser, Kristina: A Multi-layered Approach to Anglo-Dutch Relations, 2018
Tobias, Rosen: Decapitating the Academie, 2018
Escobar, Maria: Gentrification in San Francisco: No One Right Answer, 2017
Germain, Justin: Housewives Save the City from the "Cement Octopus"! Women's Activism in the San Francisco Freeway Revolts, 1955-1967, 2017
Johnson, Michelaina: Evading Dam-Nation: Land Use History of the Lower Cosumnes River Watershed, ca. 1820-2016, 2017
Lee, Julie: Warm Grief: Uncanny Narratives of Trauma and Kinship in Oh Jung-hee's The Yard of Childhood, 2017
Mousavi, Bita: "Victory or not, we know this to be our duty": Pan-Islam in Early Revolutionary Iran, 2017
Serbanescu-Martin, Theodora: Brahms’s Piano Exercise Mode and the Politics of Friendship (excerpt), 2017
Bradley, James: “The Union Ruptured:” Mechanization, Modernization, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, 2016
Chavez, Liam: Miners Undermining Geology: The Gold-fueled Chokehold on the California Geological Survey of 1860, 2016
Cong, Stephanie: An Examination of Forced Marriages and their Impact Under the Khmer Rouge, 2016
de Santiago, Ramon: Across Three Oceans: Shipwrecks as Early Modern Globalism, 2016
Hull, Charlotte: Becoming Atlantic: A Spatial History from Seventeenth‐Century Martha’s, 2016
Morris, Marvin: First in Flight: A Comprehensive Study of Etruscan Winged “Demons”, 2016
Rainey, Elizabeth: The Education of Joan Didion: Her Uncollected Works and What They Tell Us, 2016
Richardson, Glenn: Betrayal in Brussels: The Conference that Changed International Science, 2016
Silverberg, Cameron: The Dragon, the Lion, and the Ballot Box: Evaluating China’s Impact on Democracy in Africa Cameron Silverberg, 2016
Wang, Tiange: The Interior-Exterior Unification in Chinese Literati Residences: A Tool for Upholding the Literati Identity, 2016
Clark, Amy: More than Meets the Eye: Cultural Color Resonances in Old English Literature, 2015
Diener, Samuel: Modes of Fictionality in the Works of Daniel Defoe and Captain Charles Johnson, 2015
Ikeda, Andrea: Cowboys, Indians, and Aliens: White Supremacy in the Klamath Basin, 1826-1946, 2015
Katherine, Gray: Johanna Jachmann-Wagner’s Lohengrin: Vocal Philology at the Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library, 2015
Korp, Christopher: Shoemakers, Clowns, and Saints: The Narrative Afterlife of Thomas Deloney, 2015
van den Hout, Julie: The Omnipotent Beaver in Van der Donck's A Description of New Netherland: A Natural Symbol of Promise in the New World, 2015
Woo, Andrew: Caught in the Crossfire: Explanations of Insurgency Use of Indiscriminate Violence, 2015
Cadman, Rachel L.: A Pioneer in Health Care For “Families Who Follow The Crops”: California and the Making of the Migrant Health Act, 1949-1962, 2014
Dill, Olivia: Tracing Changes: Botanical Artwork Modeled after Jacques Le Moyne, 2014
Duan, Li: Fuzhou Shipyard at Fujian Province: Early Divergence in Late Qing Modernization, 2014
Enger, Matthew: Order from Chaos: Ethnogenesis, Direct Democracy and Statecraft in California, 1948-1958, 2014
Goel, Sidharth: Capitalism Versus the Sharing Economy, 2014
Johnson, Michelaina: "The River of Revenge": The Tension Between Farmers and the Federal Government in the Tula Valley, Mexico, 1992-2014, 2014
Mattheis, Ross: Efficiency in Minoan and Mycenaean Trade Networks in the Late Bronze Age, 2014
Murphy, Devin: All Becomes One in the Basin of the Waterfall: Dialectics and Multiple Trajectories of Samoan History before 1900, 2014
Porras, Yessica: Church of St. John the Baptist at Sutatausa: Indoctrination and Resistance, 2014
Tori, Cabot: The Sexual Monster: How the Werewolf is a Lone Sexual Monster and Foil to the Vampire, 2014
Trujillo, Jeremiah: Posthumous Schubert: The Exhumation of the Solo Piano Works in Mid- and Late- 19th Century Transcription and Editing, 2014
Wolf, Isaac: If You Build it Together, They Will Come: How Three Different Agencies Learned to Work Together to Supply Adequate Water for Phoenix, Arizona, 2014
Au, Stephanie: Succession in Galls on Syzygium malaccense and Their Impact on Leaf Aging, 2013
Duran, Christian: Lost in Trans-Nation: Unearthing Chicano Identity in Daniel Venegas’s Las Aventuras de Don Chipote o Cuando Los Pericos Mamen, 2013
Mailes, Alana: Tracing the Influence of Giulio Caccini’s Le nuove musiche on Seventeenth-Century English Composers, 2013
Polasko, Alexandra: What’s in Your Water?, 2013
Silecky, Matej: The Post-Soviet Development of Elite-Level Athletics in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, 2013
Walker, Paige M.: Medieval Female Spirituality and the Wound of Christ in Folio 331r of Bonne of Luxembourg’s Prayer Book, 2013
Wikey, Daniel: Man as Magician, Man as Machine: Narrative, Wonder, and Politics in Twentieth-Century Lie Detection, 2013