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Submission Guidelines

The UC Berkeley Library on eScholarship supports the open access publication and dissemination of scholarly works produced by Library staff members or otherwise conducted under the auspices of or sponsored by the UC Berkeley Library.

eScholarship is an open access publisher dedicated to ensuring persistent access to and long-term preservation of the scholarly work published. All digital materials published or disseminated by eScholarship are therefore available worldwide and free of cost to researchers and the general public.

Appropriate Content

Works of scholarly or academic interest are suitable for inclusion. This includes:

  • original articles in refereed journals
  • working papers (“preprints”)
  • previously published scholarly materials ("postprints")
  • conference proceedings
  • conference presentations (presentation slides with transcripts)
  • conference poster presentations
  • other content as deemed appropriate by the UC Berkeley Library eScholarship editorial team on a case-by-case basis

All content published in eScholarship needs to follow applicable policies (e.g. submissions guidelines, copyright, publication type, etc.).

Content Formats

In addition to PDFs, eScholarship can display a wide variety of formats including images, data sets, presentation slides, executable files, downloadable audio/video, and streaming media. However, eScholarship does not publish bibliographic citations or abstracts without their associated works.

Peer Review

We support both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed postprints. The designation of peer-reviewed work within eScholarship indicates that:

  1. The manuscript is the version that has been accepted for publication after a peer review process – including all revisions and modifications resulting from the review; and
  2. The peer-review process of the publication is transparent and a statement outlining these policies is readily available for readers to inspect; and
  3. The publication’s policies include an editorial process which encompasses at least single-blind peer review by one or more specialists in a relevant field selected by an editor or editorial board.

Copyright Policies

The copyright for any work published in or disseminated by eScholarship is retained by the author(s). By submitting a work to eScholarship, the author warrants that he or she holds the copyright to the work or has been authorized by the copyright holder to grant license to the work.

Who Can Submit

Work produced by Library staff members or otherwise conducted under the auspices of or sponsored by the UC Berkeley Library may be submitted to eScholarship. For additional information, please contact Margaret Phillips at mphillip[at]

For submitted works written by multiple authors, at least one author must be associated with the UC Berkeley Library. The Library-affiliated author is responsible for obtaining explicit permission for open access publishing from all co-authors.

How to Submit

  1. All work must be submitted in digital format (as a PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer documents, etc. Note that submissions created with OpenOffice must be saved and uploaded in Microsoft Word format.)
  2. Write an abstract for your submission. It can be any length. Please also select keywords, which are descriptive terms to help a user retrieve your work in a search.
  3. Submit your work by email to mphillip[at] Include in your message the following details: abstract; keywords; and each authors’ name, affiliation (i.e., department and university), and email address.
  4. If you have any questions, contact mphillip[at]

Submission Workflow

After your submitted work is approved by the UC Berkeley Library eScholarship editorial team, we will create a PDF version of it (if applicable) and publish it on the eScholarship site. You will be notified by email when your work is posted.

How to Revise Your Submission

If you would like to post a revised version of your work on the site, please follow the instructions in "How to Submit"; however, please specify that this submission is a revision of a previously submitted work.

If you also publish your work outside of eScholarship, for example in a journal, please send the citation of the other version to mphillip[at] We are able to inform eScholarship readers about this alternate version.

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