Recent Work
The Bay Area International Group focuses on the quantitative aspects of family planning and reproductive health. Our overall goal is to expand family planning and improve reproductive health in developing countries by using limited resources as effectively as possible. Our group draws on the cross-disciplinary skills of a number of academic institutions in the San Francisco Bay Area, and includes economists, public health professionals, epidemiologists, as well as international experts in business, reproductive health and AIDS prevention.
There are 8 publications in this collection, published between 1999 and 2003.
Masaki, Emi; Green, Russell; Greig, Fiona; Walsh, Julia; Potts, Malcolm: Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Interventions for Resource Scarce Countries: Setting Priorities for HIV/AIDS, 2003
Fraser, Ashley; Green, Russell; Dunbar, Megan: Costing Cairo: An Annotated Bibiliography of the Cost Literature on ICPD Programme of Action Components in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2002
Montagu, Dominic: Franchising of Health Services in Developing Countries, 2002
Potts, Malcolm; Walsh, Julia: Whither India? Ten Lessons Learned from the HIV Epidemic in Africa, 2002
Strunden, George; Gordon, Deanna; Greig, Fiona; Potts, Malcolm: A Case Study of the Integration of Environmental, Development, and Reproductive Health Programs: TACARE-Tanzania, 2002
Agadjanian, Victor; Prata, Ndola: Trends in Angola's Fertility (United Nations Workshop on Fertility Decline for High Fertility Countries), 2001
Agadjanian, Victor; Prata, Ndola: War and Reproduction: Angola’s Fertility in Comparative Perspective, 2001
Potts, Malcolm: The Population Policy Pendulum: Needs to Settle Near the Middle--And Acknowledge the Importance of Numbers, 1999