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There are 364 publications in this collection, published between 1963 and 2024. Showing 301 - 350.

Lakoff, George: The Metaphorical Structure of Mathematics: Sketching Out Cognitive Foundations For a Mind-Based Mathematics, 1997

Lakoff, George; Chilton, Paul: Foreig Policy by Metaphor, 1995

Lakoff, George: Metaphor, Morality, and Politics, Or, Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals in the Dust, 1995

Lakoff, George: Metaphor, Morality, and Politics, Or, Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals in the Dust, 1995

Lakoff, George: The Neucognitive Self: Conceptual System Research in the 21st Century and Its Role in Rethinking What a Person Is, 1995

Lakoff, George: Cognitive Phonology, 1993

Lakoff, George: The Contemporary  Theory of Metaphor, 1993

Lakoff, George: The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor, 1993

Lakoff, George: Convergence Zones and Conceptual Structure , 1993

Lakoff, George: Metaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf, 1992

Lakoff, George: Multiple Selves: The Metaphorical Models of the Self Inherent In Our Conceptual System, 1992

Lakoff, George: Cognitive Versus Generative Linguistics: How Commitments Influence Results, 1990

Lakoff, George: The Invariance Hypothesis, 1990

Lakoff, George: Some Empirical Results About the Nature of Concepts, 1990

Lakoff, George: Philosophical Speculation and Cognitive Science, 1989

Lakoff, George: Cognitive Semantics , 1988

Lakoff, George: A Suggestion for a Linguistics with Connectionist Foundations, 1988

Lakoff, George: The Death of Dead Metaphor, 1987

Lakoff, George: Image Metaphors, 1987

Lakoff, George; Johnson, Mark: The Metaphorical Logic of Rape, 1987

Lakoff, George; Norvig, Peter: Taking: A Study in Lexical Network Theory, 1987

Lakoff, George: A Figure of Thought, 1986

Lakoff, George; Chicago Linguistic Society: Frame Semantic Control of the Coordinate Structure Constraint, 1986

Lakoff, George: The Meanings of Literal, 1986

Hyman, Larry M: Form and substance in language universels, 1984

Lakoff, George: The Cognitive Model of Anger Inherent in American English, 1984

Lakoff, George: Classifiers as a Reflection of Mind: The Experiential, Imaginative, and Ecological Aspects, 1983

Lakoff, George: Categories, 1982

Lakoff, George; Coates, George: Present Theatre, 1982

Lakoff, George: Conceptual Metaphor in Everyday Language, 1980

Lakoff, George; Johnson, Mark: Conceptual Metaphors in Everyday Language, 1980

Lakoff, George: Some Remarks on AI and Linguistics, 1978

Lakoff, George; Thompson, H; Berkeley Linguistics Society: Cognitive Grammar, 1975

Lakoff, George; Keenan, Edward L; Cambridge University Press: Pragmatics in Natural Logic, 1975

Lakoff, George; Chicago Linguistic Society: Syntactic Amalgams, 1974

Parret, Herman; Lakoff, George: George Lakoff, 1974

Lakoff, George: Fuzzy Grammar and the Performance/Competence Terminology Game, 1973

Lakoff, George: Hedges: A Study In Meaning Criteria And The Logic Of Fuzzy Concepts, 1973

Lakoff, George: Humanistic Linguistics, 1973

Lakoff, George: Notes on What It Would Take To Understand How One Adverb Works, 1973

Lakoff, George: Some Thoughts on Transderivational Constraints, 1973

Lakoff, George: The Arbitrary Basis of Transformational Grammar, 1972

Lakoff, George: The Global Nature of the Nuclear Stress Rule, 1972

Lakoff, George: Structural Complexity in Fairy Tales, 1972

Lakoff, George: The Role of Deduction in Grammar, 1971

Hyman, Larry M.: Essentials of Gwari Grammar, 1970

Lakoff, George: Adverbs and Modal Operators, 1970

Lakoff, George: Adverbs and Opacity, 1970

Lakoff, George: Global Rules, 1970

Lakoff, George: Irregularity in Syntax, 1970

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