Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 364 publications in this collection, published between 1963 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.
Shen, Alice; Gahl, Susanne; Johnson, Keith: Didn't hear that coming: Effects of withholding phonetic cues to code-switching, 2020
Zaslavsky, Noga; Kemp, Charles; Tishby, Naftali; Regier, Terry: Communicative need in colour naming, 2020
Akumbu, Pius W.; Hyman, Larry M.; Kießling, Roland: The Segmental and Tonal Structure of Verb Inflection in Babanki, 2019
Beier, Christine; Michael, Lev; Pacaya Inuma, Jaime; Llona Yareja, Ema; Díaz Cuyasa, Hermenegildo; Inuma Inuma, Ligia: Diccionario Escolar Ikíitu Kuwasíini – Tawɨ Kuwasíini (Iquito – Castellano), 2019
Cychosz, Margaret; Edwards, Jan; Munson, Benjamin; Johnson, Keith: Spectral and temporal measures of coarticulation in child speech., 2019
Cychosz, Margaret; Edwards, Jan R; Munson, Benjamin; Johnson, Keith: Spectral and temporal measures of coarticulation in child speech., 2019
Deal, Amy Rose: Raising to Ergative: Remarks on Applicatives of Unaccusatives, 2019
Gahl, Susanne; Plag, Ingo: Spelling errors in English derivational suffixes reflect morphological boundary strength, 2019
Gahl, Susanne; Baayen, R Harald: Twenty-eight years of vowels: Tracking phonetic variation through young to middle age adulthood, 2019
Garrett, Andrew; Stoner, Melissa; Edwards, Susan; Mackie-Mason, Jeffrey; Myers-Lim, Nicole; Porter, Benjamin et al.: Native American collections in archives, libraries, and museums at the University of California, Berkeley, 2019
Hyman, Larry M.: The Fall and Rise of Vowel Length in Bantu, 2019
Hyman, Larry M; Rolle, Nicholas; Sande, Hannah; Clem, Emily; Jenks, Peter SE; Lionnet, Florian et al.: Niger-Congo Linguistic Features and Typology, 2019
Hyman, Larry M.: Prosodic asymmetries in nominal vs. verbal phrases in Bantu, 2019
Hyman, L: Segmental phonology, 2019
Johnson, Keith; Sprouse, Ronald L.: Head correction of point tracking data, 2019
Johnson, Keith: Individual differences in speech production: What is "phonetic substance"?, 2019
Lin, Susan; Lapierre, Myriam: Articulatory patterns in contrasting nasal-stop sequences in Panãra, 2019
Maddieson, I; Sands, B: The sounds of the bantu languages, 2019
Michael, Lev; Chousou‐Polydouri, Natalia: Computational phylogenetics and the classification of South American languages, 2019
Michael, Lev; Beier, Christine; Pacaya Inuma, Jaime; Llona Yareja, Ema; Díaz Cuyasa, Hermenegildo; Inuma Inuma, Ligia: Iquito-English Dictionary, 2019
Michael, Lev: Lines in Nanti Karintaa Chants: An areal poetic typological perspective (An essay in honor of Joel Sherzer), 2019
Persici, Valentina; Vihman, Marilyn; Burro, Roberto; Majorano, Marinella: Lexical access and competition in bilingual children: The role of proficiency and the lexical similarity of the two languages, 2019
Rybka, Konrad; Michael, Lev: A privative derivational source for standard negation in Lokono (Arawakan), 2019
Sande, Hannah: A unified account of conditioned phonological alternations: Evidence from Guébie, 2019
Sjerps, Matthias J; Fox, Neal P; Johnson, Keith; Chang, Edward F: Speaker-normalized sound representations in the human auditory cortex., 2019
Zaslavsky, Noga; Kemp, Charles; Tishby, Naftali; Regier, Terry: Color Naming Reflects Both Perceptual Structure and Communicative Need, 2019
Bakst, Sarah; Johnson, Keith: Modeling the effect of palate shape on the articulatory-acoustics mapping, 2018
Chacon, Thiago Costa; Michael, Lev: The evolution of subject-verb agreement in Eastern Tukanoan, 2018
Chartier, Josh; Anumanchipalli, Gopala K; Johnson, Keith; Chang, Edward F: Encoding of Articulatory Kinematic Trajectories in Human Speech Sensorimotor Cortex., 2018
Dar, Mariam; Keren-Portnoy, Tamar; Vihman, Marilyn: An order effect in English infants’ discrimination of an Urdu affricate contrast, 2018
Garrett, A: New Perspectives on Indo-European Phylogeny and Chronology, 2018
Garrett, Andrew: Online Dictionaries for Language Revitalization, 2018
Garrett, A: Online dictionaries for language revitalization, 2018
Greene, David; Hossain, Anushah; Hofmann, Julia; Helfand, Gloria; Beach, Robert: Consumer Willingness to Pay for Vehicle Attributes: What Do We Know?, 2018
Hyman, Larry: The First Person Singular Subject Negative Portmanteau in Luganda and Lusoga, 2018
Hyman, Larry M: Towards a Typology of Tone System Changes, 2018
Hyman, Larry M: What tone teaches us about language, 2018
Jenks, Peter: Definite Spans and Blocking in Classifier Languages, 2018
Kemp, Charles; Xu, Yang; Regier, Terry: Semantic Typology and Efficient Communication, 2018
Michael, Lev; Beier, Christine: Matsigenka, 2018
Regier, Terry; Xu, Yang: The Sapir‐Whorf hypothesis and inference under uncertainty, 2018
Zaslavsky, Noga; Kemp, Charles; Regier, Terry; Tishby, Naftali: Efficient compression in color naming and its evolution, 2018
Baayen, Harald; Tomaschek, Fabian; Gahl, Susanne; Ramscar, Michael: The Ecclesiastes Principle in Language Change, 2017
Deal, Amy Rose: Countability distinctions and semantic variation, 2017
Holmes, Kevin J; Regier, Terry: Categorical Perception Beyond the Basic Level: The Case of Warm and Cool Colors, 2017
Hyman, Larry M: Prefixal vowel length in Lulamogi: A stratal account, 2017
Hyman, Larry M; Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria; Lahiri, Aditi; Nichols, Johanna: The unabashed typologist: A Frans Plank Schubertiade, 2017
Jenks, Peter; Makasso, Emmanuel-Moselly; Hyman, Larry M: 2. Accessibility and demonstrative operators in Basaá relative clauses, 2017
Regier, Terry; Xu, Yang: The Sapir‐Whorf hypothesis and inference under uncertainty, 2017
Vihman, Marilyn M: In search of a learning model, 2017