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Publications of the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages

With the first linguistics department to be established in North America (in 1901), Berkeley has a rich and distinguished tradition of rigorous linguistic documentation and theoretical innovation, making it an exciting and fulfilling place to carry out linguistic research. Its original mission, due to the anthropologist Alfred Kroeber and the Sanskrit and Dravidian scholar Murray B. Emeneau, was the recording and describing of unwritten languages, especially American Indian languages spoken in California and elsewhere in the United States. The current Department of Linguistics continues this tradition, integrating careful, scholarly documentation with cutting-edge theoretical work in phonetics, phonology and morphology; syntax, semantics, and pragmatics; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics and anthropological linguistics; historical linguistics; typology; and cognitive linguistics.

There are 109 publications in this collection, published between 1981 and 2022. Showing 51 - 100.

Blevins, Juliette: Notes on Sources of Yurok Glottalized Consonants, 2000

Callaghan, Catherine A: Problems of Writing a Historical Grammar, 2000

Golla, Victor: The History of the Term "Penutian", 2000

Grant, Anthony P: Fabric, Pattern, Shift and Diffusion: What Change in Oregon Penutian Languages Can Tell Historical Linguists, 2000

Hinton, Leanne: The Proceedings of the Hokan-Penutian Workshops: A History and Indices, 2000

Langdon, Margaret: The Story of Johnny Bear: A European Tale in 'Iipay Kumeyaay, 2000

Nichols, Lynn: Two Zuni Passives, 2000

Tarpent, Marie-Lucie: Tsimshianic l-initial Plurals: Relics of an Ancient Penutian Pattern, 2000

Wood, Esther; Hinton, Leanne: A Report on George Grekoff's Collection of Chimariko (and Other) Materials, 2000

Callaghan, Catherine A: Julpun: My Home Town Language, 1996

Chafe, Wallace L: Remarks on Mary Haas, 1996

Crook, Harold: On Nez Perce Nouns with Irregular Metrical Behavior or "Why 'Grizzly Bears' Has Horrible Stress", 1996

Emeneau, Murray B: Mary Haas and Berkeley Linguistics, 1996

Grant, Anthony P: John Milhau's 1856 Hanis Vocabularies: Coos Dialectology and Philology, 1996

Grant, Anthony P: Reviving a Penutian Language: Steps and Strategies in the Revival of Miluk Coos, 1996

Grekoff, George V: Surface-marked Privatives in the Evaluative Domain of the Chimariko Lexicon, 1996

Kramer, Marvin: The Development of Head Marking in Eastern Miwokan: Implications for Contact with Proto-Yokuts, 1996

Langdon, Margaret: J. P. Harrington and Al Hayes, 1996

Langdon, Margaret: Mary Haas as a Teacher, 1996

Langdon, Margaret: Notes on Highland Chontal Internal Reconstruction, 1996

Langdon, Margaret; Jacobsen, William H Jr.: Report on the Special Hokan Session in Albuquerque, July 1995, 1996

Marlett, Stephen A; Moser, Mary B: Draft, Seri Contribution to the Intercontinental Dictionary Series, Mary Ritchie Key, gen. ed., 1996

Matisoff, James A: Remembering Mary Haas' Work on Thai, 1996

Munro, Pamela: The Contribution of Mary R. Haas to the Study of Southeastern Languages, 1996

Munro, Pamela: Valence Arithmetic in the Tolkapaya Lexicon, 1996

Rude, Noel: The Sahaptian Inflectional Suffix Complex, 1996

Shipley, William: Mary Haas as a Historical Linguist, 1996

Teeter, Karl V: The Importance of Mary R. Haas, 1996

Turner, Katherine: Mary Rosamond Haas 1910-1996: Awards and Honors, 1996

Wash, Suzanne: Hyphenating Harrington Style, 1996

Campbell, Lyle: Putting Pronouns in Proper Perspective in Proposals of Remote Relationships Among Native American Languages, 1994

Elliott, Eric: 'How', and 'Thus' in UA: Cupan and Yuman: A Case of Areal Influence, 1994

Facundes, Sidney: Constituent Order Variation in Apurinã (Arawakan), 1994

Guirardello, Raquel: Case, Verb Type and Ergativity in Trumai, 1994

Kimball, Geoffrey: Comparative Difficulties of the "Gulf" Languages, 1994

Kinkade, M Dale: S-prefixation on Upper Chehalis (Salish) Imperfective Predicates, 1994

Langdon, Margaret: Kroeber and Harrington on Mesa Grande Diegueño (Iipay), 1994

Miller, Amy: Conjunctions and Reference Tracking in Yuma, 1994

Mithun, Marianne; Ono, Tsuyoshi; Wash, Suzanne: The Shifting Status of Initial Glottal Stop in Barbareño Chumash, 1994

Moore, Denny; Facundes, Sidney; Pires, Nádia: Nheengatu (Língua Geral Amazônica), its History, and the Effects of Language Contact, 1994

Moore, Denny; Galucio, Ana Vilacy: Reconstruction of Proto-Tupari Consonants and Vowels, 1994

Occhi, Debra J; Palmer, Gary B; Ogawa, Roy H: Like Hair, or Trees: Semantic Analysis of the Coeur d'Alene Prefix ne' 'admist', 1994

Storto, Luciana R: Basic Word Order in Karitiana (Arikem Family, Tupi Stock), 1994

Sawyer, Jesse O: Wappo Studies, 1991

Golla, Victor: The Sapir-Kroeber Correspondence, 1984

Olmsted, D L: A Lexicon of Atsugewi, 1984

Brugman, Claudia: The Use of Body-part Terms as Locatives in Chalcatongo Mixtec, 1983

Dayley, Jon P: Voice and Ergativity in Mayan Languages, 1983

Faraclas, Nicholas: Preliminaries to Tonemic and Tonomechanical Analysis for the Chalcatongo Dialect of Mixtec, 1983

Larsen, Thomas W: Aguacatec Syntax from a Functional Perspective, 1983

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