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Latin American and Caribbean Law and Economics Association (ALACDE) Annual Papers

The Program in Law, Economics, and Institutions at U.C. Berkeley includes a weekly workshop for scholarly papers, fellowships for students, a program for visiting scholars, classes for students, and this working paper series. To find out more about us, visit our web site.

There are 197 publications in this collection, published between 2004 and 2012. Showing 151 - 197.

Paiva, Nunziata Stefania Valenza: Contornos Jurídicos e Matizes Econômicas dos Contratos de Integração Vertical Agroindustriais no Brasil, 2007

Pimenta, Eduardo Goulart: Direito Societário e contratos relacionais: a eficiência econômica e o papel do Código Civil no preenchimento das lacunas contratuais das Sociedades Limitadas, 2007

Ragazzo, Carlos Emmanuel Joppert: Análise Econômica da Regulação: O Papel da Advocacia da Concorrência, 2007

Reyes Villamizar, Francisco: Electronic Commerce - Recent Legal Developments in Colombia, 2007

Rezende, Christiane Leles; Zylbersztajn, Decio: PACTA SUNT SERVANDA? O caso dos contratos de soja verde, 2007

Ribeiro, Ivan Cesar: Robin Hood vs. King John Redistribution: How Do Local Judges Decide Cases In Brazil?, 2007

Sherwood, Robert M.: The Unseen Elephant: What Blocks Judicial System Improvement?, 2007



Wang, Daniel Wei Liang: Escassez de recursos, custos dos direitos e reserva do possível na jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, 2007

Werneck, Bruno Dario; Coelho, Gustavo Flausino: O Pai que Acha que Ajuda o Filho: Marco Regulatório e Investimentos no Setor de Saneamento Básico, 2007

Yeung, Luciana: Leis Trabalhistas e Economia no Brasil – Brazilian Labor Laws and the Economy, 2007

Zylbersztajn, Décio: Contracts and Agreements: Shifter Parameters in the Measurement Cost Theory, 2007

Acciarri, Hugo A; Castellano, Andrea; Barbero, Andrea: Torts and Social Costs: The Judgment Proof Problem as a Matter of Rational Choice, 2006

Ahumada, Hildegart; Alvaredo, Facundo; Canavese, Alfredo J.: Demand for Currency Approach and the Size of the Shadow Economy: A Critical Assessment, 2006

Balbinotto Neto, Giacomo; Letizia Garcia, Ricardo: As Percepções E Experiências Com A Corrupção No Setor De Obra Rodoviárias Do Estado Do RS, 2006

Cavalcante Veiga, Luiz Humberto; Andrade, Joaquim Pinto: Money Laundering, Corruption and Growth: An Empirical Rationale for a Global Convergence on Anti-Money Laundering Regulation, 2006

Coloma, Germán: Fusiones y Adquisiciones en Mercados con Empresas Publicas y Privadas, 2006

Crump, Larry: Global Trade Policy Development in a Two-Track System, 2006

del Granado, Juan Javier: The private legal order, financial intermediation and competition, 2006

Drelichman, Mauricio: Sons of Something: Taxes, Lawsuits and Local Political Control in Sixteenth Century Castile, 2006

Elkins, Zachary; Guzman, Andrew T; Simmons, Beth: Competing for Capital: The Diffusion of Bilateral Investment Treaties, 1960-2000, 2006

Lopez de mello Ferrão, Brisa; César Ribeiro, Ivan: Os Juízes Brasileiros Favorecem a Parte Mais Fraca?, 2006

Matus Acuña, Jean Pierre: ¿Por qué no bajan las tasas de criminalidad en Chile?, 2006

Salazar, Diego F.: Asimetrias de Informacion y Analisis Economico de los Contratos de Adhesion, 2006

Santinoni Vera, Flavia: The Social Function of Property Rights in Brazil, 2006

Acciarri, Hugo A.; Castellano, Andrea: Mandatory Third Party Insurance: God, the Devil, and the Details, 2005

Baistrocchi, Eduardo A.: Transfer Pricing in the 21st Century: A Proposal for both Developed and Developing Countries, 2005

Barcia, Rodrigo: The Chilean AFP Retiring System, 2005

Barcia, Rodrigo: El Sistema Privado de Salud Desde La Perspectiva del Analisis Economico, 2005

Bullard, Alfredo: Reinvindicando a los Piratas. ¿Es La Propiedad Intelectual un Robo?, 2005

Buscaglia, Edgardo; van Dijk, Jan: Controlling Organized Crimes and Corruption in the Public Sector, 2005

Canavese, Alfredo J.: The Effects of Corruption Organization and Punishment on the Alloction of Resources, 2005

Cooter, Robert D.: Innovation, Information, and the Poverty of Nations:, 2005

Dari-Mattiacci, guiseppe; De Geest, Gerrit: Carrots, Sticks and the Multiplication Effect, 2005

del Granado, Juan Javier; Mirow, M. C.: The Future of the Economic Analysis of Law in Latin America: A Proposal for Alacde Model Law and Economics Civil and Commercial Codes, 2005

Djankov, Simeon; Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio; Glaeser, Edward; La Porta, Rafael; Shleifer, Andrei: The New Comparative Economics, 2005

Fillat, Jose L.; Garduno, Hugo: The Role of Habits in Returns Behavior: Evidence from the Stock Market, 2005

Guzman, Andrew T; Simmons, Beth A.: Power Plays & Capacity Constraints: The Selection of Defendants in WTO Disputes, 2005

Hill, Claire: Regulating the Rating Agencies, 2005

Kuhl Teles, Vladimir; Andrade, Joaquim Pinto: Crime and Punishment with Habit Formation, 2005

Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio: What Works in Securities Law, 2005

Márquez, Pablo: Violación A Los Derechos De Propiedad Intelectual: La Incidencia De La Cultura, La Educación Y Las Instituciones En La Pirateria De Software, 2005

Martinez-Ortiz, Juan Jose: Entiendo la Reforma del Estado a Traves del Problema de Agencia, 2005

Williamson, Oliver E: Why Law, Economics and Organization, 2005

Botero, Juan; Djankov, Simeon; La Porta, Rafael; Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio; Shleifer, Andrei: The Regulation of Labor, 2004

Salvador-Coderch, Pablo; Garoupa, Nuno; Gomez-Liguerre, Carlos: Scope of Liability, The Vanishing Distinction between Negligence and Strict Liability, 2004

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