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There are 23 publications in this collection, published in 2022.

Anghel, Ioana G; Jacobs, Sarah J; Escalona, Merly; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Fairbairn, Colin W; Beraut, Eric et al.: Reference genome of the color polymorphic desert annual plant sandblossoms, Linanthus parryae, 2022

Ballare, Kimberly M; Escalona, Merly; Barr, Kelly; Seligmann, William; Sacco, Samuel; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta Madhusudan et al.: A reference genome assembly of the declining tricolored blackbird, Agelaius tricolor, 2022

Beninde, Joscha; Toffelmier, Erin; Shaffer, H Bradley; Murphy, William: A brief history of population genetic research in California and an evaluation of its utility for conservation decision-making, 2022

Bernardi, Giacomo; Toy, Jason A; Escalona, Merly; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta; Nguyen, Oanh et al.: Reference Genome of the Black Surfperch, Embiotoca jacksoni (Embiotocidae, Perciformes), a California Kelp Forest Fish That Lacks a Pelagic Larval Stage, 2022

Bernardi, Giacomo; DeBiasse, Melissa; Escalona, Merly; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Nguyen, Oanh; Sacco, Samuel et al.: Reference Genome of the California Sheephead, Semicossyphus pulcher (Labridae, Perciformes), A Keystone Fish Predator in Kelp Forest Ecosystems, 2022

Cornwell, Brendan H; Beraut, Eric; Fairbairn, Colin; Nguyen, Oanh; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Escalona, Merly et al.: Reference genome assembly of the sunburst anemone, Anthopleura sola, 2022

DeBiasse, Melissa B; Schiebelhut, Lauren M; Escalona, Merly; Beraut, Eric; Fairbairn, Colin; Marimuthu, Mohan P A et al.: A chromosome-level reference genome for the giant pink sea star, Pisaster brevispinus , a species severely impacted by wasting, 2022

Fiedler, Peggy L; Erickson, Bjorn; Esgro, Michael; Gold, Mark; Hull, Joshua M; Norris, Jennifer M et al.: Seizing the moment: The opportunity and relevance of the California Conservation Genomics Project to state and federal conservation policy, 2022

Griffiths, Joanna S; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta M; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Chumchim, Noravit; Nguyen, Oanh H; Beraut, Eric et al.: A draft reference genome of the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens , for conservation genomics, 2022

Grismer, Jesse L; Escalona, Merly; Miller, Courtney; Beraut, Eric; Fairbairn, Colin W; Marimuthu, Mohan P A et al.: Reference genome of the rubber boa, Charina bottae (Serpentes: Boidae), 2022

Huang, Yi; Escalona, Merly; Morrison, Glen; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Nguyen, Oanh; Toffelmier, Erin et al.: Reference Genome Assembly of the Big Berry Manzanita ( Arctostaphylos glauca ), 2022

Kieran Blair, Shannon Rose; Schreier, Andrea; Escalona, Merly; Finger, Amanda J; Joslin, Shannon E K; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta et al.: A chromosome-level reference genome for the Versatile Fairy Shrimp, Branchinecta lindahli, 2022

Kieran Blair, Shannon Rose; Schreier, Andrea; Escalona, Merly; Finger, Amanda J; Joslin, Shannon E K; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta et al.: A draft reference genome of the Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, Branchinecta lynchi, 2022

Kieran Blair, Shannon Rose; Hull, Joshua; Escalona, Merly; Finger, Amanda; Joslin, Shannon E K; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta et al.: The reference genome of the Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp, Lepidurus packardi, 2022

Lin, Meixi; Escalona, Merly; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta; Nguyen, Oanh; Beraut, Eric; Buchalski, Michael R et al.: A Reference Genome Assembly of the Bobcat, Lynx rufus, 2022

Orland, Chloé; Escalona, Merly; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Nguyen, Oanh; Beraut, Eric et al.: A Draft Reference Genome Assembly of the Critically Endangered Black Abalone, Haliotis cracherodii, 2022

Paggeot, Lisa X; DeBiasse, Melissa B; Escalona, Merly; Fairbairn, Colin; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Nguyen, Oanh et al.: Reference genome for the California ribbed mussel, Mytilus californianus , an ecosystem engineer, 2022

Shaffer, Howard B; Toffelmier, Erin; Corbett-Detig, Russ B; Escalona, Merly; Erickson, Bjorn; Fiedler, Peggy et al.: Landscape Genomics to Enable Conservation Actions: The California Conservation Genomics Project, 2022

Todd, Brian D; Jenkinson, Thomas S; Escalona, Merly; Beraut, Eric; Nguyen, Oanh; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta et al.: Reference Genome of the Northwestern Pond Turtle, Actinemys marmorata, 2022

Toffelmier, Erin; Beninde, Joscha; Shaffer, H Bradley; Murphy, William: The phylogeny of California, and how it informs setting multispecies conservation priorities, 2022

Wood, Dustin A; Richmond, Jonathan Q; Escalona, Merly; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Nguyen, Oanh; Sacco, Samuel et al.: Reference genome of the California glossy snake, Arizona elegans occidentalis : A declining California Species of Special Concern, 2022

Wright, Daniel B; Escalona, Merly; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta; Nguyen, Oanh; Sacco, Samuel et al.: Reference genome of the Monkeyface Prickleback, Cebidichthys violaceus, 2022

Wright, Daniel B; Escalona, Merly; Marimuthu, Mohan P A; Sahasrabudhe, Ruta; Nguyen, Oanh; Sacco, Samuel et al.: Reference genome of the Woolly Sculpin, Clinocottus analis, 2022

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