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Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

There are 306 publications in this collection, published between 1986 and 2024. Showing 301 - 306.

Benton, C.; Bauman, Fred; Fountain, M.: A field measurement system for the study of thermal comfort, 1990

Doherty, T.; Arens, Edward A: Evaluation of the physiological bases of thermal comfort models, 1988

Schiller, G.; Arens, Edward A; Bauman, Fred; Benton, C.; Fountain, M.; Doherty, T.: A field study of thermal environments and comfort in office buildings, 1988

Fountain, Marc: Instrumentation for thermal comfort measurements: The globe thermometer, 1987

Arens, Edward; Watanabe, Nora: Natural Ventilative Cooling of Buildings, 1986

Arens, Edward A; Gonzalez, R.; Berglund, L.: Thermal comfort under an extended range of environmental conditions, 1986

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