Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
There are 306 publications in this collection, published between 1986 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.
Parkinson, Thomas; Parkinson, Alex; de Dear, Richard: Continuous IEQ monitoring system: Context and development, 2019
Parkinson, Thomas; Parkinson, Alex; de Dear, Richard: Continuous IEQ monitoring system: Performance specifications and thermal comfort classification, 2019
Pei, Gen; Rim, Donghyun; Schiavon, Stefano; Vannucci, Matthew: Effect of sensor position on the performance of CO2-based demand controlled ventilation, 2019
Present, Elaina; Raftery, Paul; Brager, Gail; Graham, Lindsay T: Ceiling fans in commercial buildings: In situ airspeeds & practitioner experience, 2019
Soebarto, Veronica; Zhang, Hui; Schiavon, Stefano: A thermal comfort environmental chamber study of older and younger people, 2019
Wang, Zi; Yu, Hang; Jiao, Yu; Chu, Xiangyang; Luo, Maohui: Chinese older people's subjective and physiological responses to moderate cold and warm temperature steps, 2019
Wang, Huan; Zhang, Hong; Hu, Xiaowei; Luo, Maohui; Wang, Guijin; Li, Xianting et al.: Measurement of airflow pattern induced by ceiling fan with quad-view colour sequence particle streak velocimetry, 2019
Wang, Zi; Yu, Hang; Luo, Maohui; Wang, Zhe; Zhang, Hui; Jiao, Yu: Predicting older people's thermal sensation in building environment through a machine learning approach: Modelling, interpretation, and application, 2019
Wang, Zhe; Parkinson, Thomas; Li, Peixian; Lin, Borong; Hong, Tianzhen: The Squeaky Wheel: Machine learning for anomaly detection in subjective thermal comfort votes, 2019
Zhai, Yongchao; Zhao, Shengkai; Yang, Liu; Wei, Na; Xu, Qinyun; Zhang, Hui et al.: Transient human thermophysiological and comfort responses indoors after simulated summer commutes, 2019
Zhai, Yongchao; Zhao, Shengkai; Yang, Liu; Wei, Na; Xu, Qinyun; Zhang, Hui et al.: Transient human thermophysiological and comfort responses indoors after simulated summer commutes, 2019
Zhai, Yongchao; Honnekeri, Anoop; Pigman, Margaret; Fountain, Marc; Zhang, Hui; Zhou, Xiang et al.: Use of adaptive control and its effects on human comfort in a naturally ventilated office in Alameda, California, 2019
Zhai, Yongchao; Miao, Fengyu; Yang, Liu; Zhao, Shengkai; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Edward: Using personally controlled air movement to improve comfort after simulated summer commute, 2019
Zhou, Xiang; Liu, Yunliang; Luo, Maohui; Zhang, Lili; Zhang, Qiqi; Zhang, Xu: Thermal comfort under radiant asymmetries of floor cooling system in 2 h and 8 h exposure durations, 2019
Arens, Edward; Heinzerling, David; Paliaga, Gwelen: Sunlight and Indoor Thermal Comfort, 2018
Filingeri, Davide; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Edward A: Thermosensory micromapping of warm and cold sensitivity across glabrous and hairy skin of male and female hands and feet, 2018
Földváry Ličina, Veronika; Cheung, Toby; Zhang, Hui; de Dear, Richard; Parkinson, Thomas; Arens, Edward et al.: Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II, 2018
Gao, Siru; Zhai, Yongchao; Yang, Liu; Zhang, Hui; Gao, Yunfei: Preferred temperature with standing and treadmill workstations, 2018
Ghahramani, Ali; Castro, Guillermo; Karvigh, Simin Ahmadi; Becerik-Gerber, Burcin: Towards unsupervised learning of thermal comfort using infrared thermography, 2018
Jin, Ming; Liu, Shichao; Schiavon, Stefano; Spanos, Costas: Automated mobile sensing: Towards high-granularity agile indoor environmental quality monitoring, 2018
Karmann, Caroline; Schiavon, Stefano; Arens, Edward: Percentage of commercial buildings showing at least 80% occupant satisfied with their thermal comfort, 2018
Kent, Michael George: The importance of window view: Using an exploratory factor analysis to uncover the underlying latent dimensions, 2018
Kim, Joyce: Advancing comfort technology and analytics to personalize thermal experience in the built environment, 2018
Kim, Joyce; Zhou, Yuxun; Schiavon, Stefano; Raftery, Paul; Brager, Gail: Personal comfort models: Predicting individuals' thermal preference using occupant heating and cooling behavior and machine learning, 2018
Kim, Joyce; Schiavon, Stefano; Brager, Gail: Personal comfort models—A new paradigm in thermal comfort for occupant-centric environmental control, 2018
Lipczynska, Aleksandra; Schiavon, Stefano; Graham, Lindsay T: Thermal comfort and self-reported productivity in an office with ceiling fans in the tropics, 2018
Liu, Shuo; Lipczynska, Aleksandra; Schiavon, Stefano; Arens, Edward: Detailed experimental investigation of air speed field induced by ceiling fans, 2018
Luo, Maohui; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Edward; Ghahramani, Ali; Wang, Zhe; Jin, Ling et al.: Heating and cooling the human body with energy-efficient personal com-fort systems (PCS), 2018
Luo, Maohui; Wang, Zhe; Ke, Kevin; Cao, Bin; Zhai, Yongchao; Zhou, Xiang: Human metabolic rate and thermal comfort in buildings: The problem and challenge, 2018
Luo, Maohui; Wang, Zhe; Brager, Gail; Cao, Bin; Zhu, Yingxin: Indoor climate experience, migration, and thermal comfort expectation in buildings, 2018
Luo, Maohui; Arens, Edward; Zhang, Hui; Ghahramani, Ali; Wang, Zhe: Thermal comfort evaluated for combinations of energy-efficient personal heating and cooling devices, 2018
Wang, Zhe; Luo, Maohui; Zhang, Hui; He, Yingdong; Jin, Ling; Arens, Edward et al.: The Effect of a Low-Energy Wearable Thermal Device on Human Comfort, 2018
Zani, Andrea; Mainini, Andrea G.; Cadena, Juan D.B.; Schiavon, Stefano; Arens, Edward: A new modeling approach for the assessment of the effect of solar radiation on indoor thermal comfort, 2018
Zhang, Hui; Bauman, Fred; Arens, Edward; Zhai, Yongchao; Dickerhoff, Darryl; Zhou, Xiang et al.: Reducing building over-cooling by adjusting HVAC supply airflow setpoints and providing personal comfort systems, 2018
Cheung, Toby C.T.; Schiavon, Stefano; Gall, Elliott T; Jin, Ming; Nazaroff, William W: Longitudinal assessment of thermal and perceived air quality acceptability in relation to temperature, humidity, and CO2 exposure in Singapore, 2017
Dennis, Ann: Global trends in thermal comfort in air conditioned and naturally ventilated offices in six climates, 2017
Dutra de Vasconcellos, Gabriela: Evaluation of Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE) as a Proxy to Glare: A Field Study in a NZEB and LEED Certified Office in San Francisco, 2017
Filingeri, Davide; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Edward A: Characteristics of the local cutaneous sensory thermoneutral zone, 2017
Gao, Yunfei; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Edward; Present, Elaina; Ning, Baisong; Zhai, Yongchao et al.: Ceiling fan air speeds around desks and office partitions, 2017
Kaam, Soazig; Raftery, Paul; Cheng, Hwakong; Paliaga, Gwelen: Time-averaged ventilation for optimized control of variable-air-volume systems, 2017
Karmann, Caroline; Schiavon, Stefano; Graham, Lindsay T; Raftery, Paul; Bauman, Fred: Comparing temperature and acoustic satisfaction in 60 radiant and all-air buildings, 2017
Karmann, Caroline: Thermal comfort and acoustic quality in buildings using radiant systems, 2017
Liu, Shuo; Yin, Le; Ho, Weng Khuen; Ling, Keck Voon; Schiavon, Stefano: A tracking cooling fan using geofence and camera-based indoor localization, 2017
Smith, Matthew J.; Warren, Kristen; Cohen-Tanugi, David; Shames, Sam; Sprehn, Kelly; Schwartz, Jana L. et al.: Augmenting Smart Buildings and Autonomous Vehicles with Wearable Thermal Technology, 2017
Altomonte, Sergio; Saadouni, Sara; Schiavon, Stefano: Occupant Satisfaction in LEED and BREEAM-Certified Office Buildings, 2016
Andersen, Michael; Fierro, Gabe; Kumar, Sam; Kim, Joyce; Arens, Edward; Zhang, Hui et al.: Well-connected microzones for increased building efficiency and occupant comfort, 2016
de Dear, Richard; Foldvary, Veronika; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Ed; Luo, Moahui; Parkinson, Thomas et al.: Comfort is in the mind of the beholder: a review of progress in adaptive thermal comfort research over the past two decades, 2016
Foldvary, Veronika: Assessment of indoor environmental quality in residential buildings before and after renovation, 2016
Gall, Elliott T; Cheung, Toby; Luhung, Irvan; Schiavon, Stefano; Nazaroff, William W: Real-time monitoring of personal exposures to carbon dioxide, 2016
Ghahramani, Ali; Castro, Guillermo; Becerik-Gerber, Burcin; Yu, Xinran: Infrared thermography of human face for monitoring thermoregulation performance and estimating personal thermal comfort, 2016