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There are 337 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 2025. Showing 151 - 200.

Yang, Kai; Xu, Xinyi; Yang, Benjamin; Cook, Brian; Ramos, Herbert; Krishnan, NM Anoop et al.: Predicting the Young’s Modulus of Silicate Glasses using High-Throughput Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Machine Learning, 2019

Yousef, Foad; Gebremichael, Mekonnen; Ghebremichael, Lula; Perine, Jeffrey: Remote‐sensing Based Assessment of Long‐term Riparian Vegetation Health in Proximity to Agricultural Lands with Herbicide Use History, 2019

Zimmaro, P; Brandenberg, SJ; Bozorgnia, Y; Stewart, JP; Kwak, DY; Cetin, KO et al.: Quality control for next-generation liquefaction case histories, 2019

Zimmaro, P; Stewart, JP; Scasserra, G; Kishida, T; Tropeano, G: Strong ground motion characteristics of 2016 Central Italy earthquakes and implications for ground motion modeling, 2019

Østergaard, Martin B; Hansen, Søren R; Januchta, Kacper; To, Theany; Rzoska, Sylwester J; Bockowski, Michal et al.: Revisiting the Dependence of Poisson’s Ratio on Liquid Fragility and Atomic Packing Density in Oxide Glasses, 2019

Bechgaard, Tobias K; Gulbiten, Ozgur; Mauro, John C; Hu, Yushu; Bauchy, Mathieu; Smedskjaer, Morten M: Temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry analysis of high-temperature silicate glasses, 2018

Brandenberg, Scott J; Kwak, Dong Youp; Zimmaro, Paolo; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Kramer, Steven L; Stewart, Jonathan P: Next-Generation Liquefaction (NGL) Case History Database Structure, 2018

Durante, Maria Giovanna; Brandenberg, Scott J; Ausilio, Ernesto; Zimmaro, Paolo: Influence of topographic irregularities on the asyncronism of strong ground motions, 2018

Durante, Maria Giovanna; Brandenberg, Scott J; Stewart, Jonathan P; Mylonakis, George: Winkler Stiffness Intensity for Flexible Walls Retaining Inhomogeneous Soil, 2018

Eslami, Mohammad; Brandenberg, Scott J; Stewart, Jonathan P: Cyclic Behavior of Low-Plasticity Fine-Grained Soils with Varying Pore-Fluid Salinity, 2018

Eslami, Mohammad M; Pradel, Daniel; Brandenberg, Scott J: Experimental mapping of elastoplastic surfaces for sand using undrained perturbations, 2018

Eslami, Mohammad; Zhong, Ai; Brandenberg, Scott: Processing, Visualization, and Analysis of Direct Simple Shear Test Data Using Jupyter Notebooks in the DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure, 2018

Eslami, Mohammad M; Brandenberg, Scott J; Pradel, Daniel; Esteva, Maria: Yield Surface Mapping and Triaxial Compression Test Data Curation, 2018

Giron, Rachel Guia P; Chen, Xin; La Plante, Erika Callagon; Gussev, Maxim N; Leonard, Keith J; Sant, Gaurav: Revealing How Alkali Cations Affect the Surface Reactivity of Stainless Steel in Alkaline Aqueous Environments, 2018

Guo, Peng; La Plante, Erika Callagon; Wang, Bu; Chen, Xin; Balonis, Magdalena; Bauchy, Mathieu et al.: Direct observation of pitting corrosion evolutions on carbon steel surfaces at the nano-to-micro- scales, 2018

Kishida, T; Contreras, V; Bozorgnia, Y; Abrahamson, NA; Ahdi, SK; Ancheta, TD et al.: NGA-SUB GROUND MOTION DATABASE, 2018

Koutsantonakis, Christos; Mylonakis, George; Brandenberg, Scott J; Durante, Maria Giovanna; Stewart, JP: Seismic Response of Flexible Walls Retaining Homogeneous Viscoelastic Soil, 2018

Mohanty, Sanjay K; Gonneau, Cedric; Salamatipour, Ashkan; Pietrofesa, Ralph A; Casper, Brenda; Christofidou-Solomidou, Melpo et al.: Siderophore-mediated iron removal from chrysotile: Implications for asbestos toxicity reduction and bioremediation, 2018

Nweke, Chukwuebuka C; Wang, Pengfei; Brandenberg, Scott J; Stewart, Jonathan P: Reconsidering basin effects in ergodic site response models, 2018

Reyes, Vincent C; Gedalanga, Phillip B; Merino, Nancy; Van Nostrand, Joy D; Keely, Scott P; De Long, Susan K et al.: Differential Sensitivity of Wetland-Derived Nitrogen Cycling Microorganisms to Copper Nanoparticles, 2018

Stewart, Jonathan; Parker, Grace A; Al Atik, Linda; Atkinson, Gail M; Goulet, Christine: Site-to-Site Standard Deviation Model for Central and Eastern North America, 2018

Yniesta, Samuel; Brandenberg, Scott J: A Constitutive Model Controlling Damping for 2D and 3D Site Response, 2018

Young, Adam P; Flick, Reinhard E; Gallien, Timu W; Giddings, Sarah N; Guza, R. T; Harvey, M. et al.: Southern California Coastal Response to the 2015-2016 El Niño, 2018

Zimmaro, Paolo; Stewart, Jonathan P; Brandenberg, Scott J; Kwak, Dong Youp; Jongejan, Ruben: Multi-Hazard System Reliability of Flood Control Levees, 2018

Zimmaro, Paolo; Scasserra, Giuseppe; Stewart, Jonathan P; Kishida, Tadahiro; Tropeano, Giuseppe; Castiglia, Massimina et al.: Strong Ground Motion Characteristics from 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence, 2018

Afshari, Kioumars; Stewart, Jonathan: Implications of California vertical array data for the analysis of site response with 1D geotechnical modeling, 2017

Afshari, Kioumars; Stewart, Jonathan P: Small-strain damping for ground responseanalysis as used in non-ergodic hazard analysis – Lessons from California recordings, 2017

Ahdi, Sean K; Ancheta, Timothy D; Contreras, Victor; Kishida, Tadahiro; Kwak, Dong Youp; Kwok, Annie O et al.: NGA-Subduction site database, 2017

Ahdi, Sean K; Stewart, Jonathan P; Kwak, Dong Youp; Ancheta, Timothy D; Mitra, Devjyoti: Proxy-Based VS30 Prediction in Alaska Accounting for Limited Regional Data, 2017

Bauchy, Mathieu; Wang, Mengyi; Yu, Yingtian; Wang, Bu; Krishnan, NM Anoop; Masoero, Enrico et al.: Topological Control on the Structural Relaxation of Atomic Networks under Stress, 2017

Biernacki, Joseph J; Bullard, Jeffrey W; Sant, Gaurav; Banthia, Nemkumar; Brown, Kevin; Glasser, Fredrik P et al.: Cements in the 21st century: Challenges, perspectives, and opportunities, 2017

Brandenberg, Scott J; Mylonakis, George; Stewart, Jonathan P: Approximate solution for seismic earth pressures on rigid walls retaining inhomogeneous elastic soil, 2017

Brandenberg, Scott J: iConsol.js: JavaScript Implicit Finite-Difference Code for Nonlinear Consolidation and Secondary Compression, 2017

Brandenberg, Scott J; Agapaki, Eva; Mylonakis, George; Stewart, Jonathan P: Seismic earth pressure exerted on rigid walls by vertically heterogeneous soil using Winkler method, 2017

Falzone, Gabriel; Balonis, Magdalena; Bentz, Dale; Jones, Scott; Sant, Gaurav: Anion capture and exchange by functional coatings: New routes to mitigate steel corrosion in concrete infrastructure, 2017

Gonneau, Cédric; Mohanty, Sanjay K; Dietterich, Lee H; Hwang, Wei-Ting; Willenbring, Jane K; Casper, Brenda B: Differential elemental uptake in three pseudo-metallophyte C4 grasses in situ in the eastern USA, 2017

Gonneau, Cédric; Miller, Kinsey; Mohanty, Sanjay K; Xu, Rengyi; Hwang, Wei-Ting; Willenbring, Jane K et al.: Framework for assessment and phytoremediation of asbestos-contaminated sites, 2017

Kishida, Tadahiro; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Abrahamson, Norman A; Ahdi, Sean K; Ancheta, Timothy D; Boore, David M et al.: Development of NGA-Subduction database, 2017

Krishnan, NM Anoop; Wang, Bu; Yu, Yingtian; Le Pape, Yann; Sant, Gaurav; Bauchy, Mathieu: Enthalpy Landscape Dictates the Irradiation-Induced Disordering of Quartz†, 2017

Kwak, Dong Youp; Ancheta, Timothy D; Mitra, Devjyoti; Ahdi, Sean K; Zimmaro, Paolo; Parker, Grace A et al.: Performance evaluation of VSZ-to-VS30 correlation methods using global VS profile database, 2017

Lemnitzer, Anne; Cappa, Riccardo; Yniesta, Samuel; Stewart, Jonathan P; Brandenberg, Scott J: Post-cyclic settlements of a levee structure on organic soil during centrifuge testing, 2017

Li, Xin; Song, Weiying; Yang, Kai; Krishnan, NM Anoop; Wang, Bu; Smedskjaer, Morten M et al.: Cooling rate effects in sodium silicate glasses: Bridging the gap between molecular dynamics simulations and experiments, 2017

Li, Yaqiu; Hu, Weiwei; Sun, Yufeng; Wang, Zili; Mosleh, Ali: A Life Prediction Model of Multilayered PTH Based on Fatigue Mechanism, 2017

Oey, Tandré; Kumar, Aditya; Pignatelli, Isabella; Yu, Yingtian; Neithalath, Narayanan; Bullard, Jeffrey et al.: Topological controls on the dissolution kinetics of glassy aluminosilicates., 2017

Rathje, Ellen M; Dawson, Clint; Padgett, Jamie E; Pinelli, Jean-Paul; Stanzione, Dan; Adair, Ashley et al.: DesignSafe: New Cyberinfrastructure for Natural Hazards Engineering, 2017

Stewart, Jonathan P; Afshari, Kioumars: Small-strain damping for ground response analysis as used in non-ergodic hazard analysis – Lessons from California recordings, 2017

Tsai, Yi-Tyan; Brandenberg, Scott J; Kayen, Robert E; Stewart, Jonathan P: Estimating ground motions from past earthquakes for levees founded on soft soils, 2017

Yniesta, S; Brandenberg, SJ; Shafiee, A: ARCS: A one dimensional nonlinear soil model for ground response analysis, 2017

Yniesta, Samuel; Brandenberg, Scott J: Stress-Ratio-Based Interpretation of Modulus Reduction and Damping Curves, 2017

Zimmaro, Paolo; Kwak, Dong Youp; Stewart, Jonathan P; Brandenberg, Scott J; Balakrishnan, Ariya; Jongejan, Ruben et al.: Procedures from International Guidelines for Assessing Seismic Risk to Flood-Control Levees, 2017

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