CEGA White Papers
The CEGA White Paper Series showcases literature review papers from CEGA affiliates, graduate students, and staff. The white papers are typically foundational work for CEGA research initiatives, which outline theoretical frameworks and highlight gaps in the international development literature where new rigorous evidence is necessary to inform policymaking.
There are 12 publications in this collection, published between 2013 and 2022.
Dal Bó, Ernesto; Finan, Frederico; Ho, Yuen: Institutions and economic development: Taking stock and looking forward, 2022
Bridle, Leah; Marchenko, Anya: Impact Report from the Economic Development & Institutions programme - Research Area 3 (EDI-RA3), 2021
Bridle, Leah; Magruder, Jeremy; McIntosh, Craig; Suri, Tavneet: Experimental Insights on the Constraints to Agricultural Technology Adoption, 2020
Marchenko, Anya; Bridle, Leah: Research Recap: Can information improve the functioning of courts?, 2020
Marchenko, Anya; Bridle, Leah: Thematic Insight: Modernizing tax collection, 2020
Marchenko, Anya; Bridle, Leah: Thematic Insight: Motivating and monitoring public service provision, 2020
Faber, Benjamin; Krause, Benjamin; Sánchez de la Sierra, Raúl: Artisanal Mining, Livelihoods, and Child Labor in the Cobalt Supply Chain of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017
Francis, Eilin; Blumenstock, Joshua; Robinson, Jonathan: Digital Credit: A Snapshot of the Current Landscape andOpen Research Questions, 2017
Westbury, Andrew: Twenty Questions: What Works for Institutions and Economic Development, 2017
Dal Bo, Ernesto; Finan, Frederico: At the Intersection: A Review of Institutions in Economic Development, 2016
Global Action, Center for Effective: A Review of Behavioral Economics in Reproductive Health, 2015
Jack, B. Kelsey: Market inefficiencies and the adoption of agricultural technologies in developing countries, 2013