CENS, a NSF Science & Technology Center, is developing Embedded Networked Sensing Systems and applying this revolutionary technology to critical scientific and social applications. Like the Internet, these large-scale, distributed, systems, composed of smart sensors and actuators embedded in the physical world, will eventually infuse the entire world, but at a physical level instead of virtual. An interdisciplinary and multi-institutional venture, CENS involves hundreds of faculty, engineers, graduate student researchers, and undergraduate students from multiple disciplines at the partner institutions of University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Southern California (USC), University of California Riverside (UCR), California Institute of Technology (Caltech), University of California at Merced (UCM), and California State University at Los Angeles (CSULA).
There are 392 publications in this collection, published between 2003 and 2009. Showing 101 - 150.
Alexander Ratko; Thomas Harmon; Christopher Butler; Tatyana Bendikov; Yair Wisjboom; Michael Bendikov: Scaleable nitrate sensors for soil and water observation applications (SEN 6), 2006
Allen Husker; Igor Stubailo; Martin Lukac; Alma Quezada; Steven Skinner; Irving Flores et al.: Design, Installation, and Performance of a Delay Tolerant Seismic Network in Mexico (SEI 1), 2006
Allen Husker; Igor Stubailo; Martin Lukac; Alma Quezada; Steven Skinner; Irving Flores et al.: SEI 1: Design, Installation, and Performance of a Delay Tolerant Seismic Network in Mexico, 2006
Aman Kansal; William J. Kaiser; Gregory J. Pottie; Mani B. Srivastava; Gaurav Sukhatme: MAS 3: Coordinated Actuation for Environment Observation, 2006
Amit Dhariwal; Bin Zhang; Arvind Pereira; Carl Oberg; Beth Stauffer; Stefanie Moorthi et al.: MAS 5: NAMOS: Networked Aquatic Microbial Observing System, 2006
Amit Dhariwal; Bin Zhang; Arvind Pereira; Carl Oberg; Beth Stauffer; Stefanie Moorthi et al.: Networked Aquatic Microbial Observing System (MAS 1), 2006
Arnaud Benahmed; Nikolaus Rechner; Robert Lam; Michael Bendikov; Alexander Ratko; yair Wisjboom et al.: SEN 0: Wireless Miniature Sensors for CENS Overview, 2006
Arnaud Benahmed; Robert Lam; Chih-Ming Ho: Surface Plasmon Band Gap Sensor A new sensor for robust on-field biosensing (SEN 1), 2006
Arvind Menezes Pereira; Gabriel Sibley; Gaurav Sukhatme; Amit Dhariwal; Bin Zhang; Carl Oberg et al.: Stereo Vision Aided Navigation for Robotic Boats (MAS 10), 2006
BA Stauffer; SD Moorthi; B Zhang; A Dhariwal; C Oberg; A Menezes-Pereira et al.: Characterization of the phytoplankton community and photoadaptive strategies in Lake Fulmor, CA established through embedded networked sensing. (AQU 1), 2006
Beth Stauffer; Stefanie Moorthi; Bin Zhang; Amit Dhariwal; Carl Oberg; Arvind Pereira et al.: AQU 1: Characterization of the Phytoplankton Community in Lake Fulmor, CA, Using Embedded Sensor Networks, 2006
Bill Kaiser; Mark Hansen; Gaurav Sukhatme; the MAS Team: MAS 0: Multi-scale Actuation and Sensing: An Overview, 2006
Brian Fulkerson; Stefano Soatto; Mike Allen; Mike Taggart; Michael Hamilton: Adventures in Automating Ecological Image Analysis (TER 3), 2006
C. Butler; A. Rat ko; Yair Wishjboom; T. Bendikov; T. Harmon; D. Kim et al.: SEN 2: Scaleable Nitrate Sensors for Soil and Aquatic Observation Applications, 2006
Cathy Kong; William Kaiser; Greg Pottie: Model Based Multiscale Sensing (MAS 5), 2006
Che-Chuan Wu; Steven A. Margulis: Embedded Networked Sensing in Soils: A Stochastic Data Assimilation Approach to Network Design and Real-time State and Parameter Estimation (CON 1), 2006
C.E. Chen; F. Lorenzelli; R.E. Hudson; K. Yao: Acoustic Source DOA Estimation using the Cross-Entropy Method (SYS 14), 2006
Christine Borgman; Melissa Cook; Deborah Fields; Kathy Griffis; Aletha Harven; Karen Kim et al.: EDU 3: Pre-College Activities: CENSEI and Education Tools related to Audio/Visual Sensing, 2006
Deborah Estrin; Christine Borgman; Linda Sax; June Chang; Amy Fann; Karen Kim et al.: EDU 2: Diversity at CENS, 2006
Diane Budzik; Amarjeet Singh; Per Henrik Borgstrom; Michael Stealey; Maxim Batalin; William Kaiser: MAS 1: Multiscale Sensing and Actuation Architecture and Performance, 2006
Dohyun Kim; Ira B. Goldberg; Michael Glickman; Jack W. Judy: A High-Performance Micromachined Amperometric Nitrate Sensor for Environmental Monitoring (SEN 8), 2006
Dong-U Lee; Hyungjin Kim; Steve Tu; John Villasenor: Energy Tradeoffs in Image Communication among Resource-Constrained Image Sensors (SYS 11), 2006
Dustin McIntire; Kei Ho; Bernie Yip; Amarjeet Singh; Winston Wu; William J. Kaiser: The Low Power Energy Aware Processing (LEAP) Embedded Networked Sensor System (MAS 12), 2006
Eric Graham; Michael Hamilton; Phil Rundel; William Kaiser; Mark Hansen; Deborah Estrin et al.: TER 1: Imagers as Biological Sensors, 2006
Gaurav Sukhatme; David Caron; Carl Oberg; Bin Zhang; Amit Dhariwal; Beth Stauffer et al.: AQU 0: ENS Approaches for Observing and Sensing of Microbial Communities in Aquatic Ecosystems An Overview, 2006
Gautam Thatte; Urbashi Mitra: Optimal Power Allocation in Distributed Sensing (SEN 3), 2006
J. Goldman; D. Estrin; W. Kaiser; G. Pottie: KNO 0: CENS Knowledge Transfer Overview, 2006
J. Goldman; D. Estrin; M. Hamilton; T. Harmon; W. Kaiser: KNO 1: Facilitating the Adoption of Embedded Networked Sensing by Emerging National Environmental Observatories, 2006
Gong Chen; Andrew Parker; Sasank Reddy: Partisan (SYS 24), 2006
Hyungjin Kim; Dong-U Lee; John Villasenor: Energy-Aware Object Localization Using Heterogneous Image Sensors (SYS 10), 2006
Jason C. Fisher; Henry Pai; Thomas C. Harmon: A Multiscale Embedded Networking Sensing Water Quality Observatory Study at the Merced and San Joaquin Rivers' Confluence (CON 3), 2006
Jason Fisher; Henry Pai; Thomas Harmon (UC Merced); Amarjeet Singh; Maxim A. Batalin; Michael Stealey; Victor Chen et al.: Understanding of Flow, Mixing, and Groundwater Accretion on Large-Scale Rivers Using Integrated Modeling and Multiscale embedded Networked Sensing (CON 4), 2006
Jeff Burke; Deborah Estrin; Ramesh Govindan; Richard Guy; Mark Hansen; William Kaiser et al.: SYS 0: CENS Systems Research Overview, 2006
Jennifer L. Wong; Tom Schoellhammer; Miodrag Potkonjak; Deborah Estrin: Strategic Deployment in the Presence of Lossy Communication Links (SYS 21), 2006
Jessica Feng; Lewis Girod; Miodrag Potkonjak: Consistency-based Localization in Sensor Networks (MAS 9), 2006
Kannika Sikangwan; Miodrag Potkonjak: Optimal and Heuristic Techniques for Fault Detection (MAS 8), 2006
Karen Kim; Christine Borgman; June Chang; Melissa Cook; Amy Fann; Deborah Fields et al.: EDU 0: Education Overview, 2006
Karen Kim; Wesley Uehara; Richard Guy; Deborah Estrin; Ramesh Govindan; Michael Hamilton et al.: EDU 1: CENS Graduate and Undergraduate Education Programs, 2006
Kathy Griffis; Joe Wise: Field Application of Cyclops (EDU 3), 2006
Kevin Ni; Greg Pottie: Bayesian selection of non faulty sensors (SYS 6), 2006
Kevin Chang; John Hicks; Martin Lukac; Dustin McIntire; Tom Schoellhammer; Thanos Stathopoulos et al.: SYS 5: Systems Infrastructure, 2006
M. Kohler; J. Wallace; D. Skolnik; R. Govindan; O. Gnawali; J. Paek et al.: Developments on the CENS Structural Health Monitoring Front (SEI 2), 2006
Laura Balzano; Nithya Ramanathan; Tom Sc hoellhammer; Deborah Estrin; Eddie Kohler; Mani Srivastava: High Fidelity Data Collection: Managing the Collection Process Throughout the Deployment Lifecycle (SYS 19), 2006
Lewis Girod; Andreas Ali; Mani Srivastava; Kung Yao: Cooperative Acoustic Vehicle Localization (SYS 1), 2006
Lewis Girod; Martin Lukac; Andreas Mantik; Vlad Trifa; Travis Collier; Deborah Estrin: Self-Calibrating Distributed Acoustic Sensor Array: Localization of Bio-acoustic Sources (SYS 3), 2006
Lewis Girod; Martin Lukac; Vlad Trifa; Deborah Estrin: SYS 2: Acoustic ENSBox A System of Self Calibrating Distributed Acoustic Arrays, 2006
Leyla Sabet; Arnaud Benahmed; Chih-Ming Ho: Ultra Sensitive Laser Induced Fluorescence Sensor (SEN 4), 2006
Madhavan Vajapeyam; Satish Vedantam; Urbashi Mitra: Cooperative Schemes for Underwater Acoustic Communications (AQU 3), 2006
Martin Lukac; Lewis Girod; Deborah Estrin: Disruption Tolerant Shell (SYS 13), 2006
Martin Lukac; Vinayak Naik; Allen Husker; Igor Stubailo; Paul Davis; Deborah Estrin: GeoNet: A Platform for Rapid Ditributed Geophysical Sensing (SYS 12), 2006