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Reprint Series

The Center for Global, International and Regional Studies (CGIRS) at the University of California Santa Cruz coordinates research, teaching and public education related to the new international economic, social and political structures of our time. In addition to the Working Papers, Global Policy Briefs and Reprints available from this site, CGIRS supports the UC Atlas of Global Inequality.

There are 111 publications in this collection, published between 1985 and 2014. Showing 1 - 50.

Rowe, James K; Carroll, Myles: Reform or Radicalism: Left Social Movements from the Battle of Seattle to Occupy Wall Street, 2014

Singh, Nirvikar: Essays on India in a Global Context    , 2014

Singh, Nirvikar: Essays on India’s Economy: Growth and Innovation, 2014

Singh, Nirvikar: Essays on India’s Economy: Perspectives on Policy Reform, 2014

Singh, Nirvikar: Essays on India’s Political Economy    , 2014

Corw, Ben; Swallow, Brent; Asamba, Isabella: CommunityOrganizedHouseholdWaterIncreasesNot Only Rural incomes, but AlsoMen’sWork, 2012

Fox, Jonathan A.: State Power and Clientelism: Eight Propositions for Discussion, 2012

Fox, Jonathan A; Haight, Libby: Transparency Reforms: Theory and Practice, 2011

Bacon, Christopher M.: Who decides what is fair in fair trade? The agri-environmental governance of standards, access, and price, 2010

Bada, Xóchitl; Fox, Jonathan A; Donnelly, Robert; Selee, Andrew Dan: Context Matters: Latino Immigrant Civic Engagement in Nine US Cities, Reports on Latino Immigrant Civic Engagement, 2010

Crow, Ben; Odaba, Edmond: Access to water in a Nairobi slum: women's work and institutional learning, 2010

Crow, Ben D; Odaba, Edmond: Access to water in a Nairobi slum: women’s work and institutional learning, 2010

Fox, Jonathan A; Gois, William: La sociedad civil migrante: Diez tesis para el debate, 2010

Fox, Jonathan A; Haight, Libby; Palmer-Rubin, Brian: Proporcionar transparencia: ¿Hasta qué punto responde el gobierno mexicano a las solicitudes de información pública?, 2010

Fox, Jonathan A; Haight, Libby: Transparency Reforms: Theory and Practice, 2010

Pacheco, Raul; Wiebust, Inger; Fox, Jonathan A: Lessons from the Citizen Submissions on Enforcement Matters (CESM) to the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation (NACEC), 2010

Crow, Ben D; McPike, Jamie: How the Drudgery of Getting Water Shapes Women's Lives in Low-income Urban Communities, 2009

Crow, Ben; Singh, Nirvikar: The Management of International Rivers as Demands Grow and Supplies Tighten: India, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, 2009

Fox, Jonathan A; Haight, Libby: El condicionamiento político del acceso a programas sociales en México (The Political Conditioning of Access to Social Programs in Mexico), 2009

Fox, Jonathan A: Exit Followed by Voice: Mapping Mexico’s Emerging Migrant Civil Society, 2009

Fox, Jonathan A; Bada, Xóchitl: Migrant Civic Engagement, 2009

Fox, Jonathan A; García Jiménez, Carlos; Haight, Libby: Rural Democratization in Mexico’s Deep South: Grassroots Right-to-Know Campaigns in Guerrero, 2009

Haight, Libby; Fox, Jonathan A: Desde la transparencia hacia el derecho a saber y la contraloría social comunitaria, 2009

Singh, Nirvikar: Essays on India’s Economic Growth, 2009

Singh, Nirvikar: Essays on the Financial Crisis and Globalization, 2009

Bacon, Christopher M.; Mendez, Ernesto; Fox, Jonathan A: Cultivating Sustainable Coffee: Persistent Paradoxes, 2008

Fox, Jonathan A; Bada, Xochitl: Migrant Organization and Hometown Impacts in Rural Mexico, 2008

Fox, Jonathan A: Transparencia y rendición de cuentas” (“Transparency and Accountability”), 2008

Gareau, Brian: Class Consciousness or Natural Consciousness? Socionatural Relations and the Potential for Social Change: Suggestions from Development in Southern Honduras, 2008

Crow, Ben: Bare knuckle and better technics: trajectories of access to safe water in history and in the global south, 2007

Fox, Jonathan A: Mexico's Right-to-Know Reforms: Civil Society Perspectives, 2007

Fox, Jonathan A: Repensar lo rural ante la globalización: La sociedad civil migrante, 2007

Fox, Jonathan A: Rural Democratization and Decentralization at the State/Society Interface: What Counts as ‘Local’ Government in the Mexican Countryside?, 2007

Fox, Jonathan A: The uncertain relationship between transparency and accountability, 2007

Gareau, Brian J.: "Ecological Values amid Local Interests: Natural Resource Conservation, Social Differentiation, and Human Survival in Honduras", 2007

Brown, L. David; Fox, Jonathan A: Coaliciones transnacionales de la sociedad civil y el Banco Mundial: Aprendizajes sobre proyectos y campanas de incidencia en politicas institucionales, 2006

Crow, Ben D: Global Statistics, 2006

Fox, Jonathan A: Invisible No More: Mexican Migrant Civic Participation in the United States, 2006

Fox, Jonathan A: Lessons from Action-Research Partnerships: LASA/Oxfam America 2004 Martin Diskin Memorial Lecture, 2006

Fox, Jonathan A: Reframing Mexican Migration as a Multi-Ethnic Process, 2006

Fox, Jonathan A: Sociedad civil y políticas de rendición de cuentas, 2006

Singh, Nirvikar: Essays on Indian Economic Policy and Institutional Reform, 2006

Burke, Edmund: The Coming Environmental Crisis in the Middle East: A Historical Perspective, 1750-2000 CE, 2005

Chinn, Menzie David; Frankel, Jeffrey A.: Will the Euro Eventually Surpass the Dollar as Leading International Reserve Currency?, 2005

Fox, Jonathan A: Introduccion: El Panel de Inspeccion y su Contexto, 2005

Fox, Jonathan A: Unpacking "Transnational Citizenship", 2005

Rowe, James: Corporate Social Responsibility as Business Strategy, 2005

Treakle, Kay; Fox, Jonathan A; Clark, Dana: Aprendizajes, 2005

Bacon, Chris: Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Can Fair Trade, Organic, and Specialty Coffees Reduce Small-Scale Farmer Vulnerability in Northern Nicaragua?, 2004

Crow, Ben: Markets, Class and Social Change, chapter 1 Exploring Markets and Class, 2004

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