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Reprint Series

The Center for Global, International and Regional Studies (CGIRS) at the University of California Santa Cruz coordinates research, teaching and public education related to the new international economic, social and political structures of our time. In addition to the Working Papers, Global Policy Briefs and Reprints available from this site, CGIRS supports the UC Atlas of Global Inequality.

There are 111 publications in this collection, published between 1985 and 2014. Showing 51 - 100.

Fox, Jonathan: Advocacy Research and the World Bank: Propositions for Discussion, 2004

Fox, Jonathan A: Assessing Binational Civil Society Coalitions, 2004

Fox, Jonathan A; Rivera-Salgado, Gaspar: "Introduction", Indígenas mexicanos migrantes en los Estados Unidos, 2004

Fox, Jonathan A: The Politics of North American Economic Integration, 2004

Fox, Jonathan A: “Prólogo” (“Prologue”) in Sylvia Escárcega and Stefano Varese, eds., La ruta mixteca: El impacto etnopolítico de la migración transnacional en los pueblos indígenas de México, 2004

Raffles, Hugh: Social Memory and the Politics of Place-making in Northeastern Amazonia, 2004

Fox, Jonathan A: De la teoría a la práctica del capital social: El Banco Mundial en el campo mexicano, 2003

Fox, Jonathan A: Introduction: Framing the Panel, 2003

Raffles, Hugh: Intimate Knowledge, 2003

Treakle, Kay; Fox, Jonathan A; Clark, Dana: Lessons Learned, 2003

Crow, Ben; Sultana, Farhana: Gender, Class, and Access to Water:Three Cases in a Poor and Crowded Delta, 2002

Fox, Jonathan A: La relación recíproca entre la participación ciudadana y la rendición de cuentas: La experiencia de los Fondos Municipales en el México rural, 2002

Fox, Jonathan A: Lessons from Mexico-US Civil Society Coalitions, 2002

Brown, L. David; Fox, Jonathan A: Transnational Civil Society Coalitions and the World Bank: Lessons from Project and Policy Influence Campaigns, 2001

Crow, Ben D: The markets of adversity: or why the rich don't buy rice, 2001

Fox, Jonathan A: Evaluación de las coaliciones binacionales de la sociedad civil a partir de la experiencia México-Estados Unidos, 2001

Fox, Jonathan A: Vertically Integrated Policy Monitoring: A Tool for Civil Society Policy Advocacy, 2001

Fox, Jonathan A: Los flujos y reflujos de préstamos sociales y ambientales del Banco Mundial en México, 2000

Fox, Jonathan A: State-Society Relations in Mexico: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Trends, 2000

Fox, Jonathan A: The World Bank and social capital: Lessons from ten rural development projects in the Philippines and Mexico, 2000

Fox, Jonathan A: The World Bank Inspection Panel: Lessons from the First Five Years, 2000

Fox, Jonathan A: Opciones electorales en el Mexico rural, 1999

Burke, Edmund III: Orientalism and World History: Representing Middle Eastern Nationalism and Islamism in the Twentieth Century, 1998

Fox, Jonathan A; Brown, L. David: Assessing the Impact of NGO Advocacy Campaigns on World Bank Projects and Policies, 1998

Fox, Jonathan A: Comparative Reflections on the African Dilemma: The Interdependent Democratization of States and Civil Societies, 1998

Fox, Jonathan A; Brown, L. David: "Introduction", in The Struggle for Accountability: The World Bank, NGOs and Grassroots Movements, 1998

Fox, Jonathan A: When Does Reform Policy Influence Practice? Lessons from the Bankwide Resettlement Review, 1998

fox, jonathan: Control y supervision de la banca multilateral de desarrollo, 1997

Fox, Jonathan A: Transparency for Accountability: Civil Society Monitoring of Multilateral Development Bank Anti-Poverty Projects, 1997

Fox, Jonathan A: The World Bank and Social Capital: Contesting the Concept in Practice, 1997

Fox, Jonathan A: Cambio politico en la nueva economia campesina en Mexico, 1996

Fox, Jonathan A; Aranda, Josefina: Decentralization and Rural Development in Mexico: Community Participation in Oaxaca's Municipal Funds Program, 1996

Fox, Jonathan A: Local Governance and Citizen Participation: Social Capital and Enabling Policy Environments, 1996

Fox, Jonathan A; Aranda, Josefina: Los Fondos Municipales de Solidaridad y la participación comunitaria en Oaxaca, 1996

Fox, Jonathan A; Aranda, Josefina: Los Fondos Municipales de Solidaridad y la participación comunitaria en Oaxaca, 1996

Fox, Jonathan A: National Electoral Choices in Rural Mexico, 1996

Fox, Jonathan A: The Crucible of Local Politics, 1995

Fox, Jonathan A: The Cultural Implications of Democracy, Empowerment and Citizenship, 1995

Fox, Jonathan A: Governance and Development in Rural Mexico: State Intervention and Public Accountability, 1995

Fox, Jonathan A: Local Governance and Citizen Participation: Social Capital and Enabling Policy Environments, 1995

Fox, Jonathan A: The Difficult Transition from Clientelism to Citizenship: Lessons from Mexico, 1994

Fox, Jonathan A: Latin America's Emerging Local Politics, 1994

Fox, Jonathan A: The Politics of Mexico's New Peasant Economy, 1994

Fox, Jonathan A: Targeting the Poorest: The Role of the National Indigenous Institute in Mexico's National Solidarity Program, 1994

The Challenge of Democracy: Rebellion as Catalyst, 1994

Fox, Jonathan A: Agrarian Reform and Rural Democratization in Latin America. PART 1, 1993

Fox, Jonathan A: Agrarian Reform and Rural Democratization in Latin America. PART 2., 1993

Fox, Jonathan A: La participacion popular en los consejos comunitarios de abasto en Mexico: Una lucha desigual, 1993

Fox, Jonathan A: Agriculture and the Politics of the North American Trade Debate, 1992

Fox, Jonathan A: Democratic Rural Development: Leadership Accountability in Regional Peasant Organizations, Development and Change, 1992

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