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California HIV/AIDS Research Program Funded Publications

Since its founding in 1983 by California State Legislature, the California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP) has supported excellent, timely, and innovative research that is attentive to the needs of California, accelerating progress towards prevention, care and treatment for HIV/AIDS. During this time over $250M has been awarded for over 2,000 research projects.

CHRP provides start-up funds for the development of cutting edge research in California, providing critical leverage to bring in federal and private dollars to the state. A 2006 survey of California investigators found that more than five dollars in federal and other grant support was generated for every dollar invested by CHRP in California-based research.

There are 249 publications in this collection, published between 2002 and 2024. Showing 201 - 249.

Morris, Sheldon R; Zhao, Mitchell; Smith, Davey M; Vargas, Milenka V; Little, Susan J; Gianella, Sara: Longitudinal Viral Dynamics in Semen During Early HIV Infection, 2017

Patel, Eshan U; Gianella, Sara; Newell, Kevin; Tobian, Aaron AR; Kirkpatrick, Allison R; Nalugoda, Fredrick et al.: Elevated cytomegalovirus IgG antibody levels are associated with HIV-1 disease progression and immune activation, 2017

Pérez-Santiago, Josué; De Oliveira, Michelli F; Var, Susanna R; Day, Tyler RC; Woods, Steven P; Gianella, Sara et al.: Increased cell-free mitochondrial DNA is a marker of ongoing inflammation and better neurocognitive function in virologically suppressed HIV-infected individuals, 2017

Vujkovic-Cvijin, Ivan; Rutishauser, Rachel L; Pao, Montha; Hunt, Peter W; Lynch, Susan V; McCune, Joseph M et al.: Limited engraftment of donor microbiome via one-time fecal microbial transplantation in treated HIV-infected individuals, 2017

Galvan, Frank H; Wohl, Amy Rock; Carlos, Juli-Ann; Chen, Ying-Tung: A comparison of HIV testing protocols with Latino day laborers, 2016

Blish, Catherine A: Human NK cell repertoire diversity reflects immune experience and correlates with viral susceptibility, 2015

Campbell, Grant R; Rawat, Pratima; Bruckman, Rachel S; Spector, Stephen A: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Nef Inhibits Autophagy through Transcription Factor EB Sequestration., 2015

Campbell, GR; Rawat, P; Bruckman, RS; Spector, SA: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Nef Inhibits Autophagy through Transcription Factor EB Sequestration, 2015

Galvan, F. H; Wohl, A. R; Carlos, J.-A.; Chen, Y.-T.: Chronic Stress Among Latino Day Laborers, 2015

Hoffman, Risa: Vitamin D levels and markers of inflammation and metabolism in HIV-infected individuals in suppressive antiretroviral therapy, 2015

Roberts, Victoria A.: C-Terminal Domain of Integrase Binds between the Two Active Sites, 2015

Rose, Valerie J: Supporting policy interventions for injection drug users: The importance of building partnerships  between pharmacies and local health jurisdictions, 2015

Leyro, Teresa M; Babson, Kimberly A; Bonn-Miller, Marcel O: Anxiety Sensitivity in Relation to Sleep Quality Among HIV-Infected Individuals, 2014

Leyro, Teresa M; Vujanovic, Anka A; Bonn-Miller, Marcel O: Examining Associations Between Cognitive-Affective Vulnerability and HIV Symptom Severity, Perceived Barriers to Treatment Adherence, and Viral Load Among HIV-Positive Adults, 2014

Research Grants Program Office, University of California Office of the President: RGPO Open Access Policy, 2014

Somsouk, Ma; Dunham, Richard M; Cohen, Michelle; Albright, Rebecca; Abdel-Mohsen, Mohamed; Liegler, Teri et al.: The immunologic effects of mesalamine in treated HIV-infected individuals with incomplete CD4+ T cell recovery: a randomized crossover trial., 2014

Babrzadeh, Farbod; Varghese, Vici; Pacold, Mary; Liu, Tommy F; Nyrén, Pål; Schiffer, Celia et al.: Collinearity of protease mutations in HIV-1 samples with high-level protease inhibitor class resistance., 2013

Babson, Kimberly A; Heinz, Adrienne J; Bonn-Miller, Marcel O: HIV Medication Adherence and HIV Symptom Severity: The Roles of Sleep Quality and Memory, 2013

Brown, Joelle: Intravaginal practices and risk of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis infection among a cohort of women in the United States, 2013

Campbell, Grant R; Spector, Stephen A: Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 through autophagy., 2013

Heinz, Adrienne J; Fogler, Kethera A; Newcomb, Michael E; Trafton, Jodie A; Bonn-Miller, Marcel O: Problematic Alcohol Use Among Individuals with HIV: Relations with Everyday Memory Functioning and HIV Symptom Severity, 2013

Kaushik, Shweta; Teque, Fernando; Patel, Mira; Fujimura, Sue H; Schmidt, Barbara; Levy, Jay A: Plasmacytoid dendritic cell number and responses to Toll-like receptor 7 and 9 agonists vary in HIV Type 1-infected individuals in relation to clinical state., 2013

Knight, Knight R.; Lopez, Andrea M.; Comfort, Megan; Shumway, Martha; Cohen, Jennifer; Riley, Elise: Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels as mental health risk environments among impoverished women: the intersection of policy, drug use, trauma, and urban space, 2013

McCoy, Sandra I; Shiu, Karen; Martz, Tyler E; Smith, Carla Dillard; Mattox, Loris; Gluth, Dale R et al.: Improving the efficiency of HIV testing with peer recruitment, financial incentives, and the involvement of persons living with HIV infection., 2013

Oser, Megan L; Trafton, Jodie A; Lejuez, Carl W; Bonn-Miller, Marcel O: Differential Associations Between Perceived and Objective Measurement of Distress Tolerance in Relation to Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence and Response Among HIV-Positive Individuals, 2013

Ambrus, Geza: Host cell interactome of HIV-1 Rev includes RNA helicases involved in multiple facets of virus production., 2012

Baum, Paul: Blood T-cell receptor diversity decreases during the course of HIV infection, but the potential for a diverse repertoire persists., 2012

Bonn-Miller, Marcel O; Oser, Megan L; Bucossi, Meggan M; Trafton, Jodie A: Cannabis use and HIV antiretroviral therapy adherence and HIV-related symptoms, 2012

Brandt, Charles P; Zvolensky, Michael J; Bonn-Miller, Marcel O: Distress Tolerance, Emotion Dysregulation, and Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms Among HIV+ Individuals, 2012

Galindo, GR; Walker, JJ; Hazelton, P; Lane, T; Steward, WT; Morin, SF et al.: Community member perspectives from transgender women and men who have sex with men on pre-exposure prophylaxis as an HIV prevention strategy: Implications for implementation, 2012

Melikian, George L; Rhee, Soo-Yon; Taylor, Jonathan; Fessel, W Jeffrey; Kaufman, David; Towner, William et al.: Standardized comparison of the relative impacts of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) mutations on nucleoside RT inhibitor susceptibility., 2012

Wang, Pin: Construction of stable producer cells to make high-titer lentiviral vectors for dendritic cell-based vaccination, 2012

Wang, Pin: PD-1/PD-L1 blockade can enhance HIV-1 Gag-specific T cell immunity elicited by dendritic cell-directed lentiviral vaccines, 2012

Jäger, Stefanie; Cimermancic, Peter; Gulbahce, Natali; Johnson, Jeffrey R.; McGovern, Kathryn E.; Clarke, Starlynn C. et al.: Global landscape of HIV–human protein complexes, 2011

Killian, M Scott; Levy, Jay A: HIV/AIDS: 30 years of progress and future challenges., 2011

Killian, M Scott; Johnson, Carl; Teque, Fernando; Fujimura, Sue; Levy, Jay A: Natural suppression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication is mediated by transitional memory CD8+ T cells., 2011

Levy, J A: Virus-host interactions in HIV pathogenesis: directions for therapy., 2011

Pache, Lars; König, Renate; Chanda, Sumit K: Identifying HIV-1 host cell factors by genome-scale RNAi screening., 2011

Backes, Glenn; Rose, Valerie J: Primary and Secondary Analysis of Local Elected Officials’ Decisions to Support or Oppose Pharmacy Sale of Syringes in California, 2010

Rose, Valerie J: Non-prescription Syringe Sales in California: A Qualitative Examination of Practices among 12 Local Health Jurisdictions, 2010

Varghese, Vici; Wang, Elijah; Babrzadeh, Farbod; Bachmann, Michael H; Shahriar, Rajin; Liu, Tommy et al.: Nucleic acid template and the risk of a PCR-Induced HIV-1 drug resistance mutation., 2010

Ellison, Thomas J; Izumiya, Yoshihiro; Izumiya, Chie; Luciw, Paul A; Kung, Hsing-Jien: A comprehensive analysis of recruitment and transactivation potential of K-Rta and K-bZIP during reactivation of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus., 2009

Hwang, Seungmin; Kim, Kyeong; Flano, Emilio; Wu, Ting-Ting; Tong, Leming; Park, Ann et al.: Conserved herpesviral kinase promotes viral persistence by inhibiting the IRF-3-mediated type I interferon response, 2009

Izumiya, Yoshihiro; Izumiya, Chie; Hsia, Datsun; Ellison, Thomas J; Luciw, Paul A; Kung, Hsing-Jien: NF-kappaB serves as a cellular sensor of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus latency and negatively regulates K-Rta by antagonizing the RBP-Jkappa coactivator., 2009

Fields, Jessica: Learning From and With Incarcerated Women: Emerging Lessons from a Participatory Action Study of Sexuality Education, 2008

Hou, Yanxia; Gochin, Miriam: Artificial ion channel biosensor in human immunodeficiency virus gp41 drug sensing., 2008

Rodwell, Timothy C.; Moore, Marisa; Moser, Kathleen S.; Brodine, Stephanie K.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.: Tuberculosis from Mycobacterium bovis in Binational Communities, United States, 2008

Gochin, Miriam PhD; Guy, Rodney K PhD; Case, Martin A PhD: A metallopeptide assembly of the HIV-1 gp41 coiled coil is an ideal receptor in fluorescence detection of ligand binding., 2003

Gochin, Miriam; Khorosheva, Valentina; Case, Martin A: Structural characterization of a paramagnetic metal-ion-assembled three-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil., 2002

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California HIV/AIDS Research Program

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