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K-12 Integration and Diversity

Founded in 1996 by former Harvard professors Gary Orfield and Christopher Edley, Jr., the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles is now co-directed by Orfield and Patricia Gándara, professors at UCLA. Its mission is to create a new generation of research in social science and law, on the critical issues of civil rights and equal opportunity for racial and ethnic groups in the United States. It has commissioned more than 400 studies, published 14 books and issued numerous reports from authors at universities and research centers across the country. The U.S. Supreme Court, in its 2003 Grutter v. Bollinger decision upholding affirmative action, and in Justice Breyer’s dissent (joined by three other Justices) to its 2007 Parents Involved in Community Schools decision, cited the Civil Rights Project’s research.

There are 81 publications in this collection, published between 1983 and 2024. Showing 51 - 81.

Orfield, Gary: Reviving the Goal of an Integrated Society: A 21st Century Challenge, 2009

Terriquez, Veronica; Flashman, Jennifer; Schuler-Brown, Sarah; Orfield, Gary: Expanding Student Opportunities: Prime 6 Program Review, Clark County School District, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009

Frankenberg, Erica; Siegel-Hawley, Genevieve: Are Teachers Prepared for Racially Changing Schools?, 2008

Frankenberg, Erica; Siegel-Hawley, Genevieve; Orfield, Gary: The Forgotten Choice? Rethinking Magnet Schools in a Changing Landscape, 2008

Legal Defense and Educational Fund, NAACP; Civil Rights Project, The: Still Looking to the Future: Voluntary K-12 School Integration, 2008

Orfield, Gary; Frankenberg, Erica: The Last Have Become First: Rural and Small Town America Lead the Way on Desegregation, 2008

Orfield, Gary; Lee, Chungmei: Historic Reversals, Accelerating Resegregation, and the Need for New Integration Strategies, 2007

Frankenberg, Erica: The Segregation of American Teachers, 2006

Horn, Catherine L.; Kurlaender, Michal: The End of Keyes-Resegregation Trends and Achievement in Denver Public Schools, 2006

Lee, Chungmei; Orfield, Gary: Data Proposals Threaten Education and Civil Rights Accountability, 2006

Lee, Chungmei: Denver Public Schools: Resegregation, Latino Style, 2006

Lee, Jaekyung; Orfield, Gary: Tracking Achievement Gaps and Assessing the Impact of NCLB on the Gaps, 2006

Losen, Daniel; Orfield, Gary; Balfanz, Robert: Confronting the Graduation Rate Crisis in Texas, 2006

Orfield, Gary; Lee, Chungmei: Racial Transformation and the Changing Nature of Segregation, 2006

Owens, Ann; Sunderman, Gail L.: School Accountability Under NCLB: Aid or Obstacle for Measuring Racial Equity?, 2006

Reardon, Sean F.; Yun, John T.; Orfield, Gary: Private School Racial Enrollments and Segregation, 2006

Legal Defense and Educational Fund, NAACP; Civil Rights Project, The; Center for the Study of Race and Law, The: Looking To The Future: Voluntary K-12 School Integration, 2005

Orfield, Gary; Lee, Chungmei: Why Segregation Matters: Poverty and Educational Inequality, 2005

Kim, Jimmy; Sunderman, Gail L.: Does NCLB Provide Good Choices for Students in Low-Performing Schools?, 2004

Frankerberg, Erica; Lee, Chungmei; Orfield, Gary: A Multiracial Society With Segregated Schools: Are We Losing the Dream?, 2003

Boger, John Charles: Education's 'Perfect Storm?' Racial Resegregation, "High Stakes" Testing, & School Inequities: The Case of North Carolina, 2002

Frankenberg, Erica; Lee, Chungmei: Race in American Public Schools: Rapidly Resegregating School Districts, 2002

Mickelson, Roslyn Arlin: The Academic Consequences of Desegregation and Segregation: Evidence from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, 2002

Reardon, Sean; Yun, John T: Integrating Neighborhoods, Segregating Schools: The Retreat from School Desegregation, 1990 - 2000, 2002

Rumberger, Russell W.; Palardy, Gregory J.: The Impact of Student Composition on Academic Achievement in Southern High Schools, 2002

Yun, John T.; Reardon, Sean F.: Trends in Public School Segregation in the South, 1987-2000, 2002

Orfield, Gary: Schools More Separate: Consequences of a Decade of Resegregation, 2001

Orfield, Gary; Yun, John T.: Resegregation in American Schools, 1999

Orfield, Gary; Bachmeier, Mark D; James, David R; Eitle, Tamela: Deepening Segregation in American Public Schools: A Special Report from the Harvard Project on School Desegregation, 1997

Orfield, Gary; Schley, Sara; Glass, Diane; Reardon, Sean: The Growth of Segregation in American Schools: Changing Patterns of Separation and Poverty Since 1968, 1993

Orfield, Gary: Public School Desegregation in the United States, 1968 - 1980, 1983

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