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This is the website for papers published by the Center for Pervasive Communications and Computing at the University of California, Irvine.

There are 45 publications in this collection, published between 2001 and 2024.

Yao, Yuhang; Jafar, Syed A: The Capacity of 3 User Linear Computation Broadcast, 2024

Yao, Yuhang; Jafar, Syed A: The Capacity of Classical Summation over a Quantum MAC with Arbitrarily Distributed Inputs and  Entanglements, 2024

Yao, Yuhang; Jafar, Syed A: Capacity of Summation over a Symmetric Quantum Erasure MAC with Partially Replicated Inputs, 2024

Yao, Yuhang; Jafar, Syed A: The Inverted 3-Sum Box: General Formulation and Quantum Information Theoretic Optimality, 2024

Yao, Yuhang; Jafar, Syed A: On the Generic Capacity of K-user Symmetric Linear Computation Broadcast, 2024

Allaix, Matteo; Lu, Yuxiang; Yao, Yuhang; Pllaha, Tefjol; Hollanti, Camilla; Jafar, Syed A: N-Sum Box: An Abstraction for Linear Computation over Many-to-one Quantum Networks, 2023

Yuan, Bofeng; Ismailoglu, Nilab; Jafar, Syed A: On the Synergistic Benefits of Reconfigurable Antennas and Partial Channel Knowledge for the MIMO Interference Channel, 2021

Chan, Yao-Chia; Jafar, Syed A: Exploring Aligned-Images Bounds:Robust Secure GDoF of 3-to-1 Interference Channel, 2020

Chan, Yao-chia; Geng, Chunhua; Jafar, Syed A: Robust Optimality of TIN under Secrecy Constraints, 2019

Chan, Yao-Chia; Jafar, Syed A: Towards an Extremal Network Theory – Robust GDoF Gain of Transmitter Cooperation over TIN, 2019

Jia, Zhuqing; Jafar, Syed A: Generalized Cross Subspace Alignment Codes for Coded Distributed Batch Matrix Multiplication, 2019

Jia, Zhuqing; Jafar, Syed A: $X$-secure $T$-private Information Retrieval from MDS Coded Storage with Byzantine and Unresponsive Servers, 2019

Wang, Junge; Yuan, Bofeng; Huang, Lexiang; Jafar, Syed A: GDoF of Interference Channel with Limited Cooperation under Finite Precision CSIT, 2019

Gholami Davoodi, Arash; Jafar, Syed A: Optimality of Simple Layered Superposition Coding in the 3 User MISO BC with Finite Precision CSIT, 2018

Sun, Hua; Jafar, Syed A: On the Capacity of Locally Decodable Codes, 2018

Sun, Hua; Jafar, Syed: On the Necessity of Non-Shannon Information Inequalities for Storage Overhead Constrained PIR and Network Coding, 2018

Sun, Hua; Jafar, Syed A: The Capacity of Private Computation, 2017

Davoodi, Arash G; Jafar, Syed A: Transmitter Cooperation under Finite Precision CSIT: A GDoF Perspective, 2016

Ganji, Mehdi; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Interference Mitigation Using Asynchronous Transmission and Sampling Diversity, 2016

Krishnamurthy, Sundar Rajan; Ramakrishnan, Abinesh; Jafar, Syed Ali: Degrees of Freedom of Rank-Deficient MIMO Interference Networks, 2015

Liu, Xiaoyi Leo; Koyuncu, Erdem; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Correction to “Multicast Networks with Variable-Length Limited Feedback”, 2015

Liu, Xiaoyi; Koyuncu, Erdem; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Two-User Multicast Networks with Variable-Length Limited Feedback , 2014

Demirtas, A. Murat; Reibman, Amy R.; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Multiscale Image Quality Estimation, 2013

Jafar, Syed A: Topological Interference Management through Index Coding, 2013

Wang, Chenwei; Jafar, Syed A: Degrees of Freedom of the Two-Way Relay MIMO Interference Channel, 2013

Geng, Chunhua; Jafar, Syed Ali: On Optimal Ergodic Interference Alignment, 2012

Krishnamurthy, Sundar Rajan; Jafar, Syed Ali: Degrees of Freedom of 2-user and 3-user Rank-Deficient MIMO Interference Channels, 2012

Wang, Chenwei; Sezgin, Aydin: Degrees of Freedom of the Interference Channel with a Cognitive Helper, 2012

Gou, Tiangao: Aligned Interference Neutralization and the Degrees of Freedom of the 2x2x2 Interference Channel, 2011

Jafar, Syed Ali: Exploiting Heterogeneous Channel Coherence Intervals for Blind Interference Alignment, 2011

Li, Liangbin; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Short-term Performance Limits of MIMO Systems with Side Information at the Transmitter, 2011

Wang, Chenwei; Jafar, Syed A: Interference Alignment and Degrees of Freedom of the Two-User X Channel with an Instantaneous Relay, 2011

Wang, Chenwei; Gou, Tiangao; Jafar, Syed Ali: On Optimality of Linear Interference Alignment for the Three-User MIMO Interference Channel with Constant Channel Coefficients, 2011

Gou, Tiangao; Jafar, Syed A: Degrees of Freedom of the Cellular System with Relays and Partial CSIT, 2010

Jafar, Syed A: The Ergodic Capacity of Interference Networks, 2010

Koyuncu, Erdem; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Multiuser Relay-Interference Networks with Quantized Feedback, 2010

Koyuncu, Erdem; Jafarkhani, Hamid: The Necessity of Relay Selection, 2010

Li, Liangbin; Jing, Yindi; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Diversity Results for DSTC-ICRec and DSTC Joint-user ML decoding, 2010

Li, Liangbin; Jing, Yindi; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Interference Cancellation at the Relay for Multi-User Wireless Cooperative Networks, 2010

Li, Feng; Jafarkhani, Hamid: Multiple-Antenna Interference Cancellation and Detection for Two Users Using Quantized Feedback, 2010

Li, Liangbin; Jing, Yindi; Jafarkhani, Hamid: "Using Instantaneous Normalized Receive SNR for Diversity Gain Calculation, 2010

Maleki, Hamed; Jafar, Syed A; Shamai, Shlomo: Retrospective Interference Alignment, 2010

Cadambe, Viveck R; Jafar, Syed A: Feedback improves the generalized degrees of freedom of the strong interference channel, 2008

Ayanoglu, Ender; Akar, Nail: B-ISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network), 2002

Ayanoglu, Ender; Jones, VK; Raleigh, Gregory G.; Gardner, James; Gerlach, Derek; Toussi, Karim: VOFDM Broadband Wireless Transmission and Its Advantages, 2001

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