Call for Papers: Race and Yoga Journal 2.1 (2017)
Yoga can be a tool to promote social justice. Yet, it can also be used to perpetuate violence and oppression. This themed issue of Race and Yoga invites a critical examination of justice and violence in yoga communities. What is yoga justice? How is “justice” defined and by whom? How do we rethink narratives that promote justice through yoga? Conversely, what kinds of violence occur in yoga spaces? How are people responding and/or resisting forms of yoga violence?
The Race and Yoga editorial board seeks submissions for the second issue of our journal themed around “Yoga Justice/Yoga Violence.” Possible topics may include:
Yoga Healing, Yoga Violence
Social justice-oriented projects
“Safe” spaces
Yoga Authenticity
Yoga and Gentrification
Yoga (In)Justice
Colonial Legacies/Futures
Whitewashing Yoga
Yoga Conversion/Spirituality
Yoga and Christianity
Yoga Tourism
Yoga Escapism
Queer Yoga, Queering Yoga
Heteronormative Yoga Spaces
Trans yoga
Gender binary language
Yoga Sexualization
Girl power?
“Safe” spaces
Yoga Men
Yoga Threat/Taming Yoga
Responses to POC Yoga Classes/Studios
Right Wing Backlash
Shutting down Yoga Classes in Schools
Yoga Mysticism
Yoga Removal (e.g. K-12 schools, University of Ottawa)
Yoga Business
Corporate Yoga
Nonprofit Yoga
Yoga Commodification
Yoga Exploitation
Aims and Scope
Race and Yoga is the first peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary academic journal committed to examinations of the history and practice of yoga in the West; the journal brings together critical yoga studies and critical race theory/ethnic studies to examine issues surrounding the history, racialization, sex(ualization), and inclusivity (or lack thereof) of the yoga community. Race and Yoga is published through The University of California Press’s e-scholarship division. Race and Yoga accepts original, unpublished manuscripts (no simultaneous submissions or previously published works) only.
Peer Review Policy
Race and Yoga editors vet each submission to ensure alignment with the journal’s scholarly goals. If selected, the submission is sent to two anonymous referees.
Submission Instructions
Article manuscripts should be limited to 8,000 words, including endnotes and references. Review essays should be limited to 4,000 words. Review essays may survey recently published literature, films, art exhibits, or popular culture related to the field. Papers should be left-justified and use a non-decorative font (e.g. Times New Roman). An abstract that does not to exceed 250 words should be included. For endnote and reference formatting, follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (author-date style). Papers that do not adhere to submission guidelines will be returned to the author for revision.
Upload your abstract, manuscript, and 150 word bio (as the supplementary file) to:
Please send all inquires to
DEADLINE: March 15, 2017