I.T. in Business
The Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO) is a multidisciplinary research unit at the University of California, Irvine. CRITO conducts theoretical and empirical research to answer a broad array of questions related to the use, impact, and management of information technology in organizations. The Center's core group of investigators at UCI is comprised of faculty from several different disciplines including Graduate School of Management (GSM), Department of Information and Computer Science (ICS), School of Social Sciences, Department of Education. CRITO researchers pursue studies of the organizational implications of information technology, management of information technology, and technology policy and societal issues.
There are 70 publications in this collection, published between 1992 and 2007. Showing 51 - 70.
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Dunkle, Debbie: Performance Benchmarks for I/S in Corporations (1988-1995), 1997
Northrop, Alana; Kraemer, Kenneth L.: The Information Age: Which Nations Will Benefit?, 1997
Gurbaxani, Viijay; Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Vitalari, Nicholas: An Economic Analysis of Information Systems Budgets, 1996
Kling, Rob; Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Allen, Jonathan P.; Bakos, Yannis; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Elliott, Margaret: Transforming Coordination: The Promise and Problems of Information Technology in Coordination, 1996
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Dunkle, Debbie; Vitalari, Nicholas: Business Value of Information Technology (Assessment of Information Services), 1996
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Dunkle, Debbie; Vitalari, Nicholas: Business Value of Information Technology (Customer Intimacy), 1996
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Dunkle, Debbie: Executive Assessments of Business Value from I/T Investments, 1996
Tallon, Paul; Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Mooney, John: Multidimensional Assessment of the Contribution of Information Technology to Firm Performance, 1996
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Dunkle, Debbie; Vitalari, Nicholas: Business Value of Information Technology (Eight Dimensions of Business Value), 1995
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Tallon, Paul; Dunkle, Debbie; Vitalari, Nicholas: Corporate I/S Structure, 1995
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Vitalari, Nicholas; Dunkle, Debbie: Performance Benchmarks for I/S in Corporations (1988-1994), 1995
Mooney, John; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Kraemer, Kenneth L.: A Process Oriented Framework for Assessing the Business Value of Information Technology, 1995
Kling, Rob; Jewett, Tom: The Social Design of Worklife With Computers and Networks: An Open Natural Systems Perspective, 1994
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Mooney, John; Dunkle, Debbie; Vitalari, Nicholas: The Business Value of Information Technology in Corporations, 1994
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Dunkle, Debbie; Vitalari, Nicholas: Managing Systems Development, 1994
Kling, Rob: Behind the Terminal: The Critical Role of Computing Infrastructure In Effective Information Systems' Development and Use, 1993
Kling, Rob: How Coordination Process Influence CIM Development, 1993
Kling, Rob: Organizational Analysis in Computer Science, 1993
Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Gurbaxani, Viijay; Dunkle, Debbie; Vitalari, Nicholas: Spending for I/S in Corporations, 1993
Kling, Rob; Kraemer, Kenneth L.; Allen, Jonathan; Bakos, Yannis; Gurbaxani, Viijay; King, John L.: Information Systems in Manufacturing Coordination: Economic and Social Perspectives, 1992