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Interdisciplinary research in Chicano/Latino Studies is conducted under the auspices of the Center for Research on Latinos in a Global Society (CRLGS). Its multifold goals are: (1) to examine the emerging role of Latinos as actors in global economic, political, and cultural events; (2) to promote Latino scholarship; (3) to enhance the quality of research in Latino studies; (4) to provide a forum for intellectual exchange and the disseminiation of research findings; and (5) to promote the participation of undergraduate and graduate students in research on Latino issues. The use of the term "global society" underscores the faculty's perception that, as a society, the United States is becoming "globalized," meaning that it is increasingly affected by worldwide economic, political, demographic, and cultural forces and that Latinos are at the center of this. Latinos in the United States, individually and as a socio-political group, play important roles in the multiple processes—immigration, trade, international capital flow, and international political movements—which are changing the traditional demarcation between domestic and foreign, and national and international politics, economics and society.

There are 7 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 1999.

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