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Research Final Reports

Completion narratives or abstracts by California Sea Grant-funded researchers at the conclusion of their projects.

There are 161 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 2017. Showing 51 - 100.

Carrano, Carl J.; Kuepper, Frithjof: The Role of Symbiotic Bacterial Siderophores in the Development of Toxic Phytoplankton Blooms, 2009

Graham, Jeffrey B.; Cartamil, Daniel P.: Developing New Management Techniques for Sharks in the Drift Gillnet Fishery of the Southern California Bight, 2009

Hedrick, Ronald P.; Arkush, Kristen D.: Initial Steps Towards Evaluating the Potential Disease Impacts of Propagated Marine Fish on Wild Stock: Examination of a New Herpes-like Virus, 2009

Jaffe, Jules S.: Sizing fish with an acoustic system, 2009

Kudela, Raphael: Solid Phase Absorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) and Nutrient Loads: Testing a New Tool for Algal Toxin Monitoring in Fresh, Brackish and Coastal Ecosystems, 2009

Lenihan, Hunter S.: Assessing withering syndrome resistance in California black abalone: Implications for conservation and restoration, 2009

Lowery, Mary S.; Kelley, Kevin: Enhancement of Growth Rates and Swimming Performance in Juvenile Marine Finfish in Aquaculture, 2009

Pomeroy, Caroline; Silver, Mary W: Exposure of Santa Cruz Wharf Anglers to Domoic Acid Toxins, 2009

Shaughnessy, Frank J.; Black, Jeffrey M.: A Field Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Black Brant Geese Grazing on Eelgrass Growth and the Animals in an Eelgrass Bed, 2009

Sydeman, William J.; Jahncke, Jaime D.; Largier, John L.: Krill and Krill Predators: Ecosystem-Based Management in the Gulf of the Farallones-Cordell Bank Krill Production Domain, 2009

Waite, J. Herbert; Shadwick, Robert E.: Studies on the rapid self assembly of elastic tensile fibers from a natural protein polymer found in marine snails, 2009

Young, Oran R: Evaluating Ocean Management Systems to Facilitate the Development of Ecosystem-Based Management, 2009

Zimmer, Richard K.; Zimmer, Cheryl Ann: Enhancement of fertilization success in abalone: Increasing effectiveness of transplanting and out-planting recovery strategies, 2009

Ashford, Scott A.; Driscoll, Neal W.: Relationship Between Bluff Erosion and Beach Sand Supply for the Oceanside Littoral Cell, 2008

Atwill, Edward R.; Conrad, Patricia A.: Bacterial and Protozoal Contamination of Nearshore Marine Environments in California, with Ecologically Sustainable Management, 2008

Burton, Ronald S.; McCormick, Thomas B.; Moore, James D.; Friedman, Carolyn S.: Restoration of Endangered White Abalone, Haliotis sorenseni: Resource Assessment, Genetics, Disease and Culture of Captive Abalone, 2008

Dugan, Jenifer E.; Hubbard, David M.; Page, Henry M.; Schimel, Joshua P.: Ecological Impacts of Beach Grooming on Exposed Sandy Beaches, 2008

Edwards, Matthew S.: Vertical Flow Dynamics in Kelp Forests: Implications for Nutrient Uptake, Condition and Survival, 2008

Friedman, Carolyn; VanBlaricom, Glenn: Assessing Withering Syndrome Resistance in California Black Abalone: Implications for Conservation and Restoration: Part II, 2008

Graham, Michael H.: Integrated Culture of Seaweeds and Red Abalone in Monterey Harbor, 2008

Hastings, Philip A.; Burton, Ron S.: Establishing a DNA Sequence Database for the Marine Fish Fauna of California, 2008

Lowe, Christopher G.; Caselle, Jennifer: The effects of habitat composition, quality, and breaks on home ranges of exploited nearshore reef fishes, 2008

Martin, Karen: California Beach Health: Evaluation of Grunion as an Indicator Species, 2008

Mills, Kyra L.; Sydeman, William J.: California Central Valley Chinook Salmon: A Comparison of Statistical Forecasts for 2007 and 2008, 2008

Nielsen, Karina J; Blanchette, Carol A.: Collecting Sea Palms: Planning for Sustainable Use in a Variable Environment, 2008

Rogers-Bennett, Laura Dr.: Using Matrix Models to Evaluate Abalone Conservation and Fishery, 2008

Roth, Jennifer E.; Nur, Nadav; Warzbok, Pete; Sydeman, William J.: Annual prey consumption of a dominant seabird, Common Murre, in the California Current, 2008

Stolzenbach, Keith D.; McWilliams, James C.: Modeling Water and Sediment Quality in the Coastal Ocean, 2008

Tsukimura, Brian: Determination of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, year-class strength through investigation of their reproductive life history, 2008

Villablanca, Francis; Nakamura, Royden: Population Genetics of the Commercially Important Cabezon, 2008

Berkeley deceased, Steven A.; Parker, Steven J.: Using life history characteristics to determine optimum placement of marine reserves, 2007

Costa, Daniel P.; Kuhn, Carey; Weise, Michael: Foraging Ecology of the California Sea Lion: Diet, Diving Behavior, Foraging Locations, and Predation Impacts on Fisheries Resources, 2007

Ebert, David A.; Cailliet, Gregor M.: Life History Studies of California Chondrichthyans: Determining Essential Biological Information for Effective Management of Bycatch and Emerging Fisheries, 2007

Fedderson, Falk; Guza, Robert T.: Dispersion of Passive Tracers in the Surfzone, 2007

Fenical, William H.: Antibiotic Drug Discovery from the New Marine Actinomycete Genus Marinomyces, 2007

Hovel, Kevin; Lowe, Chris: Shelter Use, Movement, and Home Range of Spiny Lobsters in San Diego County, 2007

Jones, Terry: Diablo Canyon Archaeology: Trans-Holocene Faunal Exploitation Along the Central California Coast, 2007

Lucero, Yasmin: Model Selection in the Stock Assessment, 2007

Morse, Daniel E.: Marine Bio-Nanotechnology: High-Performance Materials from Sponge Silicatein, 2007

Oreskes, Naomi; Finley, Carmel: A Historical Analysis of the Collapse of Pacific Groundfish: U.S. Fisheries Science, Development, and Management, 1945–1995, 2007

Roy, Kaustuv: Anthropogenic Impacts on Rocky Intertidal Mollusks in Southern California: Compiling Historical Baseline and Quantifying the Extent of the Problem, 2007

Tjeerdema, Ronald S.; Friedman, Carolyn S.; Moore, James D.; Viant, Mark R.: Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Oxytetracycline in RLP-infected Abalone, 2007

Abbott, Joshua K.; Wilen, James E.: Bioeconomic Modeling of the Spatial/Strategic Interactions of Fishermen and Regulators in Alaskan Seasonal Fisheries, 2006

Dalton, Michael; Ralston, Stephen: Empirical evaluation of regional scale marine reserves and the groundfish trawl fishery, 2006

Dhar, Arun K.; Klimpel, Kurt R.; Bullis, Robert A.; McClenaghan, Leroy R.: Use of cDNA microarray to isolate differentially expressed genes in White Spot Virus infected shrimp (penaeus stylirostris), 2006

Graves, Michelle R.; Larson, Ralph J.; Alevizon, William S.: Temporal Variation in Fish Communities off Santa Cruz Island, California, 2006

Hastings, Philip A.; Dayton, Paul K.: Effects of the San Diego-La Jolla Ecological Reserve on the Abundance, Diversity and Population Structure of Reef Fishes, 2006

Hilger, James; Hanemann, Michael: Heterogeneous Preferences for Water Quality: A Finite Mixture Model of Beach Recreation in Southern California, 2006

Kats, Lee; Pintor, Lauren; Sih, Andrew; Kerby, Jake: Aquatic Nuisance Species: A multi-stage approach to understanding the invasion ecology of exotic crayfish in Northern and Southern California, 2006

Andrews, Allen H.; Cailliet, Gregor M.; Coale, Kenneth H.: Radiometric age validation and demographic analysis of commercially important, long-lived rockfishes, 2005

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