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Research Summaries

A selection of projects written in lay terminology funded by California Sea Grant or partnered agencies.

There are 162 publications in this collection, published between 2002 and 2017. Showing 101 - 150.

Snyder, Noah P.: Using Stratigraphic and Hydrologic Data from the Yuba River System to Develop Reliable Sediment Transport Predictions, 2006

Stella, John C.: A Mechanistic Model to Evaluate and Improve Riparian Restoration Success, 2006

Burton, Ronald S.: Conservation Genetics of California Abalone: Developing Tools for Management, 2005

Chapman, David J.: Controlling Undaria and Invasive Kelps through Management of the Gametophyte, 2005

Dayton, Paul K.: Ghost Forests in the Sea: The Use of Marine Protected Areas to Restore Biodiversity to Kelp Forest Ecosystems in Southern California, 2005

Faulkner, D. John; Fenical, William: The Biomedical Potential of California Marine Organisms, 2005

Graham, Michael H.: Development of Rope-Culture Methods for Red Seaweed Aquaculture in California, 2005

Lehrer, Robert I.: Novel, Post-Translationally Modified Peptide Antibiotics from Solitary Tunicates, 2005

Moore, James: A Comprehensive Oyster Disease Survey in California, 2005

Somero, George N.: Physiological Adaptation and Invasion Success: A Comparison of Native and Invasive Species of Bay Mussels in the Central California Hybrid Zone, 2005

Ashford, Scott A.: Mitigation of Coastal Bluff Instability in San Diego County, 2004

Breaker, Laurence: Ocean Fronts off California: A New Product from GOES Satellite Data, 2004

Checkley, David: Developing an Instrument for Counting Fish Eggs, 2004

Cohen, Andrew: Calcium Requirements and the Spread of Zebra Mussels, 2004

Graham, Jeffrey: Movement Patterns and Bioenergetics of the Shortfin Mako Shark, 2004

Hedgecock, Dennis: Quantifying and Minimizing the Risk that Hatchery Enhancement Will Reduce Genetic Diversity of White Seabass, 2004

Hedrick, Ronald P.; Arkush, Kristen: Control of Rickettsial Infections in White Seabass, 2004

Hedrick, Ronald P.; Arkush, Kristen: Sardine Disease: Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, 2004

Kuperman, William A.; Roux, Philippe: Acoustic Method for Fish Counting and Fish Sizing in Tanks, 2004

Lange, Carina: Establishing an Historic Baseline of Diatom Diversity in Southern California, 2004

Lowe, Christopher; Kelley, Kevin: Catch and Release of California Sheephead: Physiological and Behavioral Stress Effects and Post-Release Survival, 2004

Piedrahita, Raul H.; Conklin, Douglas: Development of Halibut Aquaculture, 2004

Shadwick, Robert E.: Novel Biological Elastomers from Marine Organisms, 2004

Talley, Drew: The Invasion and Impacts of Tamarisk in Tijuana Estuary Salt Marshes, and Ecosystem Recovery After Its Removal, 2004

Ashford, Scott A.: Seismic Performance of Port Facilities: Full-Scale Testing at the Port of Long Beach, 2003

Burns, Jane C.: Creation of a Molluscan Cell Line, 2003

Dugan, Jenifer: Ecological Impacts of Beach Grooming on Exposed Sandy Beaches, 2003

Guza, Robert: Surf-Zone Drifters: A New Tool for Observing Nearshore Circulation, 2003

Strong, Donald R.: Dynamics and Ecosystem Threats of Bidirectional Cordgrass Hybridization in San Francisco Bay, 2003

Wilen, James; Botsford, Louis W.: Spatial Management of Fisheries, 2003

Berger, Wolfgang H.: Innovative Tools for Educators: An Interactive Online Atlas of Ocean Productivity, 2002

Brunk, Clifford F.: Developing New Techniques for Evaluating Human Fecal Water Contamination, 2002

Burton, Ronald S.: Recruitment Patterns in Red Sea Urchins: A Population Genetics Approach, 2002

Cailliet, Gregor M.: Validating Age Estimates for Bocaccio Rockfish with Radiometric Dating, 2002

Chang, Ernest: Accelerating Growth Rates in Shellfish with Bovine Growth Hormone, 2002

Dayton, Paul K.; Graham, Michael: Determining the Processes that Control Kelp Spore Abundance, 2002

Dugan, Jenifer: Evaluating the Health Risk Posed by the Invasive Chinese Mitten Crab, 2002

Epel, David: Frontiers in Squid Reproduction: Prospecting for New Antibiotics, 2002

Friedman, Carolyn: First Known Sightings of the Withering Syndrome Bacterium Discovered North of San Francisco, 2002

Greene, Gary; Kvitek, Rikk: Characterizing Fisheries Habitat Along the California Continental Margin, 2002

Griggs, Gary B.: Coastal Cliff Erosion in San Diego County, 2002

Haygood, Margot: Searching for New Anti-Cancer Drugs: Biosynthesis of Bacteria-Produced Bryostatins, 2002

Hering, Janet: A Better Method for Evaluating Heavy Metal Water Pollution, 2002

Jiang, C. Sunny: Detection of Human Viruses in Coastal Waters of Southern California, 2002

Kuris, Armand: Aquatic Nuisance Species: An Investigation of a Biological Control Agent for the Green Crab, 2002

Levin, Lisa A.: Alteration of Wetland Habitat by Two Exotic Invertebrates, 2002

Martin, Karen: Does Beach Grooming Harm Grunion Eggs?, 2002

May, Bernard: Developing a Breeding Plan for Farm-Raised Sturgeon, 2002

Mayer, Alejandro M.S.: Neuroinflammation, Finding A Marine Natural Product that Targets Microglia in Brain, 2002

Pearse, John: Assessing Sanctuary Shorelines: A Role for High School Students in Resource Management, 2002

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