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Research Theses and Dissertations

Works by California Sea Grant-funded trainees, a requirement of the program's traineeship agreement.

There are 323 publications in this collection, published between 1974 and 2018. Showing 101 - 150.

Witcover, Julie: Shaping Land Use along an Agricultural Frontier: A Dynamic Household Model for Early Small-Scale Settlers in the Brazilian Amazon, 2008

Abbott, Joshua K.: Spatial and Strategic Aspects of Fisheries Bycatch, 2007

Becker, Sarah J.: Land Use and Quality of Life in 45 Israeli Cities, 2007

Ferson, Susannah L.: Manipulation of Food Quality and Quantity by Black Brant Geese, 2007

Finley, Mary C.: The Tragedy of Enclosure: Fish, Fisheries Science, and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1920-1960, 2007

Frimodig, Adam J.: Experimental effects of black brant herbivory and fecal addition on the eelgrass animal community in Humboldt Bay, California, USA, 2007

Gruenthal, Kristen M.: Conservation genetics of California abalone species, 2007

Hechinger, Ryan F.: Trematodes as Indicators of the Diversity and Abundance of Benthic Invertebrates, Fishes and Birds, 2007

Lucero, Yasmin: Population Consequences of Age-Dependent Maternal Effects in Rockfish (Sebastes spp.), 2007

Moradian, Mike M.: Molecular Evolution of Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genomes in Ciliate Terahymena, 2007

Pintor, Lauren M.: The Influence of Invader Traits and Community Characteristics on the Invasion Success of an Exotic Crayfish, 2007

Pister, Benjamin A.: Intertidal Ecology of Riprap Jetties and Breakwaters: Marine Communities Inhabiting Anthropogenic Structures along the West Coast of North America, 2007

Rinewalt, Christopher S.: Diet and Ecomorphology of the Sandpaper Skate, Bathyraja kincaidii (Garman, 1908) from the Eastern North Pacific, 2007

Thompson, Sarah A.: Balancing Conservation with Commercial Use: An Experiment to Guide Sustainable Exploitation of an Ecologically Vulnerable Kelp, 2007

Uchida, Hirotsugu: Collective Fishery Management in TURFs: The Role of Effort Corrdination and Pooling Arrangement, 2007

Whitcraft, Christine R.: Wetland Plant Influence on Sediment Ecosystem Structure and Trophic Function, 2007

Ainsworth, Justin C.: An Evaluation of the Use of Mating Marks as an Indicator of Mating Success in Male Dungeness Crabs, 2006

Beatman, Luke Valentine: Design and Performance of the COOPS Sun Photometer, 2006

Carlisle, Aaron B.: Movements and Habitat Use of Female Leopard Sharks in Elkhorn Slough, California, 2006

Chaillé, Peter M.: Characterization of developmental changes during the establishment and progression of pregnancy in viviparous nearshore rockfish (Sebastes spp.) and the determination of patterns of post-natal growth, 2006

Danner, Eric M.: What Makes an Island Green? Plant Communities at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales, 2006

Fodrie, Fredrick Joel: Quantifying nursery habitat value for the California halibut, Paralichthys californicus: distribution, elemental fingerprinting and demographic approaches, 2006

Hilger, James R.: The Impact of Water Quality on Southern California Beach Recreation: A Finite Mixture Model Approach, 2006

Huff, Tonya M.: Impacts of Human Trampling and Periodic Sand Inundation on Southern California Intertidal Algal Turf Communities: Implications for Conservation and Management of Rocky Shores, 2006

Jorgensen, Salvador J.: Movement Rates of Marine Fishes and the Implication of Dispersal for Population Persistence in Marine Reserves, 2006

Kuhn, Carey E.: Measuring At Sea Feeding to Understand the Foraging Behavior of Pinnipeds, 2006

Martin, Maureen A.: Chlorophyll and Suspended Sediment Exchange between Central San Francisco Bay and the Coastal Pacific Ocean, 2006

Martin, Jessica E.: Siderophore Production by Marine alpha-proteobacterium Ochrobactrum sp. SP18, 2006

Rice, Ammon: The Influence of Environmental Parameters on Zoeae Recruitment Dynamics of the Chinese Mitten Crab, Eriocheir sinensis, in San Francisco Bay, California, 2006

Rosenblum, Eric S.: Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Oxytetracycline in WS-RLP-infected Abalone, 2006

Spenst, Renée O.: The Biology and Ecology of Lepidium latifolium L. in the San Francisco Estuary and their Implications for Eradication of this Invasive Weed, 2006

Weaver, James C.: Structure-Function Relationships in Biomineralized Composites: Analysis of the Architectural Complexities of Sponge Skeletal Systems, 2006

Weise, Michael J.: Foraging Ecology of Male California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus): Movement, Diving and Foraging Behavior, and Diving Capacity, 2006

Young, Adam P.: Quantifying Short-Term Seacliff Morphology of a Developed Coast: San Diego County, California, 2006

Bando, Kathy J.: Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Zostera japonica and Spartina alterniflora Invasions in the Eastern Pacific, 2005

Coykendall, Dolly K.: Population Structure and Dynamics of White Seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) and the Genetic Effect of Hatchery Supplementation on the Wild Population, 2005

Craig, Matthew T,: Molecular Phylogenetics of the Serranid Subfamily Epinephelinae: Speciation and Biogeography in a Nearshore Marine Fish Clade, 2005

Flowers, Jonathan M.: Evolutionary Genetics of the Tidepool Copepod Tigriopus californicus, 2005

Fram, Jonathan Peter: Exchange at the Estuary-Ocean Interface: Fluxes through the Golden Gate Channel, 2005

Janousek, Christopher N.: Functional Diversity and Composition of Microalgae and Photosynthetic Bacteria in Marine Wetlands: Spatial Variation, Succession, and Influence on Productivity, 2005

Leaf, Robert T.: Biology of the Red Abalone, Haliotis rufescens, in Northern California, 2005

Mace, Amber J.: Larval Accumulation in the Lee of a Small Headland: Implications for Marine Reserves in an Upwelling Region, 2005

O'Farrell, Michael R.: Estimating Persistence of Fished Populations with Limited Data, 2005

Osborn, Dawn A.: Rocky Intertidal Community Structure on Different Substrates, 2005

Roepke, Troy Adam: Estradiol and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds Effects on Echinoderm Reproduction and Development: Developmental Sensitivities and Defense Mechanisms, 2005

Rose, Wendy L.: Using an Integrated Approach to Evaluate Apoptosis as a Biomarker Response in Estuarine Fishes, 2005

Ross, Cliff: The Biochemistry and Physiology of Wound Plug Formation in the Marine Chlorophyte Dasycladus vermicularis, 2005

Sandler, Joel S.: Anticancer Compounds from Marine Invertebrates, 2005

Sepulveda, Chugey J.A.: Aspects of the Evolution and Adaptive Significance of Regional Endothermy in Fishes, 2005

Sloop, Christina M.: Reproductive and Recruitment Dynamics of Invasive Hybrid Cordgrasses (S. alterniflora x S. foliosa) in San Francisco Bay Tidal Flats, 2005

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