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Research Theses and Dissertations

Works by California Sea Grant-funded trainees, a requirement of the program's traineeship agreement.

There are 323 publications in this collection, published between 1974 and 2018. Showing 251 - 300.

Staneff, Stephen T.: A Decision Support System for Infrastructure Management, 1997

Uhlinger, Kevin R.: Sexual Reproduction and Early Development in the Estuarine Sea Anemone, Nematostella vectensis Stephenson, 1935, 1997

van Eenennaam, Alison Louise: Genetic Analysis of the Sex Determination Mechanism of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontamus Richardson), 1997

Evans, Theodore P.: Anti-Neoplastic Agents of Marine Origin: Identification, Synthesis, and Structure-Activity Studies, 1996

Gallagher, Edith L.: Observations of Seafloor Evolution on a Natural Barred Beach, 1996

Korsmeyer, Keith E.: A Study of Cardiovascular Function in Swimming Tuna, 1996

Mamidpudi, Parthasarathy: Modeling Steep Two-Dimensional Random Seas Using Green-Naghdi Theory, 1996

Rieder, Karl F.: Influences of Surface Waves on the Open Ocean Wind Stress Vector, 1996

Stevens, Theresa: The Importance of Spatial Heterogeneity in Organisms with Complex Life Cycles: Analysis of Digenetic Trematodes in a Salt Marsh Community, 1996

Tschirret-Guth, Richard A.: Bromination of Indoles by Vanadium Bromoperoxidase: Products, Selectivity, Mechanism, and Enzyme-Substrate Complex, 1996

Varoglu, Mustafa: Investigations of Natural Products from Sponges and Sponge Associated Marine Fungi, 1996

Winter, Gretchen E.M.: Peroxidative Halogenation Catalyzed by Vanadium Bromoperoxidase: Mechanism and Reactivity, 1996

Markell, Douglas A.: Macromolecules Exuded by Dinoflagellates in Symbiosis: A Biochemical and Cellular Analysis of Specificity, 1995

Wiggins, Sean M.: Hess Deep Rift Valley Structure from Seismic Tomography, 1995

Kang, Heonjoong: The Natural Products Chemistry of Marine Ascidians: Structural Elucidation and Molecular Modeling Studies of Novel Secondary Metabolites, 1994

Rogers-Bennett, Laura: Spatial Patterns in the Life History Characteristics of Red Sea Urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus: Implications for Recruitment and the California Fishery, 1994

Torn, Margaret S.: Environmental Controls over Methane Flux from Ecosystems and the Potential for Feedbacks with Climatic Change, 1994

Van Syoc, Robert J.: Molecular Phylogenetics and Population Structure Derived from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation in the Edible Goose Barnacle Genus Pollicipes (Cirripedia, Crustacea), 1994

Weinheimer, Amy L.: Radiolarian and Diatom Fluxes in Two California Borderland Basins as Indices of Climate Variability, 1994

Hopkins, Todd E.: The Physiological Ecology of Bat Rays, Myliobatis californica, in Tomales Bay, California, 1993

King, Aaron Everet: Determination of Bank Rockfish and Growth: A Comparison of Traditional and Computer-Aided Techniques, 1993

Moore, William H. Jr.: Management of Human and Organizational Error in Operations of Marine Systems, 1993

Trischman, Jacqueline A.: Chemical Investigations of Microbial Isolates from Estuarine and Extreme Marine Environments, 1993

Watters, Diana L.: Age determination and confirmation from otoliths of the bank rockfish, Sebastes rufus (Scorpaenidae), 1993

Watters, Diana L.: Age Determination and Confirmation from Otoliths of the Bank Rockfish, Sebastes rufus (Scorpaenidae), 1993

Conversi, Alessandra: Variability of Water Quality Data Collected Near Three Major Southern California Sewage Outfalls, 1992

Valentine, David Wade: Late Holocene Stratigraphy, Humboldt Bay, California: Evidence for Late Holocene Paleoseismicity of the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone, 1992

Aggarwal, Rajiv K.: Methodology for Assessment by Regulatory Bodies of the Safety of Existing Steel Offshore Platforms, 1991

Baxter, Randall D.: Chinook Salmon Spawning Behavior: Evidence for Size-Dependent Male Spawning Success and Female Mate Choice, 1991

King, David B. Jr.: Studies in Oscillatory Flow Bedload Sediment Transport, 1991

Sloan, Forrest E.: Investigations into the Effects of Long-Term Seawater Exposure on Graphite/Epoxy Composite Materials, 1991

Sykes, Paul F.: Physiological-Ecology and Chemical-Ecology of Copepod-Dinoflagellate Interactions, 1991

Trevelyan, George A.: Aquacultural Ecology of Hatchery-Produced Juvenile Bay Mussels, Mytius edulis L., 1991

Zhang, Huanmin: Quantitative Genetics of Body Size and Reproduction in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 1991

De, Rabi S.: Offshore Structural System Reliability: Wave-Load Modeling, System Behavior, and Analysis, 1990

Higgins, Lesley V.: Reproductive Behavior and Maternal Investment of Australian Sea Lions, 1990

Laur, David R.: The Differential Effects of Macroinvertebrates and Fish on "Turf" Communities, 1990

Ragen, Timothy J.: The Estimation of Theoretical Population Levels for Natural Populations, 1990

Saker, Victoria A.: Benevolent Monopoly: The Legal Transformation of Agricultural Cooperation, 1890–1943, 1990

Callman, Joshua L.: The Influence of Motivational Orientation on Comprehension Monitoring, 1989

Foott, John S.: Effect of Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD) on Blood and Immunological Parameters in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 1989

Shin, Jongheon: Marine natural products: Chemistry and Chemosystematics of the Gorgonian Genus Eunicea and Exploratory Studies of the Secondary Metabolites of Marine Fungi, 1989

Barry, James P.: Pattern and Process: Patch Dynamics in a Rocky Intertidal Community in Southern California, 1988

de Kat, Jean Otto: Large Amplitude Ship Motions and Capsizing in Severe Sea Conditions, 1988

Gil-Turnes, Maria S.: Antimicrobial Metabolites Produced by Epibiotic Bacteria: Their Role in Microbial Competition and Host Defense, 1988

Manker, Denise C.: Occurrence, Origin and Function of Secondary Metabolites in Marine Pulmonate Molluscs, Siphonaria denticulata, Siphonaria virgulata, 1988

Berg, William J.: Evolutionary Genetics of Rainbow Trout, Parasalmo gairdnerii (Richardson), 1987

Cointe, Raymond: A Theory of Breakers and Breaking Waves, 1987

Duthoit, Christophe: Nonlinear Stochastic Response of Marine Vehicles, 1987

Grogger, Jeffrey T.: Efficient Criminal Justice Policy and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment, 1987

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