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Research Theses and Dissertations

Works by California Sea Grant-funded trainees, a requirement of the program's traineeship agreement.

There are 323 publications in this collection, published between 1974 and 2018. Showing 301 - 323.

Payne, Stephen M.: Unheeded Warnings: A History of Monterey's Sardine Fishery, 1987

Fitzgerald, Donald: A History of Containerization in the California Maritime Industry: The Case of San Francisco, 1986

Kent, Michael L.: The Development of the PKX Myxosporean, the Causative Agent of Proliferative Kidney Disease, in Rainbow Trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson, 1985

Kosro, P. Michael: Shipboard Acoustic Current Profiling During the Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment, 1985

Eslambolchi, Hossein: Beam Steering of Electrically Segmented Piezo-Ceramic Ultrasonic Transducers Using Normal Mode Coupling, 1984

Diamond, Nancy: Deomographic Statistics and Annual Molting Probabilities of the Adult Female Dungeness Crab (Cancer Magister) in Northern California, 1983

Bandurraga, Maury M.: Natural Product Studies of Selected East Pacific Gorgonians, 1982

Levin, Lisa A.: The Roles of Life History, Dispersal and Interference Competition in the Population and Community Structure of a Dense Infaunal Polychaete Assemblage, 1982

Polne-Fuller, Miriam: Studies Towards the Domestication of Eucheuma uncinatum a Carrageenan Producing Red Alga, 1982

Schwarz, Charles F.: Conceptual Ecologic Modeling in Regional Environmental Management and Land Planning: A Case Study of Lake Tahoe Water Color Transparency, 1982

Smardon, Richard C.: An Organizational Analysis of Federal Agency Visual Resource Management Systems, 1982

Zimmer-Faust, Richard K.: The Influence of Odors on Food Search: Studies with Marine Decapod Crustacea, 1982

Lynn, John W.: The Reproductive Biology and Gamete Interaction in the Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, 1981

Johnston, Eric R.: NMR Studies of Proton Exchange in Amides, 1980

Nilrat, Fukij: Hydrodynamic Pressure and Added Mass for Axisymmetric Bodies, 1980

Sheres, David: Remote Synoptic Surface Flow Measurements in Small Bodies of Water, 1980

Love, Milton S.: Aspects of the Life History of the Olive Rockfish, Sebastes serranoides, 1978

Gerard, Valrie A.: Some Aspects of Material Dynamics and Energy Flow in a Kelp Forest in Monterey Bay, California, 1976

Hansen, Judith E.: Population Biology of Iridaea cordata (Rhodophyta: Gigartinaceae), 1976

Hines, Anson H. Jr.: Comparative Reproductive Ecology of Three Species of Intertidal Barnacles, 1976

Flint, Robert Warren: The Natural History, Ecology and Production of the Crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in a Subalpine Lacustrine Environment, 1975

Lewis, Tracy Royal: Optimal Resource Management and Conditions of Uncertainty: The Case of an Ocean Fishery, 1975

Guza, Robert T.: Excitation of Edge Waves and Their Role in the Formation of Beach Cusps, 1974

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