Research and Occasional Papers Series
The Center for Studies in Higher Education is a research and policy center on higher education oriented to California, the nation, and comparative international issues. It promotes discussion among university leaders, government officials, academics and all those interested in higher education policy. It assists policy making by providing a neutral forum for airing contentious issues and by keeping the higher education world informed of new initiatives and proposals. Likewise, the research conducted at the Center aims to inform current debate about higher education policy and practice. Founded in 1956 it was the first higher education center of this kind in the United States. Currently it has an especially strong interest in public policy aimed at improving higher education in California and developing a strategic perspective on the future of the University of California.
There are 340 publications in this collection, published between 1996 and 2024. Showing 201 - 250.
Saul Geiser and Richard C. Atkinson: BEYOND THE MASTER PLAN: The Case for Restructuring Baccalaureate Education in California, 2010
Steven Brint, John Aubrey Douglass, Gregg Thomson, and Steve Chatman: ENGAGED LEARNING IN A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY: Trends in the Undergraduate Experience. Report on the Results of the 2008 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey, 2010
Fanny P.F. Yeung and Jennifer R. Keup: Ethical Decision-Making in College: Choosing Between Right, Wrong, and the Space in Between, 2009
Gary W. Matkin: Open Learning: What Do Open Textbooks Tell Us About the Revolution in Education?, 2009
Gregg Thomson and John Aubrey Douglass: Decoding Learning Gains: Measuring Outcomes and the Pivotal Role of the Major and Student Backgrounds, 2009
John Aubrey Douglass and Richard Edelstein: THE GLOBAL COMPETITION FOR TALENT The Rapidly Changing Market for International Students and the Need for a Strategic Approach in the US, 2009
John Aubrey Douglass: HIGHER EDUCATION’S NEW GLOBAL ORDER: How and Why Governments are Creating Structured Opportunity Markets, 2009
Marijk van der Wende: European Responses to Global Competitiveness in Higher Education, 2009
Richard C. Atkinson and Saul Geiser: Reflections on a Century of College Admissions Tests, 2009
Sereeta Alexander, Debbie Ellis, and Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton: Transfer Student Experiences and Success at Berkeley, 2009
Steve Chatman: Recognizing and then Using Disciplinary Patterns of the Undergraduate Experience: Getting Past Institutional Standards, 2009
Steven Brint: THE ACADEMIC DEVOLUTION? Movements to Reform Teaching and Learning in US Colleges and Universities, 1985-2010, 2009
Barr, Don; John Matsui: The "Turning Point" for Minority Pre-Meds: The Effect of Early Undergraduate Experience in the Sciences on Aspirations to Enter Medical School of Minority Students at UC Berkeley and Stanford University, 2008
Berkes, Elizabeth: Undergraduate Research Participation at the University of California, Berkeley, 2008
Brint, Steven: No College Student Left Behind?, 2008
Brint, Steven; Allison M. Cantwell; Robert A. Hannerman: Two Cultures: Undergraduate Academic Engagement, 2008
Brint, S; Allison M. Cantwell: Undergraduate Time Use and Academic Outcomes: Results from UCUES 2006, 2008
Celia Whitchurch: Shifting Identities, Blurring Boundaries: The Changing Roles of Professional Managers in Higher Education, 2008
Chatman, Steve: Does Diversity Matter in the Education Process? An Exploration of Student Interactions by Wealth, Religion, Politics, Race, Ethnicity and Immigrant Status at the University of California, 2008
Donald Kennedy: Science and Its Discontents: An Evolutionary Tale, 2008
Douglass, John Aubrey; Keeling, Ruth: The Big Curve: Trends in University Fees and Financing in the EU and US, 2008
Douglass, John Aubrey: College vs. Unemployment: Expanding Access to Higher Education Is the Smart Investment During Economic Downturns, 2008
Douglass, John Aubrey; Thomson, Gregg: The Poor and the Rich: A Look at Economic Stratification and Academic Performance Among Undergraduate Students in the United States, 2008
Douglass, John Aubrey: Universities, the US High Tech Advantage, and the Process of Globalization, 2008
Dr. Asha Gupta: Entrepreneurial University: India’s Response, 2008
Geiser, Saul: Back to the Basics: In Defense of Achievement (and Achievement Tests) in College Admissions, 2008
Geiser, Saul: Not So Fast! A Second Opinion on a University of California Proposal to Endorse the New SAT, 2008
Harley, Diane: The University as Publisher: Summary of a Meeting Held at UC Berkeley on November 1, 2007, 2008
Irwin Feller: Neoliberalism, Performance Measurement, and the Governance of American Academic Science, 2008
King, C. Judson: Ethics and Leadership: Reflections From A Public Research University, 2008
Pelfrey, Patricia A.: Executive Compensation at the University of California: An Alternative View, 2008
Pelfrey, Patricia A.: Origins of the Principles for Review of Executive Compensation 1992-93, 2008
Su Jin Jez: The Influence of Wealth and Race in Four-Year College Attendance, 2008
Atkinson, Richard: Research Universities: Core of the US Science and Technology System, 2007
Brint, S; Douglass, John A.; Flacks, Richard; Thomson, Gregg; Chatman, Steve: A New Generation: Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, Immigration and the Undergraduate Experience at the University of California, 2007
Chatman, Steve: Institutional Versus Academic Discipline Measures of Student Experience: A Matter of Relative Validity, 2007
Douglass, John Aubrey; Heinke Roebken; Thomson, Gregg: The Immigrant University: Assessing the Dynamics of Race, Major and Socioeconomic Characteristics at the University of California, 2007
Geiser, Saul; Maria Veronica Santelices: Validity Of High-School Grades In Predicting Student Success Beyond The Freshman Year: High-School Record vs. Standardized Tests as Indicators of Four-Year College Outcomes, 2007
Gonzalez, Cristina: Hedgehogs, Foxes, Leadership Renewal and Succession Planning, 2007
Harley, Diane; Lawrence, Shannon: The Regulation of E-learning: New National and International Policy Perspectives, 2007
Holly Gritsch de Cordova; Charis Herzon: From Diversity to Educational Equity: A Discussion of Academic Integration and Issues Facing Underprepared UCSC Students, 2007
King, C. Judson; Douglass, John Aubrey; Feller, Irwin: The Crisis of the Publics: An International Comparative Discussion on Higher Education Reforms and Possible Implications for US Public Universities, 2007
King, C. Judson; Douglass, John Aubrey: A Reflection and Prospectus on Globalization and Higher Education: CSHE@50, 2007
King, C. Judson: University Roles in Technological Innovation in California, 2007
Matkin, Gary: Internet as Teenager In Higher Education: Rapid Growth, Transformation, Uncertain but Bright Future, 2007
Musselin, Christine: The Transformation of Academic Work: Facts and Analysis, 2007
Roebken, Heinke: Multiple Goals, Satisfaction, and Achievement in University Undergraduate Education: A Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Project Research Paper, 2007
Young K. Kim; Sax, Linda: Different Patterns of Student-Faculty Interaction In Research Universities: An Analysis by Student Gender, Race, SES, and First-Generation Status, 2007
Schuster, Jack H.; Finkelstein, Martin J.: On the Brink: Assessing the Status of the American Faculty, 2007