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Editorial Board 2012-2013


Amelia Acker
Melissa Goodnight
David Kasch

Book Review Editors

Sayil Camacho
Stacy E. Wood

Student Advisory Board

Laura Bernhard Moon Kim
Melissa Camaiore Christos Korgan
Tanya Chirapuntu Hannah Lee
Natascha Chtena Kate Lehman
Morgan Currie Sebastian Lemire
Julianne Fenn Sarah Lillo
Sarah Garber Maritza Lozano
Gina Garcia Llanet Martin
Ulia Gosart Susan McKibben
Aletha Harven Arda Melkonian
Fang-Tzu Hsu Doris Melkonian
Bryce Hughes Avery Olson
Kesha Jenkins Kathryn Papageorge
Marc Johnston Chiara Paz
Jamie Josephson Wendy Perez
David Kim Adriana Ruiz
Yen Ling Shek Meredith Wegener
Lindsey Sommer Dayna Weintraub
Brit Toven-Lindsey Laura Wynholds
Anne Vo Ai Ye
Winmar Way Kan Zhan

Faculty Advisors

Johanna Drucker, Bernard and Martin Breslauer Professor of Information Studies
Robert Rhoads, Professor of Higher Education and Organizational Change

Funding provided by the UCLA Graduate Students Association and the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies.

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