Editorial Board 2012-2013
Amelia Acker | |
Melissa Goodnight | |
David Kasch |
Book Review Editors
Sayil Camacho | |
Stacy E. Wood |
Student Advisory Board
Laura Bernhard | Moon Kim |
Melissa Camaiore | Christos Korgan |
Tanya Chirapuntu | Hannah Lee |
Natascha Chtena | Kate Lehman |
Morgan Currie | Sebastian Lemire |
Julianne Fenn | Sarah Lillo |
Sarah Garber | Maritza Lozano |
Gina Garcia | Llanet Martin |
Ulia Gosart | Susan McKibben |
Aletha Harven | Arda Melkonian |
Fang-Tzu Hsu | Doris Melkonian |
Bryce Hughes | Avery Olson |
Kesha Jenkins | Kathryn Papageorge |
Marc Johnston | Chiara Paz |
Jamie Josephson | Wendy Perez |
David Kim | Adriana Ruiz |
Yen Ling Shek | Meredith Wegener |
Lindsey Sommer | Dayna Weintraub |
Brit Toven-Lindsey | Laura Wynholds |
Anne Vo | Ai Ye |
Winmar Way | Kan Zhan |
Faculty Advisors
Johanna Drucker, Bernard and Martin Breslauer Professor of Information Studies |
Robert Rhoads, Professor of Higher Education and Organizational Change |
Funding provided by the UCLA Graduate Students Association and the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies.