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Other Recent Work

The Center for Human Complex Systems incorporates a group of scholars whose research focuses on the interaction of heterogeneous individuals. We examine how culture and structure co-evolve to influence behavior and interaction, thereby affecting system performance. Conversely, we consider how individual choices and social interaction shape, and are shaped by, system structure. We place particular emphasis on the role of information processes (how information gets represented, processed, and communicated), methods of social order-creation (competition, coevolution, self-organization, autopoiesis, restructuring) and redefinition (rule generation and selection, boundary construction, institution of culturally based conceptual structures) of social systems. Methodologically we emphasize agent-based computational methods as a way to incorporate agent heterogeneity in the study of social behavior of individual actor/agents inhabiting complex social systems.

Contact person: Dwight Read, Professor of Anthropology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (

There are 24 publications in this collection, published between 1990 and 2017.

Read, Dwight W: Quantitative Differences Between the Working Memory of  Chimpanzees and Humans Give Rise to Qualitative Differences: Subitizing and Cranial Development, 2017

Fischer, Michael D; Leaf, Murray; Read, Dwight: Kinship Terminologies, Hypothetical or Extant, Are Optimal Solutions, 2014

Leaf, Murray; Read, Dwight: Intelligibility and Unintelligibility: Response to Professor Mithen’s Review of Human Thought and Social Organization: Anthropology on a New Plane by Murray Leaf and Dwight Read, 2014

Read, Dwight W: Les bases culturelles de la parenté :  un changement de paradigme (translated by Corinne Hewlitt), 2014

Read, Dwight W: Quantitative Differences Between the Working Memory of  Chimpanzees and Humans Gives Rise to Qualitative Differences, 2014

Read, Dwight W: Quantitative Differences Between the Working Memory of Chimpanzees and Humans Gives Rise to Qualitative Differences, 2014

Read, Dwight: Band-Aids Versus Structural Corrections, 2012

Read, Dwight W: A Book Review Made out of Whole Cloth, 2012

Read, Dwight: Population Size and Technological Accumulation, 2012

Read, Dwight: Population Size Does Not Predict Artifact Complexity: Analysis of Data from Tasmania, Arctic Hunter-Gatherers, and Oceania Fishing Groups, 2012


Lane, David; Maxfield, Robert; Read, Dwight W; van der Leeuw, Sander E: From Population to Organization Thinking, 2009

Read, Dwight W: Comments on: Lyman, Lee R. 2009. “Review of Artifact Classification: A Conceptual and Methodological Approach, by Dwight Read” Journal of Anthropological Research 65:111-113, 2009

Read, Dwight W; van der Leeuw, Sander E; Lane, David: The Innovation Innovation, 2009

van der Leeuw, Sander; Lane, David; Read, Dwight W: The long-term Evolution of Social Organization, 2009

Johnson, Norman; Watkins, Jennifer H: The Where-How of Leadership Emergence (WHOLE) Landscape: Charting Emergent Collective Leadership, 2008

Read, Dwight W: An Interaction Model for Resource Implement Complexity Based on Risk and Number of Annual Moves, 2007


Read, Dwight W: Foraging society organization:A simple model of a complex transition, 2005

Read, Dwight W: A Kinship Parable, 2003

White, Douglas; Houseman, Michael: The Navigability of Strong Ties: Small Worlds, Tie Strength and Network Topology, 2002

Read, Dwight W: What is Kinship?, 2000

Jorion, Paul: The Chinese Room’s Secret, 1999

Read, Dwight W: The Utility of Mathematical Constructs in Building Archaeological Theory, 1990

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