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Himalayan Linguistics is an online peer-reviewed journal specializing in languages of the Himalayan region. We publish articles, book reviews, book notices and field reports in the semi-annual issues of the journals. We also publish grammars, dictionaries, and text collections as free-standing publications in our “Archive” series. Himalayan Linguistics is free; that is, there is no subscription fee, and there is no fee charged to authors who publish their papers in HL. The primary reason for this — and, indeed, for using the web journal as opposed to the printed paper format — is to make the information contained in the journal accessible to scholars in developing countries, in particular the countries of the Himalayan region. Web access is steadily increasing in these areas, and this technology allows fast and affordable access to current research. It is our hope that scholars from the Himalayan region will not only be able to access Himalayan Linguistics, but will also be active contributors to it.

Himalayan Linguistics is a semi-annual publication (June and December), with each issue containing multiple articles, field reports, reviews, and book notices. Grammars, dictionaries, and texts constitute a separate series of independently published monographs referred to as the “Archive”. These have an independent numbering system (e.g. Himalayan Linguistics Archive 2 is Michael Noonan’s Chyantyal Discourses) and will appear with variable frequency, as they are completed.

Each issue of Himalayan Linguistics is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) License. The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for Himalayan Linguistics is 1544-7502.

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Himalayan Linguistics

eISSN: 1544-7502

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Archive & Field Reports

News from the Editor

Copyright Information:

Beginning with issue 1:1, all articles in this journal are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.

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