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Submission Guidelines

How to Submit a Paper to the Working Paper Series

  1. Make sure your paper is in an acceptable format: Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), Adobe Acrobat (PDF), and postscript (PS).
    If you use Microsoft Word to convert to PDF, the preferred method is to use File-->Print-->, then change printer to Acrobat Distiller.
    If you use a text-processing program other than Microsoft Word, look for an "export" or "save as" option in your program.
  2. Your paper can be emailed as an attachment to
  3. In the e-mail message, include:
    • title
    • an abstract for your paper, limited to 200 words.
    • keywords that will help a user locate your paper through a search.
    • JEL classification codes, when applicable.
    • author's names, author's affiliations (department and university, etc), author's email.
  4. If you have any questions, contact the IBER Editor, 510-642-1923,
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Center for International and Development Economics Research

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